Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Like I Did Yesterday

Don't know how you have managed to get under my skin

by disturbedangel6 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2009-04-04 - Updated: 2009-04-05 - 792 words

About half an hour of walking I suddenly regretted walking out of the house. I should have violently kicked him out! I sighed but kept walking. I was trying to find the train station. I knew it was somewhere around here. I was going to give up when I heard the noise of the train. I smiled to myself and jogged to the station. I took so many minutes to figure out where to go and I finally chose a place where I knew was heaps of hours away. I knew I would regret it later but now I was just enjoying the moment of being angry and losing control. It was great to lose control. I loved it.
It was when I first stepped foot into the train carriage where I regretted even coming here. It was creepy. The carriage was merely empty except for some junkie looking people who just stared down at me. I sucked my bottom lip and sat down on one of the seats and hugged myself. At least I wasn't wearing anything horrible. Just one of my dark blue worn out skinnys and a shirt with a hoodie on top. It was also creepy because when the train started to move, all the light from the station was replaced by darkness outside.
After an hour and a half of in the train I decided that I was completely shitting myself and I wanted all of this to end. I didn't know what to do. Maybe I should just get off the next stop and catch a train to go back home. I agreed to that thought immediately.
It felt like forever for the next stop and when it came I quickly got out and stood at the station unable to think of what to do. How do I know which train goes back home? It was so difficult because I never did use the train as transport before. I was giving up when it just hit me. I was so stupid because I kept looking at the sign telling me what stop this was and I never realised. This is the stop where Gerard lives! Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck! How can I be that blind!
I ran up the stairs and crossed the bridge. I was happy that I knew the way back to Gerard's from the station. After all I've lived here my whole life. I ran a few hundred metres before slowing down to a walk as I panted. I just wanted to go to his house quick because I was afraid. I cursed for leaving my phone back at home.
By the time I reached Gerard's house I was just plain tired and out of breath. I didn't bother trying to catch my breath and just rang the door bell.
The minute Gerard opened the door his face showed pure shock.
"Nicole? What are you doing here this late? And by yourself?" he asked and let me in.
"Long story," I simply told him.
He watched me sit on the sofa, "Do you want anything to eat or drink?"
"Just water."
He nodded and got to the kitchen to fetch some. He came back quickly and gave the glass of water.
I gulped it down so fast that I was amazed.
"Now, I need explanation as to why you're here."
"Well," I cleared my throat. "Maria and Toni told me that they had to go and see this theatre thing for college and left me alone in the house."
"Why alone? They should have known better!" Gerard interrupted.
"Shh Gerard, I'm always home alone."
He nodded.
"Well a few hours later this guy from college knocked the front door and I had to let him in. Um, well we watched a movie coz he wanted to. Then he made a move on me."
"What?!" Gerard sounded furious.
"Shh Gerard," I told him. "I pushed him away and he still tried and so I was frustrated and left."
Gerard looked at me blankly.
"I kinda regretted doing that and by the time I could think clearly I didn't know how to go back home and I somehow got off your stop so I decided to go to your house."
"Why didn't you call me? I would have gotten you from the station."
"I left my phone at home."
He sighed, "Well at least you're okay now."
I nodded.
"By the way, who is this guy? I need his name, number and address," he looked serious.
"Gerard! Stop being like that!"
"Sorry," he stood up. "Well I guess you're staying here then. Lets get the sofa ready for you."
"Thanks," I followed him.

Train sick atm... :S
I feel so sick :(

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