Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Chemical Childhood #2 - Pottytime Vampires

Chapter 2 - Trouble In Potty-dise

by thegayestgoth 2 reviews

Now Frankie acually has to go! Oh dear, I hear the mishegas bells a-ringin'...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-04-12 - Updated: 2009-04-13 - 626 words

"But it's okay, Frankie!" Donna yelled. "See? Gerard's doing it! And look at Mikey! He's being a big boy! Even Ray!"

Frankie threw himself on the floor and shrieked., pounding his heels and banging his fists. He wasn't going down without a fight. "Noooooo!!!!"

Gerard sat on his potty, staring in an impressed---and somewhat jealous---amazement at Frankie, knowing he would never[//] be able to get away with such nonsense. Believe me, he'd tried. Ray watched through his big, fluffy afro, tightly clutching Ticky. Mikey just sat with his thumb in his mouth, tears forming in his eyes because Frankie was scaring him. He glanced over to Gerard for comfort, but Gerard was too busy watching the spectacular performance.

Mikey sucked harder on his thumb and squinched his eyes shut.

"Frankie, please!" Donna pleaded through the racket. "Look how Uncle Donald does it. Don't you want to be like Uncle Donald?"

"No! He's bald!"

There was a brief moment of silence.

All the babies (except for Frank, who was now silently laying on the floor, enjoying his audience's reation to his statment) giggled, even Donna had to chortle at that one. Well, Mikey giggled because his big brother was giggling. Mikey didn't understand a lot of words yet. So if Gerard laughed, he laughed. Donald looked a bit hurt. He gingerly touched the thinnning spot on top of his head. The corners of his mouth turned downward.

Donna redirected her attention to Frankie, because he was quiet now and perhaps would cooperate.

"Please, Frankie!"


Okay, perhaps not.





Eveyone covered their ears.

Donald left the bathroom. Donna followed.

Frankie lay on the floor, sobbing.

Suddenly, he couldn't take it anymore. Mikey burst into tears, jumping up and running to Gerard for protection. That sound was too big and too scary for little Mikey to handle.

Ray stood off his little red plastic potty and walked over to Frankie. "Why you scared, Fwankie?" Ray said to the sobbing Frankie, patting his back. "You can have my kitty," he offered, holding out a tattered-and-frayed, black-and-orange pinstripe stuffed catwith one orange button eye hanging by it's thread. This was Ticky.

Frank thought about it for a second, then changed his mind.

He rolled over. "Lemmee alone!"

Frankie jumped up, bit Ray on his left arm, then pushed him down to the floor. Ray looked at his arm, not realzing he'd been pushed down just yet, looked up in shock at Frankie, looked at the bite mark again, and promptly burst into tears.

Frankie began crying again as well.

Gerard and Mikey (who'd returned to his green potty), sat ogling, open-mouthed.

Suddenly, Mikey turned to Gerard, bit him, then pushed his big brother off the black plastic potty.

Gerard proceeded to cry.
Then Mikey started in.
Ray began peeing on the floor, not noticing.
Mikey, Gerard, and Frankie followed suit, but not intentionally, of course.

Suddenly, Gerard turned to Mikey, slapped then bit him. Mikey screeched, then bit Gerard back. Gerard screeched, then bit Mikey back.

Mikey shoved Gerard just as Donald opened the bathroom door, holding the hand of little Bob Bryar. Gerard smacked directly into Bob, sending them both crashing to the linoleum and causing Donald to stumble. The floor reverberated a bit, enough to cause a can of Glade air freshener go a-toppling off the top of the toilet. The top burst off from impact and ricocheted into the bathtub.

Bob sat on the floor in pure shock, debating on whether to cry or not. His lower lip trembled. Rather, Bob opted to bite Gerard merely as a reflex. (Bob had no idea what had happened five minutes ago.)

"DONNA!!!" - -
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