Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Achieving Clarity
The Room of Hidden Things
20 reviewsHarry, Hermione and Luna follow Draco into the Room of Hidden Things. Hermione asks a question best left unasked.
Achieving Clarity
(#) BenRG 2009-04-16
Now, this is what should have happened if Hermione hadn't got hormonal and Harry had suddenly had a cerebroectomy over the y5/6 holiday. Nice to see some Malfoy abuse and nice to remember that he isn't some lost, confused boy but a cold-blooded murder who has sworn himself to the service of a genocidal revolutionary political movement.
Lots of interesting stuff here. Especially Draco's obsession with Hermione. I've always thought that he had a particular problem with her. Maybe it is because a 'Mudblood' is his equal or better at every magical art.
I think that you do a good job of using the character of Luna as a catalyst to change events and force characters to see things. This is a nice bit of work and I will keep following it.
BenRG's Rating: 8/10Author's response
Thanx for reading and reviewing (and rating!)
Yep, no redeemable attributes, unless you count his value as Dragon Chow, “Ooh, look Sigurd, if you flash fry him he’s crunchy on the outside and gooey on the inside!”
You hit the nail squarely on the head when you described Luna as the catalyst, SHE’s the one who allows them to see what they’ve known all along but were afraid to admit, and doesn’t she balance Hermione nicely. The world needs more Lunas.
Stay tuned,
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) BJH 2009-04-16
Now THAT was the slickest cliffie I can ever recall reading! It leaves me wanting more without any undo angst or anxiety.
Really nice chapter.
BJHAuthor's response
If I could put a sound track on the story I would have ended this chapter with the theme from Mission Impossible!
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) issabissa 2009-04-16
An interesting chapter!!! I loved it!!! Keep up the great work! You are doing a fabulous job!Author's response
Thanx, I'll do my best!
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) Cateagle 2009-04-16
-CHUCKLE- A most enjoyable chapter with an excellent cliffie at the end; leaving the readers to wonder what they'll get into this time. I think you've got a realistic Draco and stooges. 'Twill be interesting to see just what Luna has in mind for dealing with Draco; I doubt he'll enjoy it much and I suspect Albus won't either. Meanwhile, it's now going to be official that the three of them are now formally together and some interesting reactions are sure to come from that, especially from certain Weasleys (though I reckon teh Headmaster will have an "interesting" response, too). It's nice to see them using all the thinking abilities they've learned to deal with this year rather than canon's less than wholly engaged thinking on the part of Harry and Hermione.Author's response
Thanx, as always, for reading and reviewing.
Let’s see:
Luna sees things that others miss, which makes her, in fact, a genius.
There’s no way in hell she’s going to allow Draco and his hairball crew succeed.
The Weasleys are kind of a non-issue here, Ron’s getting laid so he’s okay, and Ginny will just have to deal.
There will be a confrontation between Albus and Luna – and the leader of light will probably develop a twitch as a result.
The same could be said for Snape.
Without Luna the light side might win, but Harry and Hermione would end up miserable, and Hermione, god forbid, might turn into a gushing haus frau.
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) pi3142 2009-04-16
Why doesn't H.Hr.LL destroy the portal now that they know it's there?Author's response
Without giving too much away, they didn't destroy the portal because they're going to need it!
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) Wolfric 2009-04-16
Good chapter. I'm surprized they didn't do something to the cabinet to cause users to be badly splinched or something equally nasty. Thanks for writing. W.Author's response
Oooo, I like the sabatoge the portal to splinch the DEs idea.
They'll need the portal intact for Luna's plan to come to fruition.
Patience, grasshopper. . .
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) Treck 2009-04-16
Ok. I have read all the chapters and the reviews and I am left with a question and a couple thoughts.
The question... Snape. Good or bad?
Thoughts. It's a great place to leave a cliff-hanger.
In a review response you made Draco out as Dragon Chow...
What did that poor dragon do to you?Author's response
Thanx for reading, and reviewing.
Snape isn’t on anyone’s side but his own, which I guess makes him neutral. Pity the fool if he tries to interfere with the golden trio.
He is also a marked death eater, and there must be a consequence for that. “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.” – can you say Chez Azkaban?
Dragons are known to have strong constitutions, just ask Shel Silverstein.
“When a knight comes to fight
He just toasts him on sight.
Like a hot, crispy cinnamon bun.”
I think it’s the flesh-eating beetles that have delicate constitutions. . .
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) Cateagle 2009-04-16
/There will be a confrontation between Albus and Luna – and the leader of light will probably develop a twitch as a result.
The same could be said for Snape./
Now those two confrontations should be both entertaining and educationsl for observers; though I suspect Albus adn Severus will neither learn nor be educated by it (traumatized, though, is more probable).
Author's response
I'm trying to write the confrontation between Albus and both Harry's sweethearts in such a way that it will be illuminating.
Wish me luck!
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) Goddessa39 2009-04-20
Poor Neville. He is almost as unlucky as Harry. SAnd Luna does seem quite fun. So... no potion-does that mean LavLav is gonna preggersup early??Author's response
Well, if Neville is as UNlucky as Harry is in this fic, then he's gonna get laid. A lot!
Lav would be in trouble if not for her two guardian angels!
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