Categories > Original > Drama > Play: Full-Framed Glasses.

Scene Nine.

by xl0nelywriterx 0 reviews

See previous.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2009-04-04 - Updated: 2009-04-05 - 752 words


(Lights up, Nadine and Diane are at their desks, eating. Nadine has a salad, Diane has a pear)

NADINE. Okay, so would you rather have sex with Danny DeVito, or John Clease?
DIANE. Ew, did you have to pick the oldest people on the planet?
NADINE. I know which one I would choose.
DIANE. Well, duh, John Cleese. He has way more class.

(Harriet enters on with a lean cuisine meal, wearing something cute)

HARRIET. Hey, is it okay if I join you guys?
NADINE. Oh, yeah. Harriet, this is Diane.
HARRIET. Oh, you're the new girl, right?
DIANE. Yeah...and you're--
HARRIET. The receptionist.
DIANE. Cool. I don't think I've ever seen you.
HARRIET. No, you always come in the other door.
DIANE. The parking lot in back is always less full.
HARRIET. Isn't that only for like, actual architects and designers?
DIANE. That's why I always get here early. No one notices. (They all laugh)
NADINE. Smart girl.
HARRIET. Yeah. Being a receptionist sucks though, I mean, you do all the work, power. You'd think with my boyfriend being the boss he'd at least bump me up to where you guys are, but I guess it serves me right. I don't have a degree in architecture or anything like that.
NADINE. Well it's super unfair we're just assistants. I mean, I've been in the IDP forever.
DIANE. Intern Development Program.
HARRIET. Oh, cool. Do any of you watch Lost?
DIANE. Sometimes...I watched like, the first season.
HARRIET. Did you see the season preimere last night?
NADINE. No, I didn't.
HARRIET. Oh, well...Jack and Ben began their quest to reunite the Oceanic Six.
NADINE. Was it good?
HARRIET. So good. I mean, I'm usually not into that science fiction shit,'s really addicting. So, I heard that Clay Aiken has a crush on Lance Bass. Can you believe that? I think that's so weird. Clay Aiken is so ugly.
NADINE. I don't really like his voice.
DIANE. I don't really keep up with all this pop culture stuff.
HARRIET. It's so exciting. More exciting than aything exciting around here. Oh my god, I heard Orlando Bloom is filming a movie downtown next month. I was like, no way. Like, shit goes on here. Darren and I are gonna move when we have enough money...which will be like, forever in this fucking economy.
DIANE. Judging by your outfit, I wouldn't say you're too bad.
HARRIET. It took me like, three months to save up for these jeans. I don't usually by stuff from Lucky, but these jeans were so cute...but I mean, eighty dollars, really?
DIANE. I usually buy a lot of vintage stuff.
NADINE. Love vintage.
HARRIET. Some stuff is cute, but some stuff is like, gross. Haha.
DIANE. It really suits my body type. They don't cut stuff like they used to.
NADINE. Yeah. It can get really pricy though.
HARRIET. Diane's right though, the cuts are really great. I remember for my senior prom it was a 70's theme and I got this great flowery vintage dress...I can't remember if I even still have it, but it was so cute.
DIANE. That sounds nice.

(Walker enters)

WALKER. Heya, ladies.
WALKER. Whatchya up to?
NADINE. Just eating lunch?
HARRIET. This lean cuisine is the best.
WALKER. (totally ignoring Harriet) Do you guys wanna go out for coffee?
DIANE. No, I think we're good.
WALKER. You sure? I'll pay.
DIANE.'s really my last day on this floor.
DIANE. I was gonna tell you later,'s bumping me up to the second floor. He wants to make me an architect.

(Everyone is taken aback)

WALKER. Wow, that's...great.
NADINE. What about your Intern Development Program?
DIANE. Darren is filling out all the evaluation paperwork today.
HARRIET. That's a bummer though, I was really enjoying this!
DIANE. I can still probably come down here for lunch.
NADINE. They probably have lunch at a different time.
DIANE. Oh. Yeah. Well..we'll see.
WALKER. Well, then I'll buy you coffee for your last day.
DIANE. My last day's not till tomorrow.
WALKER. Well, then...I will tomorrow.
DIANE. You don't have to do that.
HARRIET. Well, I'll get some coffee with you, Walker.
WALKER. No, I think I'm gonna stay here.
HARRIET. Well, I really need a latte. Nice talking to you, Nadine. Nice meeting you, Diane.
DIANE. Thanks, you too.
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