Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Achieving Clarity
The Room of Hidden Things
20 reviewsHarry, Hermione and Luna follow Draco into the Room of Hidden Things. Hermione asks a question best left unasked.
Achieving Clarity
(#) whatareyouevensaying 2009-04-15
The last line definitely made the chapter...well done.
Draco being that evil was definitely a departure from canon, but it was one that I thoroughly enjoyed. Can't wait to see him suffer later on.
Looking forward to more.Author's response
Thanx, as always, for reading and reviewing.
I wrestled with the idea of 'reforming and rescuing' Draco, but decided to show him as irredeemable.
Some people don't want to be saved.
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) Wonderbee31 2009-04-15
Great chapter here, and I think you caught Draco at his nastiest there, though sad to say, it's probably more in character than JKR would like to admit imo. Loved the little things as usual, so we get to see Luna setting things up more, Draco getting some of what he deserves, though not nearly enough imo, and the new trio being able to work on things for the future. Can't wait to see how thins will continue to change things up to the end of the year, and if this will throw Albus' plans out the window.Author's response
Thanx, as always, for reading and reviewing.
Yepper, Draco is as nasty a little boy as ever there was. He will NOT be missed.
As far as Dumble’s plans go? What plans? He expects Draco to try to kill him, and for Severus to actually do the deed, just like in canon.
Not much of a plan, really, when you think about it.
I like Luna’s approach better, don’t you?
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) Vilkath 2009-04-15
Not a bad chapter and sure the heck makes a lot more sense then the magical change Draco under went in canon. Form a racist, hating bigiot whow did nothing but sing the praises of Voldemort, to a scared little boy who just wants to get away from the big bad dark lord.
That being said I am sort disapointedi n the lack of real action againd Draco, and Death eaters in general. Once you find something like that out nothing short of death assures they won't hurt any one else again. It also puts in a new light for the 'former DE' like snape to. Suprised no one brought that up this chapter.Author's response
Thanx for reading and reviewing.
As far as action(s) against Draco and the DEs, wait for it. Our beloved Moon Child has plans for them.
In my original outline I have all the surviving marked DEs facing the music. Let’s see where the story goes from here. . .
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) LabRat 2009-04-15
I wonder, is it wrong to be in love with someone that technically doesn't exist? Luna, I think, makes the HP series worth reading.Author's response
Luna not real?
She is so petit that, when we embrace, her cheek presses my breastbone.
Her sandy blonde hair is fine and soft so that the hint of a breeze blows it into my face.
I don’t mind, because each strand carries the scent of the apricot shampoo she favors.
When she looks at me with those pale, blue eyes I simply melt.
She slips under my arm with ease and holds my large calloused paw in her soft tiny hand and I promise that no one will ever hurt my Moon Child while there is breath in my body.
She is so easy to love.
I can’t help it.
I only hope that, someday, your Luna becomes as real to you.
Good luck.
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) HeWhoComesWithTheDaw 2009-04-15
Another great chapter. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Thanks for posting!Author's response
Thanx, hope to have the next chapter up by next week.
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) DrT 2009-04-15
Good, that was a real (if nasty) Draco (not to mention stooges) I'm sure you have something good planned for him (I know I do!)
We rarely see take-charge!Luna. I like that!Author's response
Thanx, DrT,
I chose not to do the 'oh, he can be saved' Draco this time. No one will miss him. I have two possible outcomes, neither of which he will enjoy - can you say slow, painful and humiliating?
If you have anything particularly gruesome in mind for the littlest Malfoy, send me a message at PerfesserN at Yahoo dot com. I'll happily give you credit for any idea of yours that I use!
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) DJ32 2009-04-15
Another great chapter of another great fic. Can I offer the boiling testticle curse for litle Draco or the slow testticle crushing jinkx just a thought. I can't wait to see what is next thanks & keep it up.Author's response
Ooooh, Mountain Oysters a la Malfoy, I LIKE it!
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) grookill 2009-04-15
Somehow the Eagles song "Peaceful Easy Feeling" came to my mind with the dialogue between Luna and Hermione.
Good chapter.Author's response
Yeah, I can hear it too.
She does have that effect on those around her, doesn't she?
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) red_jacobson 2009-04-15
good stuff; I'm glad to see a really nasty Draco for a change.
redAuthor's response
Thanx, sometimes you just have to let the bad guy be the bad guy.
Or in this case the bad tool. . .
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) glrasshopper 2009-04-16
Yay! Someone who has the guts to show Malfoy for what type of person he really is.
I get so frustrated when people try to change his character this late in the game without reworking the character's (canon) history. I'm not sure he would have lead off with an Unforgivable though. Even in canon, Death Eaters seemed to start with other curses first.
When you think about it, why try to muster up enough pure hatred in the blink of an eye to cast a six-syllable curse instead of a simple (and comparatively quicker) Reductor curse?
Anyway, enough griping from me. Good story so far. I like it when people give Luna some depth, but be cautious of turning her into a Sue.Author's response
Thanx for reading and reviewing.
I’ve written Malfoy as good and bad and something in-between. In this story he’s just plain bad. I’d call him a whimpering sociopath, but that would be an insult to whimpering sociopaths everywhere.
I agree with you on the long vs short spell. Shouldn’t the killing curse be something simple like, “Die Mutha F**!”
Never a Sue, more like female combination of Hari Seldon and Sherlock Holmes – I assure you, I am none of these.
I do love Luna, I want to love her and hug her and keep her safe and warm and happy – sigh!
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