Categories > Original > Horror > Blood Sucking Babysitter

Chapter 23- Finale; Part 3

by Mo_Was_Here 0 reviews


Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Published: 2009-03-28 - Updated: 2009-03-29 - 1539 words - Complete

The brilliant white light shone through the smog as I stepped through the now gaping hole and into the rubble strewn hallway. I carried Mackena all the way down the hall which now had dead bodies and blood covering every inch of it. I tried avoiding as much of it as I could but it was no use. The hallway smelt of dead and the air was tense and thick, but I kept walking keeping only my eyes ahead. I reached the black door at the end of the long corpse filled hallway and without hesitation kicked it open. Four people dressed in white bodysuits were cleaning up the terror that Helena had caused. They all stopped and stared at me then down at Mackena’s dead body in my arms. One of them moved forward and I noticed they had face masks with a biohazard symbol on it, he put his arms out and grabbed Mackena from me and placed her next to the rest of the bodies they had retrieved. I walked over to the rest of the dead and looked down at their empty faces, then before I could make a decision every one of them rose into the air and I led them through the room and into an elevator. It felt weird sitting in an elevator with dead people, but it was wrong just letting the biohazard cleaners just take them.
Once we had reached the main floor and the elevators opened I saw what real damage had been done. The main atrium had been ruined. Desks and chairs had been thrown everywhere and torn apart, the ceiling was half caved in and rubble was everywhere. The stench of blood was in the air and I noticed the splatters of it along the walls and on the floors. I walked out into the ruined atrium and the corpse’s followed. More biohazard cleaners were working so I made the rest of the dead float upward and follow me too. I walked out the door and into the bright sunlight, and saw a long field of green stretching for miles. Then I walked over to a nice space and lifted all the dirt out of the ground and then one by one they filed in next to each other, lying down as if they were going to take a nap, forever. Just as Mackena lay down, I placed the earth gently on top of them.
Tears hit my eyes before I could stop them; they flowed like a stream down my face and slipped off my chin and onto the ground. I felt a hand on m shoulder and my face hung low, I couldn’t fight anymore.
“It’s alright, Katherine, I love you,” He whispered.
I turned around and Josh and his whole family stood behind me. I didn’t even bother to wipe my tears away because they kept coming. I flung myself into Josh’s arms and started sobbing even harder. I felt many hands on my back and shoulders, one on my head, and I knew that everything was going to be alright now, and even though I lost many friends I had others welcoming me into their arms.
“Um, excuse me? Katherine?” A small shy voice said, I opened my eyes quickly and Josh held me tighter.
“Hey man, can’t you see we are having a moment here? Go away!” Joey shouted.
“It’s quite urgent,” he said even quieter.
“What do you want?!” Colin shouted.
“Um it’s in regards to your child,” He said in an even smaller voice.
Josh released me, but held onto my shoulders and looked at me with serious eyes.
“You were pregnant?” He whispered with an awestruck tone.
“No, I’m not pregnant.” I said and looked over Josh’s shoulder to see a short man with glasses and torn closed, “I think you might be mistaken.” I said to him but he shook his head.
“No the child is most defiantly yours, he showed me what you looked like and I saw you come through here so I helped him. If you want he is inside.” The man said and he turned around and walked back into the atrium.
“’Showed me what you like’…” I repeated confusedly.
“You two had sex?” George asked.
“That’s none of your business,” Josh said fiercely and pulled me close into his arms.
“Wait,” I said and pulled away from his clutches, “Maybe…” I burst away from them and ran into the atrium. Goliath was sitting on a desk with his tiny little fist pressed to the small mans head and both of them were laughing.
“Goliath?” I asked loudly as I heard Josh and the rest of his family run in too. Goliath looked up and he took his hand off the mans forehead then ran towards me and flung himself into my arms. Fresh tears leaked from my eyes as I squeezed Goliaths tiny body.
“How did this happen?” I asked still holding him, he let go and pressed his palm against my forehead and I felt warmth. Then I saw myself holding Goliath and two tears fall from my face and into his eyes, then I saw myself close them and Lucius began to fight. Goliath took his palm off my forehead and I opened my eyes. He lifted up his bloody shirt and there was a scab where he had gotten shot. I smiled at Goliath and turned around to face Josh.
“This is my baby, Goliath.” I said and smiled down at him in my arms, then kissed his forehead.
“He has your eyes,” Josh said as he walked forward and brushed back Goliaths hair, “Which, I might add, are no longer blue but green.”
“They are?” I asked looking up at Josh.
“Yes they are, but I still love them,” He said pressing his lips against mine.
“Good,” I said and smiled everything was going to be alright.

-2 months later-

“Katherine! It’s time to go!” Josh shouted at me.
“I’m coming!” I said hurrying down the stairs in my red and black strapless prom dress.
“Goliath, we’re going to be back around midnight, go to bed at like 9:30 please, love you!” I shouted and ran out the door with Josh.
“You look stunning,” He said as we got into his car.
“Why thank you! You look pretty sharp yourself,” I said and buckled my seatbelt, “I wonder what Sara’s expression is going to be like once she figures out we’re still together.”
“She is going to be royally pissed that’s for sure,” Josh said and I laughed.
“Yeah she’s the one who wants to get lucky tonight.” I said as we pulled into the hotels parking lot.
I got out of the car and straightened my dress, Josh took my hand and we walked up to the front door.
“Invitation please,” A large man asked.
Josh pulled a pink piece of paper out of his pocket and gave it to the man and we walked into the room filled with loud music and the smell of alcohol.
“Whoa!” I shouted just so Josh could hear me.
“Yeah this is ridiculous, let’s just go find Sara and then blow this joint!” He shouted and we began to make our way through the crowd.
“JOSH!” I heard her high voice yell from across the room and Josh stopped right in his tracks. Sara ran clumsily across the dance floor and flung herself into Josh’s arms, “I am so glad you came!” She shouted slurring her words.
“Yeah we just dropped by to say hello!” Josh shouted.
Sara looked confused, “We?” She yelled and let out a hiccup.
“Yeah me and Katherine, you remember her, don’t you?” Josh said pointing at me and I smiled and waved.
“Ew,” Sara said then threw up all over the floor, Josh and I dodging out of the way.
“We’re going to go now! Bye!” Josh shouted and he took my hand and we made a mad dash for the door.
“That was gross,” I said once I had fresh air in my lungs.
“Defiantly,” Josh said, “Looks like we’re going to be home a little bit earlier then planned.”
“Yeah, unless we stop somewhere else,” I said seductively.
“Oh, I’m catching your drift.” He said and turned onto a dirt road which led up the only hill in Charleston.
We jumped out of the car then lay down on the hood and looked up at the stars.
“You know its weird, being the father of a child that isn’t mine.” Josh whispered taking my hand.
“It’s weird being the mother of a child that isn’t mine too, but he’s just as good as a son,” I said and laid my head on Josh’s shoulder.
“I love you Katherine,” Josh whispered and kissed my forehead, “And I want to spend forever with you.”
I looked up at Josh then kissed him, “I love you too Josh and we do have forever.” I said then sunk my teeth into his neck, giving him immortality.

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