Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Brothers and Sisters

It's Not Gossip If It's True

by moocow 5 reviews

Somebody better catch the Golden referance. OR ELSE!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2009-03-21 - Updated: 2009-03-22 - 3622 words

Ali did not really recall exactly how she ended up in her bed the next morning, but upon realizing that there was another body resting near her, she rolled over to find a heavily asleep Patrick, snoring and drooling onto one of her pillows. She glanced down to find his arm sloppily thrown over waist and she moved her head only to have it knock against something hard. Looking up, she found an empty bottle of rum and sighed, remembering now that when the party dwindled down, Patrick and her had retreated to her room to talk about life and do shots. She closed her eyes again to try and coax herself to sleep but was quickly jolted again when a slight knock came to her door. She sighed and moved Patrick’s arm in an attempt but found she was trapped as Patrick moved his arm around her tighter, moving to wrap both arms around her.

“Uh, come in!” she whispered as loud as she could without disturbing Patrick. She looked over Patrick’s shoulder as Izzy made her way inside, her movements pausing as she noticed Patrick there too.

“What?” she asked herself before shaking her head and venturing over. “Is he asleep?”

“Yeah,” Ali nodded. Izzy sighed and itched at her arm as she climbed into the bed as well, sitting against the wall cross-legged. “What’s up?” Ali whispered. Izzy shook her head.

“Something weird happened last night,” she responded. Ali raised an eyebrow.

“How weird?” she asked. Izzy pursed her lips together, stalling her answer.

“Well,” she wrapped her hands around each other nervously. “I think me and Pete got a little too drunk last night,” Ali’s eyes widened and she moved in Patrick’s arms so that she could face her friend.

“You guys had sex?!” she hissed. Izzy shook her head rapidly, raising her hands up in defense.

“We almost had sex,” she corrected. Ali smirked.

“What? Was he too drunk that he couldn’t get it up?” she joked. Izzy giggled softly but then lightly shook her head side to side.

“He’s the one that stopped it,” she locked eyes with Ali as she explained. “He said something a long the lines of me being too drunk and that he would be taking advantage of me,”

“How do you remember things so well after a night of drinking?” Ali asked all of a sudden, bringing her hand up to her head as her hangover started to settle in. Izzy smirked and shrugged.

“I’m British?” the two girls shared a laugh but were cut short by Ali’s door opening again to reveal a saddened Grace. Just as Izzy had done, she raised her eyebrows up at Patrick’s sleeping form, but made her way over, climbing over to sit next to Izzy.

“What’s wrong with you?” Ali asked cautiously. Grace sighed, rubbing at her temples with both hands.

“Hangover, and,” she gulped. “Well, I feel terrible,” Izzy perked up her eyebrows.

“Gabe, huh?” she questioned. Grace nodded slowly and titled her head to one side.

“I heard he drank himself silly and then passed out,” she was met with nods from the girls. “Yeah, same here,” she mentioned. Ali sighed and looked at her two friends before rolling her eyes slightly as the door opened again. Pete didn’t bother to wait for an answer, and simply popped his head around the frame to raise his eyebrows at the fact that Patrick was in bed with three girls, though he was completely unaware of it. Pete smirked quietly and shimmied around the door, before closing it behind him and venturing over to the bed.

“What a stud,” Pete muttered, and Ali and Grace laughed slightly while Izzy looked nervously up at Pete. He sat in between her and Grace on the bed and looked to her once he had sat comfortably.

“You were gone when I woke up,” He mentioned, and Izzy nodded slightly.

“Yeah, I only got up about ten minutes ago; I came straight in to talk to Ali.” She motioned to where Ali was attempting to wriggle free from Patrick’s arms, him groaning and holding on tighter every time she moved. Grace raised her eyebrows.

“You two got freaky after the party then?” She asked with a grin, and Izzy and Pete both turned to her.

“No,” They said at the same time, and Izzy crossed her arms, not wanting to talk about it. Ali sat up straight after finally getting out of Patrick’s arms, while he turned over and snored once into the pillow, then slept quietly again. The girls giggled, and Pete rolled his eyes.

“He sleeps through anything.” He said, and Ali nodded.

“Tell me about it.” They sat in silence for a few minutes, watching Patrick oblivious to his surroundings, before his eyes slowly opened and he smacked his lips together a few times and yawned. It took him a few seconds, but after seeing Ali, Grace, Izzy and Pete all sat around him on the bed, he yelped and sat up, immediately groaning at the throbbing in his head.

“What the hell?” He asked, and Ali smiled.

“We have visitors Patrick,” She giggled slightly and Grace laughed before sighing.

“I was leaving anyway; I need to sort this out.” She pointed to her hair that stuck up in various places, and Ali nodded. Pete gulped slightly and turned to Izzy.

“Yeah, er, can we talk?” He asked her, and she looked nervous as she nodded, letting him help her off the bed.

“See you guys at breakfast?” Ali asked, before turning to the clock that read 1:42. “Er, lunch?” She corrected, and smiled. The three nodded, before heading out of the door, the wood making a clicking noise as it closed. She turned to Patrick who was yawning, and rubbing his eyes slightly. She smiled and waited for him to realize she was waiting for him.

“Morning,” He muttered, and Ali smiled.

“Morning Patrick. Hangover?” She questioned, and Patrick nodded, but immediately regretted that. Ali smiled.

“Me too. I need water, I feel like someone sandpapered my throat dry,” She stood up and expected Patrick to follow, only to find him staring into space. “Patrick?” She asked, and Patrick nodded.

“I am listening, I’m just-” He closed his eyes. “Trying to get rid of this headache.” Ali raised an eyebrow.

“Using mind power?” She asked, and Patrick groaned.

“It’s not going to work, is it?” He asked, and Ali laughed, picking him off of the bed.

“I wouldn’t have thought so, Patrick. Unless you’ve got the whole Jedi mind trick thing down, I think you’re just going to have to suck it up like the rest of us,” She laughed and walked out of the door with Patrick following close behind.


Pete followed Izzy to her room, locking the door behind him just in case a rampant Dirty decided to burst through. Izzy sighed and sat on the edge of her bed, and Pete looked at her before smiling.

“Izzy, what happened last night, I didn’t mean to-” Izzy nodded and interrupted him.

“I know, I get it. You thought the whole thing was a mistake and you want to forget about it.” She sighed and twiddled her fingers slightly. Pete frowned and sat next to her on the bed, sitting sideways so he could look at her profile.

“No, actually I was going to say I just wish we weren’t drunk when it happened,” Izzy looked at him, surprised he actually meant to make out with her yesterday.

“I thought you didn’t want to do anything, I mean, you’re the one that stopped it.” She tilted her head and Pete smirked.

“I stopped it because you were completely wasted and that would’ve been wrong,” He smiled at her. “Believe me, I wanted to,” Pete took a deep breath and smirked. “I really wanted to.” Izzy laughed slightly before looking back at his face.

“So you meant it when you said you weren’t going to do it because you would’ve been taking advantage of me?” Pete nodded.

“Yes I meant it. I’m not a complete asshole you know,” He smirked and Izzy bit her lip, smiling. She crossed her legs and held onto her knees.

“So... where are we now?” She asked slowly, and Pete looked around for a second.

“We’re in your bedroom.” He answered, and Izzy giggled, looking skeptically back at him.

“Well done genius. I mean, where are, we?” He sighed, and edged closer to her.

“I don’t really know. We could try it out I guess, being an ‘us’. One date, maybe?” He asked quietly, and Izzy smiled, messing with him slightly.

“Why would I want to go on a date with you?” She snorted, and Pete played looking offended.

“Because I’m fucking sexy, that’s why,” He answered, pushing her shoulder. Izzy laughed, pushing him back.

“Psh, you wish ‘Mr. I-got-beaten-up-by-a-bunch-of-girls,” He opened his mouth in mock anger, and Izzy giggled. “Yes Pete, I’ll go on a date with you.” He smiled and watched her as she leant her head on her chin, staring up at him. After a few seconds Pete jumped up, flailing around slightly.

“Right! Now that’s sorted, we can go make fun of the other people that did stuff while they were drunk.” Izzy sniggered and stood up, Pete wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

“Can we start with Gabe and Dirty? They had to kiss during spin the bottle last night, and it was both the most completely disgusting yet hilarious thing I have ever seen,” Pete laughed at Izzy before nodding and bringing her a little closer.



As Ali and Patrick came down the stairs, they were greeted by a fair few unhappy faces, most of them sporting hangovers. The only two that seemed to be happier than everyone else were Andy and Jenn. Andy obviously hadn’t drank, being the reason he wasn’t hung over, but Jenn confused people by smiling broadly when they walked in.

“Why so happy Jenn?” Ali voiced as she walked in, heading straight for the aspirin in the kitchen cupboard.

“I don’t get hangovers,” She smiled, and everyone gave her a dirty look, making her hunch over slightly and frown. Ali then noticed that she was still missing a few of her sisters. She knew that Izzy was still talking to Pete upstairs, but was a little nervous by the absence of both Gabe and Grace.


“I was just about to ask,” Patrick voiced, cutting off Ali’s thoughts. She glanced back at him before looking over to where Travi was appearing from the living room. “Hey,” he called, catching his attention.

“What?” Travi asked. Patrick pointed towards him.

“Do you know where Gabe is?” he questioned. Travi pointed above him, referring to upstairs.

“Yeah, he went upstairs to use the bathroom,” he looked over to the hall where the downstairs bathroom was. “Dirty is, uh…” Ali smacked her hand to her face and Patrick raised his eyebrows up, thankful he wasn’t the only person who did such things.

“What?” Andy asked, noting Ali’s flustered expression. She clenched her teeth together and glanced up at the ceiling.

“I think Grace is in the-”


Ali hunched down as a shrill shriek was heard through the house and she immediately looked to the stairs where she heard the trampling down of footsteps. Upon seeing Grace, she yelped and ran behind the kitchen counter and quickly grabbed the steak knifes, shoving them into the microwave. The girls all seemed to bundle together and tried to catch Grace as she stormed into the kitchen, but she pushed them off of her and whipped around in time for Gabe to follow in, with a rather large red mark on his cheek.

“Grace! I’m sorry!” he yelled, oblivious to the rest of the gang. “How many times do I have to tell you before you’ll forgive me?” he bellowed, widening his arms out as he spoke. Grace stood on her tippy-toes and shoved a finger in his face, shaking her head.

“I don’t care how many times you say it, Gabriel!” she mocked him and shoved him away, Gabe bumping into the kitchen counter. “I’m never going to forgive you!”

The rest of the gang had migrated to the breakfast nook piling into the two booths, wanting to be as far away from the fighting exes. Gabe rolled his eyes and ran a hand down his face, letting a low groan go.

Grace!” he whined and gripped her shoulders, slightly bending over to lock his eyes with hers. She wiggled against him but found his grip to be a little stronger than she expected. “I. Didn’t. Do. Anything,” he said softly, but still very stern.

Grace broke away at this and the moment her hand wrapped around an empty bottle Ali had missed, the gang jumped from their spot and tried to stop her. Grace ignored them and in one swing, threw the bottle of vodka over her head and luckily for Gabe, his instincts were quick, because he ducked out of the path just in time. A large crash echoed from the kitchen and Grace snapped both of her hands to her face, shocked by the impulse she had to do such a thing. Ali grabbed her shoulder, disappointed and whipped her around, glaring at her.

“Jenn, Ashley,” she called and looked at them as they appeared next to her. “Can you take Grace to her room and calm her down?” she whispered. They nodded and Grace willingly followed them, only after she stole a glance at Gabe who was slowly beginning to stand up, picking at his hand that had a small glass shard in it. Ali let out an exhausted groan and placed her forehead in the palm of her hand.

“I’m sorry, Ali,” Gabe voiced. Ali shook her head and pointed towards the stairs.

“You go upstairs too, just stay away from Grace,” she quickly spoke and as soon as she was gone, she looked down at the broken glass, sighing. Izzy and Pete appeared in the kitchen now and Izzy gasped once she saw what had happened.

“What did we miss?” Pete asked, widening his eyes. Ali looked over at him and let out a sarcastic smirk.

“Nothing that hasn’t happened before,”


After the boys volunteered to clean up the mess Grace had caused, Ali excused herself from the kitchen, but instead of confronting her friend upstairs, ventured to her own room for a moment of piece. She felt selfish for doing so, but considering she was always talking care of problems in the house, she thought she could get away with just a few minutes to herself. Ali sighed and collapsed on her, stuffing her face into her sheets. She let out a small scream and let it be muffled by the pillow before moving so she was looking up at the ceiling. The bottle from earlier that morning rolled as she did and she smirked to herself, picking it up. Her door creaked open and she looked over, slightly annoyed before realizing it was only Patrick, his ever-present nervous expression still with him. He closed the door behind him and leaned against it, noticing the bottle in her hands.

“Should I duck?” he joked. Ali laughed lightly before sitting up and criss-crossing her legs. She shook her head and watched as Patrick slowly walked over, still in a joking mood. “Isn't it a little early for that, anyways?” Ali rolled her eyes.

“It’s empty, dumbass,” she bluntly said. Patrick just chuckled at her and sat down on the edge of her bed, looking back at her.


Ali laughed at him, but reached over and smacked his arm before setting the bottle down on her nightstand.

“What did you need, Patrick?” she questioned, moving to lean against her headboard. Patrick let his smile falter and shrugged.

“Well, I didn’t want to come here, because I wanted to give you space, but Izzy and Pete both pushed me up here to see if you were ok,”

“Thanks,” Ali answered. “I’m fine now, I guess,” she mumbled. Patrick nodded and Ali raised an eyebrow before he could question her any further. “What’s with Izzy and Pete cooperating all of a sudden?”

“Oh!” Patrick jumped and snickered slightly. “Now that you mention it, Pete asked Izzy on a date,” Ali let her eyes widen and she leaned forward in a mix of shock and excitement.

“Wait! Izzy told me things went weird between them last night!” she announced. Patrick’s eyes widened now.

“They had sex?” he yelped. Ali shook her head at Patrick’s outburst, laughing a little.

“No, but they almost did,” Ali paused and shifted her eyes towards her door, a little cautious as she was spreading gossip. “She told me he stopped it,” Patrick shrugged, unfazed.

“Yeah, sounds like Pete,” Ali perked her eyebrows up.

“Wait, what?” she laughed and Patrick rolled his eyes.

“Never mind, the point is, Pete asked her out, meaning he obviously made things right,” Patrick tilted his head to the side. “He’s not a bad guy, Ali,”

Ali trusted Patrick on his statement but still sighed, thinking to herself. She glanced up at a curious Patrick and pursed her lips together.

“What about everybody else?” Patrick seemed confused before he realized she was asking about the rest of the guys.

“Oh,” he paused, clearing his throat and opted to sit more comfortably on her bed. “Well, Joe is pretty much the biggest geek out of us, but don’t let his dumb jokes and references get to you, he’s a freaking genius under all that hair,” Ali giggled.

“Ok, what about Andy?” she prompted. Patrick shrugged.

“He’s a mystery,” he paused to think how to word it, without insulting his friend. “He’s pretty private with his life, but is very open to talking to anybody and everybody. I once got hold of his phone and found he has over a hundred contacts,”

“Wow,” Ali breathed and Patrick nodded in agreement. He then crunched his eyebrows together and shifted his eyes away in thought.

“Dirty is pretty much a five year old stuck in a twenty-one year olds body,” he joked. “Who constantly uses-”

“Who constantly uses the bathroom,” Ali finished, looking to Patrick for correction. He slowly nodded.

“Who constantly uses the bathroom,” he repeated and the two shared a laugh before Patrick shrugged.

“I don’t know much about Gabe, all I know is what you know,”

“Well, then we are just going to have to search him out then, huh?” she asked. Patrick nodded and switched the conversation to another AO brother.

“Travi is a mystery too, all I know is what Pete told me,” he looked to Ali. “He’s a player with a heart of gold, apparently,” Ali seemed curious, which sent Patrick back a little.

“Oh really?” she spoke, a little intrigued.

“Yeah, he has his eyes on you,” he blurted, and immediately regretted it, as Ali’s cheeks flushed red.


“Uhh,” Patrick stalled and shook his head. “I at least think he does, I mean, he constantly is checking you out,” Ali shrugged at this point.

“Well I don’t really care, he can stare all he wants, it doesn’t mean anything is going to happen,” she explained. Patrick couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief and thank the heavens that Ali didn’t seem that interested. “What about you?” she asked next. Patrick jumped slightly but looked at her, a little lost for words.

“Well, uhm,” he paused and watched as Ali leaned forward, a boastful smile on her face.

“Don’t tell me you have a thing for me too,” she teased.

Patrick widened his eyes at her comment and, in shock, jolted himself back. This proved to be a mistake however, as Patrick tilted on the edge of her bed and thanks to gravity, fell down on the ground. Ali leaned over the edge not a moment later and upon seeing a flustered Patrick, still blushing madly from her comment, she let a small giggle go.

“Uh,” Patrick paused, shifting his eyes up at her as she climbed off her bed and moved to help him up.

“Sorry,” she mumbled. Patrick shook his head and looked behind him, finding that his hat had been knocked off. Grabbing it, he combed his hair to the side before pulling back on, making sure to cover most of his face with the shadow from the bill.

“It’s ok,” he mumbled. Ali leaned down so that Patrick could see her from under his so called shield.

“You sure?” she pushed.

Patrick nodded, but found himself more nervous than ever. Ali had managed to not only read his mind, but send him (literally) off his rocker. He was not sure what he was going to do, but he was determined to get her to feel the same way. After all, if Pete was moving in on Izzy, what bad could come from him moving in on Ali? Duct tape? Patrick let a smirk out and watched as Ali raised an eyebrow. Realizing he was still sitting on the ground next to her bed, Patrick shook his thoughts away.

“What, Patrick?”

“Nothing,” Patrick voiced and slowly let a grin slide across his lips. “Nothing at all,”
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