Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Like I Did Yesterday


by disturbedangel6 8 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2009-05-09 - Updated: 2009-05-10 - 128 words

I guess as you can see its been like ages since I last updated
A lot of things happened... broke up with the girlfriend after finding out that she cheated on me with her ex
Yea, learnt a lesson there; never date 15 yr old they're just... whores (not saying that all 15 yr olds are, but the ones I know are)
Anywho I found someone else who cares... pretty happy atm...

Anyway to the story....
And well with this... I can't do it without reviews

I see no point in continuing

I just kinda lost my motivation to write anymore with the last few chapters having no reviews

It aint that hard people

Gosh, and I thought I was lazy
Anywho, I got my anger out so yea... peacexx
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