Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Slayer, The Avatar And The Guardian Of Light

CH110 - Body & Soul

by GuardianOfLight 0 reviews

Can Things Get Any Worse

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Blaise Zabini,Draco,Dumbledore,Harry,Neville - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2009-04-10 - Updated: 2009-04-10 - 4812 words

Chapter 110 - Body & Soul

Dimension: 1375 – Earth
Date: 4th November 2001 AD
Country: Britain – Scotland
Location: Hogwarts – Staffroom
Time: Late Afternoon

Late that afternoon an emergency meeting was being held in the Staffroom, all the Professors and guests were present with the exception of Harry, Fleur and Dawn who were unconscious in the Hospital Wing being kept company by Hermione and Ron. Adam had for some reason insisted that Neville and Luna were present at the meeting.

As the doors opened the final attendant walked in, the Veela Matriarch accompanied by a pair of guards that took up positions on either side of the door.

"Matriarch." Greeted Colette dropping to her knees in front of her "Thank you for coming."

"Colette." She returned politely gesturing for her to stand before looking at Dumbledore "Now would someone please tell me what has happened to the new Comtesse Delacour?"

"Certainly Matriarch," greeted Dumbledore gesturing her towards a chair before turning to the group "For those who are not aware of the exact happenings yesterday I will explain. At approximately midday a spell of unknown origin was cast within Hogwarts, this spell resulted in a portion of the schools population coming under the affect of what could best be described as a strong lust potion resulting in many of the residence trying to become intimate with each other. We believe we managed to prevent all those who were affected from doing anything they may have regretted later with the exception of Professor Summers sister Dawn and Professor Potter, both of whom along with Harry's Veela mate, the Comtesse Delacour are now unconscious in the Hospital Wing."

"When the pair in question...." continued Adam pausing slightly as he tried to think of the most appropriate word "Consummated it interfered with the mating between Harry and Fleur, having examined them all I am forced to come to the unfortunate conclusion that their souls are now split three ways."

There were gasps at his comments.

"How is that possible?" asked the Matriarch "The mating between Harry and Fleur should have prevented any interference by spells."

"This spell was extremely powerful, no normal love or lust spell would have had this affect;" he continued "A standard mating splits a soul in to two halves and exchanges one half for another from the other person, creating a fifty-fifty split. The spell being as powerful as it was overrode the binding instincts of the mating and told both Fleur and Harry to pursue others, if they had been together they would no doubt have done what most of the other couples in the school tried to do but as they were apart their attentions focused on Dawn in Harry's case and Neville then myself in Fleur's."

"But Harry isn't Veela, how could he have pulled Dawn into the mating?" asked Neville.

"Harry and Fleur are joined." Realised The Matriarch "If the mating was confused into thinking they were not together it would have accessed Fleur's ability to mate, and as they were actually connected that occurred in both of them."

"And succeeded in both of them." Added Adam.

"What do you mean?" asked the Headmaster.

"Dawn and Harry were for lack of a more appropriate word connected when the bonding occurred, Fleur was not but from what I have been told I am guessing the residual pull she had to purse a mate was still in her so when the mating was triggered in Harry it was also triggered in Fleur and though we were not physically connected and our souls aren't merged her magic will still force her to behave as though she is mated to either myself or Neville."

"What!!" exclaimed the boy in question.

"After examining Dawn, Harry and Fleur I can deduce that Harry and Fleur each have a half of each other's soul and quarter each of their own and Dawn's and that Dawn has a quarter each of Harry and Fleur's souls and half of her own."

"Wait wait wait." Called Buffy raising her hands "Let me get this straight. My sister is bound to Harry who is also bound to Fleur who is bound to you or Neville."

"Your sister will also be bound to Fleur." Added The Matriarch "They are sharing souls now, they are all bound to each other."

"Except Fleur is also bound to either myself or Neville and her Magic will want her to complete the joining and add one of our souls to the group."

"Oh Merlin." Groaned Neville as he sunk into his seat while Luna stroked his arm soothingly.

"This is a disaster." Exclaimed Xander.

"Unfortunately I am forced to agree," nodded Dumbledore "Matriarch, are you aware of any way of dissolving a soul bonding?"

"Not a way that leaves the previously mated people alive at the end no."

"I may be able to come up with a potion to separate the magical and telepathic connections and trick the magic into assuming everything is as it should be," suggested Adam "From there I may be able to call on a favour or two and switch the souls back to where they should be, but it will take a long time, I may not be able to call in the favours I need and even if I can then it may not work."

"It's the best we have." Replied Dumbledore.

"What's do we do in the mean time?" asked Luna.

"Unfortunately it means that the three that are bound and either the Professor or Neville was it? Will have to be in close contact with each other probably at least once a day." Explained the Matriarch.

"Oh Merlin." Neville exclaimed again.

"That should keep the magic in Professor Potter, Fleur and Miss Summers sated as regards each other."

"What will the uncompleted Mating do to Fleur?" asked Colette.

"She will want to complete it and it will only get worse with time if she doesn't."

"Luckily resolving Fleur's need to mate should be slightly easier." Interjected Adam "The potion that I will try and create may resolve it but also it may be possible to trick Fleur's magic into believing that either Neville are myself are not suitable to be Mates if so the magic compulsion should stop."

"How do we do that?" asked Neville eagerly.

"That I do not know, but it would no doubt involve doing something dark which I don't think either of us are willing to do. There is also one additional possible problem."

"What?" sighed Buffy, not knowing how it could get any worse.

"Dawn and Harry may also be able to feel the pull to mate through Fleur."

"You mean Harry's going to want to have sex with me?" asked Neville worriedly, his voice going an octave higher than it should be.

"No, but he will feel the pull as will Dawn but as they are not the ones connected to us then nothing they do will satisfy the magic."

"Is there anything else that can go wrong today?"

On cue the doors banged open revealing a short fat woman wearing pink flanked by a pair of Aurors.

"Umbridge." Groaned Neville.

"Oh, I haven't come at a bad time have I?"

It was discovered much to Neville's relief that Fleur was not magically attached to him but to Adam, something that unsurprisingly he did not appear too happy about.

Dawn and Harry were particularly shamed by what they had done despite what Buffy, Anne, Adam, Colette and a rather shocked Fleur told them.

Fleur and Harry had believed what they were told once they awoke, they could remember what had happened while they were under the spells influence and being able to feel the extra presence of Dawn in their minds and the pull on Fleur's magic connecting her to Adam was rather conclusive. Dawn on the other hand took several minutes to convince even though she remembered what they did she did not want to believe what she was being told, she had gotten quite angry about it and only when both Fleur and Harry had spoken to her in her mind and her hands had started too smoke as her anger caused her to channelled Fleur's fire Elemental abilities did she actually accept it.

All this resulted in several very quiet days as the group tried to come to terms with what had happened.

They had originally planned to just have the trio meet up once a day and spending an hour in physical contact with each other while Adam sat at the side just in contact with Fleur but after two days the trio, especially Harry and Fleur as they had only a quarter of their own souls while Dawn had a half of hers, looked decidedly weaker and more strained so it was decided that they needed more time together, resulting in Dawn moving her stuff into Harry and Fleur's rooms so she could sleep in contact with them, this obviously proved decidedly awkward for all as neither of the women were lesbians and Harry was only in love with Fleur but their magic made each of them want to be with each other and want to please each other, the magic was made all the more potent because of the unfinished bond between Adam and Fleur seeking to be completed and heightening the others desire to be intimate.

In addition to the above Fleur was also to spend at least three hours in Adam's company during the day, normally in the evening while they graded the students work but always out of the presence of Dawn and Harry as during the initial two days the former pairs magic had caused them to become aggravated by Fleur's magic being sated by Adam's contact.

All this made the group rather tetchy causing more friction around the school. Adam was spending all his free time when not in classes, with Fleur or training Hermione and Tara locked in his room researching, planning, reading ancient tombs, purchasing unusual potions ingredients and brewing with the occasional assistance from Dumbledore and Snape when he needed help preparing a particular part of the potion or planning the exact time and date to add the next ingredients.

Buffy and Anne who were feeling particularly awkward around the trio due to their sisterly instincts to protect Dawn and their sympathy for the trio due to their prior relationship with Angel had decided that they all needed cheering up and had set up an early graduation competition for the best of the MD group as regards their weapons training. About a month previously all those who had been training from the beginning had been instructed to pick out a single weapon that they preferred fighting with and had spent the last few weeks training with that weapon until they were as close to perfect with them as someone could become in a few months, it was time for a test.

Dimension: 1375 – Earth
Date: 10th November 2001 AD
Country: Britain – Scotland
Location: Hogwarts – Muggle Defence Classroom
Time: Afternoon

During the final MD class of the day the all the students were training furiously under the watchful eyes of Anne, Adam and the Scoobies. All the more skilled students were training with their weapons of choice whilst the other less skilled ones got drills or exercises from their teachers.

As regards choice of weapon Ron had ended up choosing the battle Axe, his superior strength allowed him to wield it very effectively. Hermione, Ginny, Dawn and Tara (as she was interested in improving her skills as well) had opted for the bow (not a crossbow) and a pair of small daggers (as Adam and the Slayers had been insistent that a bow was almost useless in hand to hand combat if you wanted it to work properly afterwards) and Neville the quarterstaff and spear (as they both could be used similarly in close combat situations).

The remaining three included Harry, Draco and surprisingly Blaise. Harry had obviously already chosen his favourite weapon back in France but he was still mastering his skills which had improved since, Draco had also been proven to be more than adept using the long sword blades while Blaise had proven already to be very skilled at using a pair of daggers, even in their very first weapons lesson. She backed these up with a very vicious looking cut-throat raiser which she had supplied herself (though no one knew exactly where from), it made every male in the room who knew what it was shudder every time she started flicking it open and closed, especially those who had heard of Sweeny Todd.

Harry had asked Draco about Blaise but unfortunately he was not able to tell him much other than she was rich, moved in ‘the right' circles, that her mother had been killed during the first war and it was rumoured that Lucius had been the one that killed her though it was never confirmed duo to him being found not guilty of being a Death Eater at the time.

During one of their sparring sessions Draco had also told him a lot more about the inner working of Slytherin House that barely anyone else knew; apparently there was an ongoing feud and power struggle between the students. Roughly speaking it broke down into the children of Death Eaters with those that leaned that way and those that either didn't believe in their goals or wanted to achieve success through other means; the former group was larger and almost always consisted of the older students who grabbed the children of Death Eaters and sympathisers in their first year and made sure they only did the ‘right' things and hung with the people that they should. The other group tried to do the same thing but in reverse by trying to prevent the Death Nibblers (as the group called them) from turning the first years to their way of thinking and simply warned them and providing interference between them and the Death Nibbles allowed them to gain members and remain sizable within Slytherin House. Draco had been one of those at the head of the ‘Death Nibblers' group, though he had been dethroned by Pansy as soon as she saw him getting too close to the ‘wrong' people, at the moment her main competition for control of the house was Blaise who was one of those in charge of the opposing group, she was one of the equally cunning and devious ones who wanted power but were not willing to bow down to someone to do it.

At that moment Blaise, Harry and Draco were standing weapons raised in a corner of the room, an area had been cleared in preparation for the upcoming sparing match the three of them versus Adam, on the other side of the room Buffy and Anne could be heard tutoring the archers on how to most effectively use a knife.

The men were wielding rapiers while Blaise stuck to her shorter thicker pair of blades. Adam was using the same style of sword as Harry and Draco's as it was in fact his second favourite variety because of the speed at which it could be moved around in close combat situations.

Adam assumed his position drawing his own rapier blades (being three versus one he needed an extra blade) and moving into a battle stance.


They had been practicing team work as was proved by the point that they coordinate their attacks.

The male pair moved onto ever side of Adam while Blaise remained in front of him, they all knew that Adam could easily fight them off if only one came at him (Harry had figured out that he had let him win back in the summer) and possible all together if they weren't clever so they had to out manoeuvre him.

At Draco's nod both the two guys engaged Adam on opposite sides, he began immediately moving backwards so that he was facing both but they anticipated this and focused their attacks on his back forcing him to turn around to counter them so that he returned to his original positions allowing Blaise to come in and strike at his unprotected side.

Aiming a slash at his back a rapier came over his shoulder just in time to intercept it and with a quick flick of his wrist deliver a light cut to the back of her hand.

Gasping in shock she dropped that blade which he kicked backwards before forcing her to backup so as not to run into him as he was being forced back in her direction by the others. This still resulted in Adam being surrounded on two sides until he backed flipped over Blaise and delivered a kick to her back knocking her to the ground and forcing Harry and Draco to engage him from one side again.

Changing tactics they decided to alter their fight plan, the boys had originally been using the exact same attacks but now they changed so that Adam had to counter each of them separately, every few blocks and parry Blaise, who had regained her feet would with her remaining blade attempt to strike him, distracting him from the main fight, which would hopefully allow one of them to score a hit.

They forced Adam to back into a corner, by this time most of the room had stopped to watch the battle, an unlucky diversion from Blaise resulted in her arm being pincered between two sword pommels resulting in her losing her other blade, catching the blade Adam knocked her sideways into the wall before slamming her blade into it firmly impaling her shirt. Using the opportunity while Adam was distracted removing Blaise Harry managed to make a lucky swing that knocked one of the swords from Adams hand, Draco caught the sword and started engaging Adam with both, now the Professor was again fighting three blades but this time with just one of his own. Suddenly Harry dropped to the ground swinging his leg out to trip Adam who fell to the floor losing his sword as he went, Harry grabbed the sword and all four were aimed at Adam's throat.

None of them moved for several seconds before Adam spoke.

"Well done....but there is one think you must be careful of."

"What?' asked Draco smugly as he looked down his swords at Adam.

"Where you put your feet." the Professor replied pulling his legs forward from where they had snaked their way around each of the boy's legs pulling each to the floor, he then rolled over drawing two knives from his back and bringing one to each of the boys throats, luckily the pair had remembered not to leave themselves exposed and were very quick in bringing their swords up to block the daggers.

"Good, well remembered." Adam complemented re-sheaving his daggers and pull each of the boy's to their feet before going over to release Blaise who had been getting rather aggravated at not being able to free herself "You must always beware the unexpected stroke and you did just that."

There was a round of applause from the assembled group at the trio's success, Fleur and Ginny ran to their other halves and congratulated them, Dawn also moved to Harry tough it was obvious she was struggling internally as to whether to kiss him like Fleur or just hug him.

Harry and Fleur both sent her soothing thoughts down the link to help relieve some of her turmoil, causing her to adopt a more relaxed and grateful face.

"You no longer require my training with these weapons." Adam continued "I pronounce you three Masters of the Sword and of the Blade and fully qualified in the use of your chosen weapon."

He walked to a cupboard on the wall and withdrew two swords in their chosen style with belts and sword scabbards, Buffy moved over to the same cupboard and extract a pair of shorter thick bladed knives. The sheaves on all the weapons were black with Silver highlights, each also had the person's family crests on them, Blaise's turned out to be a black crest with a silver pair of what appeared to be bat or dragon like wings.

"Do you think he let us win?" whispered Draco.

"Maybe." Replied Harry as the pair came to stand in front of them.

The pair walked back to the trio and handed them the weapons.

"These are for you." Announced Buffy.

Harry immediately recognised his sword

"This is...."

"Godric Gryffindor's yes, the Headmaster and I believe that as you are the last bearer of his title you should also bear his sword. These weapons are magical in nature and will never blunt or dull."

Something Harry also noticed was that the sword looked different, the jewels in the sword hilt were no longer oval but diamond shape and they were also a brighter shade of red.

"These are different." Harry pointed out.

"Yes, they are part of something which you once saved from Voldemort."

"The stone." Harry said looking up surprised

"Yep." nodded Buffy

"But it was destroyed." Hermione pointed out as Tara and herself walked over to examine the blades, most of the rest of the group taking that as a cue and also moved in.

"Yes and no." Adam answered before continuing at their confused looks "The stone was magically melted down and reformed, which destroyed its capacity to create the elixir of life, it now has new properties. The stones illuminate when evil is close; I have also added my own personnel touches."

He said pointing out some runes which were now carved into the blade

"It says ‘Im i Dagnir ned Um, Tegi ned ha guruth' which translates as ‘I am the Slayer of Evil, Harbinger of its Death'."

"I can't imagine why you choose that particular choice of wording." commented Anne as she and Buffy exchanged a look.

Adam just sent them a sly smile.

Unnoticed by the others examining the weapons, Hermione and Tara discovered that they could understand the long swirling script without Adam translating but decided not to comment on it and to bring it up at their next lesson.

"The blades now repel and burn evil, these are properties I should have included when I helped Godric make his sword."

"You made it?" asked Draco coming forward to compare his sword to Harry's as he noticed they looked remarkably similar.

"I helped design it, not to actually create it, I did the same with its twin, the sword you now wield, I searched long and hard to find it."

Looking at Draco's sword Harry realised it was identical to his own, right down to the carvings on the blade, only the name on the sword differed; Gloria Gryffindor.

"His wife, he made them as a wedding gift."

Most of the group were wondering why on earth you would give someone swords as a wedding gift, at the strange looks he was receiving he explained.

"There was a war going on at the time and swords were worn almost all the time by wizards and witches to protect against anti-witch hunts."

Turning his attention to Blaise's weapon Adam continued, most of the group turning their attention to her weapons now. The blades were about thirty centimetres in length and the handle about fifteen, the blades were best compared to those of a samurai with a thick blade with one flat and one sharp edge though obviously considerably smaller.

"These were custom made by the Goblins; they like the swords will not dull and while the sapphires in the hilt do not react to evil or repel it, the touch of the blade will still burn it."

Blaise looked up at Adam as if trying to work something out, after exchanging stares for a minute she seemed to reach some sort of conclusion before attacking her weapons to her waist.

Harry tried to question Adam about this later but Adam declined to answer.

Aside from school issues on the more serious war front things were not going well for the good guys, Fudges new laws were not helping them at all and Snape had informed the Order (and Tonks and Bill had informed The Alliance) that an extra twenty Death Eaters were recruited within twenty four hours of the curfew being announced, with another two dozen also likely to join.

From what they could tell judging from Snape's and other people's intelligence Voldemort was currently on a recruiting spree and was desperately bolstering the size of his forces with James supporting him all the way.

Starting with humans he had at least one hundred and fifty free Death Eaters and another hundred too two hundred wizards and witches supporting him or too scared to oppose him.

At least five hundred Dementor's but that was only a guess as no one had ever seen them all at once so it was estimated that their numbers could be as high as one and a half thousand. Also approximately thirty giants with more leaning their way, about two hundred Werewolves (two thirds the total number, one third of which had been turned around by the new legislation for their rights).

But what was worrying the Alliance and the Order most were the beasts at his command.

From what Snape had overheard of conversations with other Death Eaters or from Voldemort's own boasting he had managed to capture and subdue several Manticore's (head of a man, body of a lion and the tale of a scorpion) and chimera (lions head, goat's body and a dragon's tail), he also had discovered more Basilisks (no one knew where from) and had taken control of them. On top of that were three more recourses that made everyone's blood run cold.

According to recent reports from Charlie dragon reserves all over the world were being targeted, at least a hundred dragons had been stolen and unfortunately they could not be any worse kinds; all those stolen were either Romanian Longhorns, Hungarian Horntails or Ukrainian Ironbelly's, the former two were the most dangerous breeds of dragon left in the world and the latter the largest, these had been captured over the last two months in a series of raids that the various Wizarding governments were desperate to keep quiet, but the most terrifying heist was yet to come.

From a research lab which had been hidden deep in Congo forests a Nundu had been stolen. Nundu's or Mngwa as they were known locally are very large brindled cats about the size of a donkey, similar in shape to leopards and are native to Eastern Africa. The last time wizards had engaged one it took a team of a hundred wizards working together to bring it down.

And the icing on Voldemort's army's cake was the legions of demons and vampires loyal to James including more Batros and heaven knows what else that he could summon up.

Some good news though came as many of the remaining dragon sanctuaries either worried about attacks on their own dragon reserves or furious and wanting revenge had eagerly agreed to follow Dumbledore as soon as Charlie had suggested it, so far at least fifty dragons had been brought over to their side though unfortunately most were only Welsh Green's which as dragons go were pretty small and rather non-violent.

Charlie was currently trying to persuade more to join, he had been authorised by the Alliance Council to tell the keepers about them if joining Dumbledore wasn't convincing enough, the Council had agreed that at this point if someone had sided with Dumbledore then they were effectively on their side and they should not waste their resources trying to turn them towards supporting the Alliance.

There were a possible two hundred and fifty dragons that could be brought their way but like the Welsh Green's they were not exactly the most fearsome of dragons; Hebridean Black's, Chinese Fireballs and Antipodean Opaleye's, hopefully the sheer number of dragons would be enough to overpower those already captured.

Also on their side they had The Order, the Aurors, the majority of the residence of Hogwarts, the hundred or so Werewolves who had sided with Dumbledore, The Scoobies, the human members of the Alliance, the Centaurs, the Veela, House Elves, Goblins, Dwarves and Acromantulas who made up the Alliance fifteen thousand, not to mention a one meter eighty (and growing) Wyvern.

Additionally Angel had found a way of locating Buffy and had sent her a message saying that things were beginning to heat up over in America, both in Sunnydale and LA and that although he was holding the fort they would soon need reinforcements.

The lines were being drawn, the army's were assembling, how long would it be before they clashed.
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