Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > ~*~Fly Like an Angel Part III ~*~

Flowers and candy.

by Meg2005 3 reviews

Grace recovers.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2009-04-04 - Updated: 2009-04-04 - 1170 words



‘Alright Grace, I’ve called in a prescription for a ten day round of anti-biotics. It is very important that you take all of them. You’re going to have some bad cramping today and tomorrow, I recommend some Tylenol for those and the bleeding will decrease over the next two weeks. I’m going to recommend that you and your husband don’t have sexual intercourse for at least two weeks. You should be able to return to non-strenuous activity after three or four days until then just take it easy, no lifting, no exercise, etc. Any questions?’

‘No sir.’ Grace said as she sat on the side of the bed with Brendon holding her up.

‘Alright then I will see you in two weeks for your follow up.’ Grace nodded. Brendon helped her up.

Grace sat in the back of Brendon’s new SUV with him while her dad drove. Brendon held Grace in his arms, kissing her head and caressing her arms. ‘I love you, baby.’ He whispered quietly every few minutes as well.

‘Grace Evelyn, are you hungry?’ Grace shook her head. She felt horrible.

‘I think we just need to get her home and to bed.’ Brendon spoke up. Mr. Brady nodded as he continued on the road towards the Urie house.
Brendon’s parent’s had taken the boys for the day to have a day of fun so Grace could rest.

‘Alright baby, do you want me to get you anything?’ Brendon asked after he had tucked Grace into their bed. Grace shook her head. He kissed her lips gently before walking out of the room. He put his shoes back on.

‘I’m going to run and get a couple of things for Grace. I’ll be back in about an hour.’

‘Is she in bed? Does she need anything?’

‘She’s asleep and no. I’m going to get her some flowers and stuff.’

‘Aww, sweet Brendon.’

‘I’ll be back in a bit.’ He smiled grabbing his keys and wallet off the counter and walked out of the house. Brendon got into Grace’s range rover and started on his errands.

The first place that he walked into was Summerlin Blossoms to order flowers for her; pink and yellow roses to be exact. Brendon looked at the various bouquets but found none that he really liked that were beautiful enough for his wife. ‘Hi, I was wondering if you guys made custom bouquets.’ He finally got an idea.

‘We do.’ The woman smiled.


‘What can I get for you?’

‘I need pink and yellow roses. Twelve of each I think.’

‘Alright. I can have these ready for you in about an hour?’

‘That would be great.’

‘Thank you.’

‘If you can just fill this out for me you can pay for it when you come to pick them up.’ Brendon wrote down his name and his number before he started on to his next destination. He was off to get Grace some soup to make her feel better, some ice cream, and lastly to rent some of her favorite movies.

She was always so good at making him feel better when he was down. Now it was his turn to make his baby feel a hundred percent again.

‘Welcome back Mr. Urie.’ The same girl said at the florist shop.’ Brendon smiled as he walked to the counter while the girl walked into the fridge to get the flowers she had ordered. It was a beautiful bouquet filled with pink and yellow roses with white baby’s breath thru out.

His errands were complete. He had his roses, his potato soup (Grace’s favorite), her froyo Ben and Jerry’s, and lastly her favorite movies consisting of the sandlot, fever pitch, 27 dresses, and lastly the Great Gatsby.

‘Hey honey.’ Mrs. Brady said as Brendon pulled into the circular part of the drive way, leaving his car door open. He carried in the movies, ice cream, and soup before he walked back out to bring in the flowers just as Grace was coming out of the bedroom.

‘Brendon?’ Grace was smitten by the flowers he had brought her. He set them down on the counter top and looked at her.

‘Hey baby.’ He said quietly pulling her into a hug. ‘How are you feeling?’

‘Horrible. I think I need some more Tylenol.’

‘I brought you some presents.’

‘I see. These are beautiful.’

‘I brought you some ice cream, some potato soup, and some movies to watch.’ Grace looked up at him and let the tears run down her cheeks.

‘Thank you, sweetie.’ Grace hugged him again.

Mrs. Brady peaked around the corner of the kitchen to see Brendon was holding Grace against, gently yet passionately kissing her lips. She smiled observing that Grace was about four inches shorter than him and noting how absolutely cute they looked together.

Every time she saw her daughter and son-in-law, they seemed a little more in love. They hadn’t let their children bog down their relationship they were even more in love now than they were when they got married.

Brendon and Grace laid in bed most of the day while they watched Grace’s movies. Grace had received three different bouquets besides Brendon’s. Ryan had sent her a large bouquet of sunflowers and tiger lilies. Holly had sent her a bouquet of various pink gerbera. And a couple of girls from work had sent her a bouquet of carnations.

‘I can’t believe all of this.’ Grace mumbled as Brendon cuddled her a few hours later.

‘Can’t believe what?’

‘This entire situation, I can’t get over the fact that we were pregnant and didn’t even know it.’

‘I know I thought it would be something that we just knew.’

‘I thought it would be something that I just knew but apparently I missed the signs.’

‘Baby, this isn’t your fault.’

‘I should have known. I’m a woman. I should have known I was so pregnant.’

‘Grace, you heard the doctor, this stuff happens.’

‘I know I’m just trying to process everything.’ Brendon kissed the top of the head right before their two boys ran into the bedroom. Caleb’s face lit up as he saw Grace. Chace ran so fast that he almost missed the bed.

‘MOMMY!’ Caleb yelled excitedly as both boys climbed onto the bed. Caleb ran across the bed and collapsed into Grace’s arms.

‘Hi babies.’ Grace smiled as she hugged both boys at the same time.

‘Mommy, are you tick?’

‘No, not anymore baby. I’m okay.’ Grace smiled.

‘Good. I was tared.’ Caleb said hugging Grace again.

‘I’m okay baby.’ Brendon got up from the bed and put in a movie that was kid friendly. Grace fell asleep holding Brendon’s hand while Caleb laid on top of her with Chace between her and Brendon.

It was a happy ending for a not so happy couple of days.
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