Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Ghost Of You

Chapter 2

by MCRmyOXO 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-05-09 - Updated: 2009-05-11 - 1170 words

APRIL 2nd 1943

Morning. Cloudy and gray. I woke up thirty minutes before dawn exactly to get ready for the day, today is the day we go visit Frankie Iero, Bob Bryar and Ray Toro in the city. I was up, ready and moving by the time Mikey and Gerard finally rolled out of bed. We hopped in the back of Gerard’s Cadillac and drove off around noon.
I walked up the brick steps of Ray’s home on the outskirts of the city. It’s a very big two story house that Ray inherited from his uncle when he passed away; it looks more like a mansion. Gerard followed up behind me and beat me to the door. Ray opened it seconds later, bright faced and cheerful as usual.
“Ray1” I shriek gleefully. I missed him loads because I haven’t seen him in over a month or two, Ray heaved me up and spun me around.
“How are you Joy?” He asked. Rain pattered lightly on the pavement. We walked inside. Frank Iero emerged from the kitchen, Bob hovering close behind. I hugged each of them. They asked me what I’ve been up to, how’s school going, things like that all the basic stuff.
Gerard asked me to go into the other room. I knew it had something to do with the news they were so sad about. But I walked from the main room to the hallway and pretended to walk down to the foyer. I stood perfectly still by the staircase just outside the door and waited.
“Did you tell her yet” Frankie blurted.
“No” Gerard said sheepishly looking from the floor to me. Frankie looked pissed.
“Why the fuck not? Times running out, we got two weeks. You need to tell her or find out some other explanation why we’re going away for two years” Frankie went on.
“Ok, will you explain to me how we can tell our eleven year old sister, who looks to us and you guys” I gestured to Bob Ray and Frankie ”as the closest thing she has to a family she’s got that we’re going off to war and not hurt her?” I asked stressed and not wanting to go through with telling her.
I swallowed hard, one of my worst fears come true, my beloved brothers, off to war. A tear escaped my eyes and rolled down my cheek. What if the died I thought horrified of losing my only family. I bit my lip and tried to blink back tears, I ran up the staircase.
I heard the heavy thumping of footsteps up a staircase. Frankie peered around the corner.
“Well, she knows now” he laughed; I stared daggers at him and sighed.
“I knew it, this was my fault, I should’ve told her the minute I found out” I said dryly. Gerard put his hand on my shoulder
“I got this” he said and trailed after Joy up the stairs.
I took a deep breath at the top the stairs, here goes I thought. I found Joyce on the floor of Ray’s room sobbing. She brought her knees up to her chest and buried her face.
“Joyce……” I said softly. She paid no attention to me. I felt sad and awkward and pity all at the same time.
“W-why…D-d-did you hi-de t-that, y-you co-could have told m-me” she blubbered through tears, now I fell guilt, and I’m the bad guy. Joyce hated it when we hid news from her especially something as important as this.“Why did you hide that” she asked again, her voice was cracking despite how brave she was trying to sound. I looked at her stunned; her beautiful hazel eyes were lined with tears dribbling down her cheeks and her hair seemed dull and lifeless.
“I-I’m sorry Joy” I finally stammered.
“But why! Why did you hide this, you know you can tell me anything” she asked again, her tiny delicate hands balled into fists. I couldn’t say anything, like my lips were sealed together.
“I’m sorry” I said again in a voice that was almost a whisper and took steps from the room. Halfway down the stairs I heard the thunk-thunk of her feet silently following me down the metal stairs but I pretended not to notice.
At the bottom of the steps I was surprised when two small arms snaked around my waist. Joy pressed herself to my side hugging me, Joy hadn’t hugged me or showed any sign of family love in almost two months and of course I was happy.
“I love you Gee, I know you don’t think so, I see it in your eyes whenever I walk by, but I love you. Just as much as Mikey and just as much as I loved mommy and dad” she whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek still hugging me.

Despite how hurt and how betrayed I felt I hugged Gerard hard as I could not letting go. “I love you Gee” I whispered in his ear still holding on to my brother’s waist. He rested an arm around my shoulder still not letting go.
When I was about twenty three and Mikey was eighteen about a year after we moved into are own place together part time we got news that our parents died in a fire. Joyce almost did too she was severely burned from the waist down, most of the chars and dead skin have fallen off only leaving her with a few scars on her stomach and legs, I’m not sure she remembers it much.
Mikey being the annoying good natured brother stepped up to take her in even though she hardly knew us, she was only three. Mikey made her feel welcome, I was just nervous with having her around and learning to raise her like parents.
Since Mikey spent most of his time with her she saw him as the better brother. Now she’s older and kind and good natured like Mikey and I understand her.
She pulled away and smiled at me, her eyes glowing again.
Gerard put his arm around my shoulder again guiding me back to the main room where everyone anxiously waited. Mikey looked speechless when he saw me smiling, Frankie, Ray and Bob all had warm smiles plastered on their faces. I ran up and jumping into his arms hugged Mikey.
“I know you wanted to hide that from me, I’m happy that it sort of slipped out that way” I whispered.
“You know that I’m sorry and that I don’t want to leave you but I’ll be back before you know it” he assured me.
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