Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Summer Romance

My Summer Romance Part 11

by McrRcks5 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-03-18 - Updated: 2009-03-19 - 1006 words

I woke up with the TV greeting me with presenters way too perky for breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and put some bread in the toaster. I searched the place for any other form of life. No Jo. No Becca. The only living thing was me and possibly the bacteria on the plates and cups that were queuing up to be washed on the kitchen counter. My toast popped up and once it was buttered, I sat back down and checked my phone. “3 Messages Received” the screen read. I opened each and deleted them as I went through. “CALL ME G xxxxx”. Deleted. “NIC??? WTF WHERE R U??? G xx” Deleted. “HELLOOOOO?? xx” Deleted.I didn’t want to see him today. Just as I was thinking this though, I heard repetitive knocking at my door. I peered through the letter box and a pair of hazel eyes peered back. “Open the door Nic.” I shut the letter box and sat against the wall next to the door. The knocking continued and Gerard explained that he wasn’t going away. He told me that he was going to stay there until I opened the door. Well he would be sitting there a long time because there was no way I was going to let him in. For once I was actually not going to forgive him. Eventually a text came through on my phone from the annoying knocker. “FINE. HAVE IT UR WAY. I THOUGHT WE MENT SUMTHING. G x” Yeah Gerard… so did I.

I decided that mooching around the town might cheer me up. It didn’t really but I got a new shirt and makeup. I started feeling a tad bit guilty though. I kept thinking I’d seen Gerard in one shop then went into another and noticed him again. Every guy I noticed that had a similar build and dark hair, I instantly thought was him. No such luck. I had bought the shirt with the intention of possibly bumping into him (by total accident of course). When I got home evening was starting to approach. I walked through the door not wanting to face work. Becca was rushing around and getting ready. “You totally missed out last night?”


“Yeah. They were amazing!!!”


“The guys. They played for Rock Night. They have a slot tonight as well. So I am making myself as good as I can seeing as we have the night off and we can rock out in the crowd instead of watching everyone else enjoy themselves.” Yes! I could accidentally/ on purpose bump into Gerard. Especially seeing as he was on stage. “Well what are you waiting for? I’ll do your hair and you do your makeup. Jo has already left!” Becca explained in a hurry. I sat down on my bed and Becca started attacking my hair with various objects while I put on my new makeup. We then rushed to catch up with Jo. We met her at the entertainment club and gave Cody a smug wave as he was training a new employee while serving customers their drinks. He rolled his eyes and continued doing his job. The light dimmed and the stage light came on. Bob began rapidly drumming and Frank, Mikey and Ray started playing. Then on vocals, Gerard came rushing on, looking scruffy obviously to give off a cool and laid back look but to also show his rock roots. Becca was right. They were amazing. There were boys and girls screaming and shouting out of enjoyment and there must have been fans of the previous night. Overall the turn out was pretty impressive. The audience were mainly teenagers and I was shocked that there were so many teenagers actually staying at the holiday park.

Once they had left the stage, Becca grabbed my hand. “Where are we going?”

“Backstage. One of the may advantages of staying here.” Cody was closing the bar so I decided to wait for him. When I had looked over to the bar once or twice he looked as mesmerized as the audience. “Ok well you know where we’ll be.” Cody caught up and I explained where we were all going. “I’ll make a confession. I may not like him very much, for my own reasons, but he is an impressive singer.” I smiled, linked arms with Cody and walked through the door marked STAFF ONLY. Becca and Jo were on the other side. They were waiting for a stampede of cabaret dancers to pass through. They were rehersing quickly before their slot. All types of performers walked past. Magicians, singers and comedians. We rushed around to the room where more dancers came out. They looked as if they had just arrived from Vegas with their extravagant outfits and big feathers in their hair. As we stepped into the room, I noticed a flash of dark hair. Thinking that it was my eyes playing tricks again, I ignored it but then quickly took a double look. Everything after that seemed to happen in a haze and in total slow motion. A mass of feathers were covering this dark haired mystery man’s face. When the dancer moved her head though to tilt back her head and laugh I found that she was in fact sitting on Gerard’s lap. Gerard laughed as well. The girl leant back and pecked him on the cheek. I honestly thought he would return the favour but his smile dissapeared and was replaced with one of panic. I turned around and everything happened quickly again. I felt dizzy as I rushed out of the room. All I could hear was an American voice calling after me. I got outside the complex and stopped. I felt a hand around my wrist and I turned to face the owner. Cody.

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Actually i've decided if i get 4 reviews for this chapter just 4 not too much to ask for i will post the next chapter soon as
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