Categories > Original > Drama > Play: Full-Framed Glasses.

Scene Six.

by xl0nelywriterx 0 reviews

We three kings of Orientare tried to smoke a rubber cigar.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2009-04-04 - Updated: 2009-04-05 - 609 words


(Diane and Nadine are sitting at their desks, Nadine has a salad out and a water. Diane has an Arizona Iced Tea out)

NADINE. That's a pretty skimply lunch.
DIANE. Eh. Obesity is a common problem in America, a problem that I have little intention of getting involved in.
NADINE. Apathetic, are we?
DIANE. Intellegent. (They laugh)
NADINE. So, how's your first day been?
DIANE. Good. Quiet. I mean, I've only really been with you.
NADINE. Yeah. I remember my first day. Everyone completely ignored me, and I made copies of about fifty files...
DIANE. Yeah?
NADINE. Turns out, I copied the wrong thing.
DIANE. Aww. (she laughs)
NADINE. Yeah (she laughs). What was your favorite job?
DIANE. My favorite job? Probably at the candy bar downtown.
NADINE. Really? Why?
DIANE. It was too easy. I was a freshman in high school, and me and my friend who worked there, she was a senior, we were in charge of closing. We were only cashiers, but when we closed, we would take as much candy as we wanted. It was great. Until, we got caught. Then, we got fired. But it was the best six months I'd ever spent in a job. Easy hours...only working five times a week. What about you?
NADINE. I'm gonna say when I was a veternarian's assistant.
NADINE. Well, he was twenty-three or so, and I was about nineteen. And he was smokin'. I mean...god, he was just so sexy! He kinda reminded me of Superman. He looked like plain old Clark Kent with the glasses on, but when he took them off, he was this hottie with a body. We ended up having sex in his office. But it was only once. And I kept waiting for us to have sex again, but then after three months, nothing. So, I quit. But that was the best time I had ever spent afterhours, if you get my drift. (they laugh)
DIANE. That story's better than mine.
NADINE. But, I guess that's guys for you. Fucking then leaving.
DIANE. Guys seem to get really attached to me, and then when they do, it scares me...and I have to break it off with them.
NADINE. That sometimes happens to me. I kinda like fucking and running though, because then it scraps an entire worthless relationship. I mean, people are only usually in relationships for the sex, right?
DIANE. I don't find sex that important.
NADINE. It shouldn't be. (beat) Let's go get coffee.
DIANE. Do we have time?
NADINE. It's right across the street.
DIANE. Are the lines usually long?
NADINE. Sometimes. C'mon. You could use it.
DIANE. Okay. Great.

(They begin to get up and leave. Darren enters and stops Diane)

DARREN. Diane--
DIANE. Ooh. Yes?
DARREN. Can I see you?
NADINE. Diane and I were just about to get coffee--
DARREN. Can it wait?
NADINE. We'll just...I...(to Diane) I'll just bring you some.
DIANE. Okay, here. (she hands her money) Just bring me decaf. Just black decaf.
NADINE. Okay. See you in a bit. (She takes the money and walks out)
DARREN. Diane, let's be honest.
DIANE. Okay.
DARREN. You're an intellegent, smart, beautiful woman.
DIANE. I am? Thanks.
DARREN. You're really above this standard work.
DIANE. Thanks...
DARREN. We'd like to bump you up to an architect right away.
DARREN. ...Yeah, I're so impressive to me.
DIANE. I'm really honored.
DARREN. So, how do you feel about moving up at the end of the week?
DIANE. This sounds great.
DARREN. Great. Lookin' forward to it.

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