Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Holly Evans and the Spiral Path

Intrusion 101

by wordhammer 3 reviews

Things get serious; several crimes are committed, revenge is taken, and H&H have a bonding moment over their potion mishap.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Erotica,Horror - Characters: Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [!!!] [V] [R] [Y] - Published: 2009-05-11 - Updated: 2009-05-11 - 3723 words - Complete


Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all related concepts are owned by someone who isn't me. I will never seek or accept money for the circulation of this work.

Author's warning: This chapter contains implied rape and later some consensual underage fondling.

Holly Evans and the Spiral Path

Chapter 8: Holidays 1992 Intrusion 101 (M)

December 17th, 1992

Dear Harry,

I am camped out near the Slytherin entrance under cloak and Silencio, waiting for someone to enter without using the entrance stone. Each and every time a student walks up to the blank section of wall across from the fox/manhunt painting, they put their hand on the stone and I hear their name spoken in that hissing whisper. Credit to the Slytherins, they are consistent with their security.

Hold on, I think I'm in luck. Marcus Flint, that snaggle-toothed Neanderthal from their Quidditch squad, is coming up the hallway with a Ravenclaw girl shuffling along in front of him. I think it's one of their prefects, Penelope something. This will prove whether we can gatecrash or not. It's strange, she seems almost asleep. Flint's holding his wand out and telling her to move along. Her eyes are all glassy.

This is horrible. The next thing that happened was the door stone recognising Flint, then he pushed her forward through the opening. As the door closed, I could hear someone inside say "Now the party can get started." I'll let the Quill tell the rest. I was clutching it as I ran to find a teacher, a prefect, Hell; I would have taken Filch at that point. I must have activated the Quill when Percy grabbed my arm.

Transcription: 17th December, 1992 starting 11:01 PM GMT

Percy Weasley (PW):You shouldn't be out after curfew, Evans. Just who do you think you are?

PW grabs Holly Evans by the left upper arm and pulls her towards the stairs.

Holly Evans (HE):To Hell with the curfew, Percy! A girl is about to get raped!

PW: Don't start with me. I know all about your lies. You'll be held fully accountable for your crimes this time.

HE: Percy, you prat, let me explain! I just saw a girl dragged into the Slytherin common room!

PW: Right. What could you possibly be doing all the way down there? There's no reason for you to have been walking past their dorm. Detentions with Professor Snape never last past curfew. You're lying.

HE: AS GOD IS MY WITNESS I just saw Penelope Clearwater brought into their common room! She wasn't in her right mind! Marcus Flint had his wand on her!

PW stops dragging HE but continues to hold her arm.

PW: Penny?

HE: Yes! I don't care if you expel me; get some help and get in there!

PW releases HE, looks at her sternly.

PW: Head immediately back to our common room. Stay there in case you are needed for questioning. For her sake, do not tell anyone of what you have seen. No one! Do you understand?

HE: Yes! Just go, would you?

PW jogs away down the corridor.

HE notices the Quill in her hand is twitching. HE draws her journal from the inside pocket of her cloak.

Transcription ended


December 18th, 1992

Dear Harry,

I am in a world of shit. I have no memory of any of what is written here about the night of December 17th. I remember being bored, waiting for someone to blow protocol in front of the door, then some vague thing about walking back to get some treacle tart from my trunk. As my trunk is in splinters, I know this isn't my memory. I don't know what to do now.



December 19th, 1992

Transcription: 19th December, 1992 starting 5:28 AM GMT

Holly Evans (HE) remains curled up on her bed, eyes staring out the nearby window. Quill is curled in her hand. Hermione Granger (HG) approaches the bed and sits down at the edge, turned to face HE. HG places her hand on HE's forearm.

HG: You didn't go to classes yesterday.


Professor McGonagall asked me to check up on you.


Ron is threatening a hunger strike. He...


I can't stand to see you like this.

HE swallows and blinks.

HG: You are the most incredible, incomprehensible person I have ever met. You are this little thing, yet you have faced a Mountain Troll and a possessed teacher and killed both of them, without a wand! You negotiate with this school's most notorious instructor as an equal! You provoked a Slytherin into a muggle brawl for Heaven's sake! And if that's not enough proof of your extraordinary presence and greatness, you even outthink me on occasion.

HE: (whispering) What do you want from me Hermione?

HG: I want you to stand up, like you always do. I have never even heard of someone so absolutely undaunted by the challenges thrown their way as you are. I want to believe in you, like I have believed in you since you started to include me in your adventures. I want you to shrug and say 'whatever' and tell me how we're going to break into Dumbledore's office, or explain how we don't need to worry about Slytherins ruling our world because they're all going to die off in two generations from inbreeding. I want you to tell me what I forgot to consider when brewing illegal potions. I want you to handle the walking dead like they were untrained puppies. I want to know what happened and how we will handle it. I want you to make me feel like it will all be okay, because right now I don't think it will all be okay, because you're not okay.

HG starts crying.

HG: I want my friend back.

HE sighs.

HE: (quietly) Have you seen the Ravenclaw prefect Penelope Clearwater, lately?

HG: (sniffs) What?

HE: (slowly) Best as I can tell, this is what happened;

I was hidden outside the Slytherin dorms, waiting for someone to go in with a guest or forget to touch the entry stone. Along comes Marcus Flint, with Penelope ahead of him, shuffling along looking drugged or something.

Before I can do anything about it, they're entering the Slytherin common room where someone else is expecting them to show up.

I ran to find someone to tell and found Percy.

He took some convincing but sent me back to our dorms and headed off to seek further help.

I only know these things because I had the Quill transcribe them immediately after Percy ran off.

After that, someone found me, Obliviated me, left me a non-incriminating false memory about my trunk, and I woke up in here yesterday morning to discover all this.

Penelope was most likely raped by at least two boys. Percy has been Obliviated. Penny has most certainly been Obliviated if you've seen her at all.

HG: Oh, God. Oh, God! Holly, that's horrible!

HE: Whomever did this to me is operating somewhat legitimately, as Harry has no doubt read what I wrote and mentioned it to Dumbledore, assuming he has that sort of avenue of communication. Even without my journal, my understanding from Perenelle's notes suggest that Obliviate would send off a flag of some sort if it came from a caster uncertified in its use, much less the wand of an underage wizard.

HG: I do recall seeing Penelope at dinner last night. She looked in good spirits, but haunted. Like she's having nightmares.

HE: She is.

HG: Why her?

HE blinks, and then sits up in her bed.

HE: She's attractive and a muggleborn; she's a prefect, so Flint may have crossed her or vice versa at some point.


How can any girl be safe?

HG: (tentatively) You should see Madame Pomfrey; to make sure nothing else is...wrong.

HE looks straight into HG's eyes.

HE: Hermione, I don't know if I can stand to find out. My legs have been knocked out from under me. If I have been...violated, as well, or worse yet impregnated? I promised myself I would not walk away from this life. I have seen and done too much to let it take away my chance at a better outcome. I don't want to break that promise, but I may reach that point where I say 'enough!'

HG: (Gasp!) You wouldn't kill yourself!

HE considers for a moment, her eyes flooding with tears.

HG embraces HE in a strong hug. Both girls cry for several minutes.

HE shakes her head finally and releases HG from the hug.

HE: Not for this. I will survive this. We can't let this be swept away either. I don't know how we can pinpoint who was involved in covering this up, but I think we can at least send a message to the perpetrators that the behavior will not be allowed to pass unanswered.

HG: Won't we get in serious trouble?

HE: Only me, Hermione. I want you away from this. I need you instead to concentrate on finishing that potion and cracking the next layer of Perenelle's protections. If there is away to unmask an Obliviation, we need it.

HG: But what about...

HE: Hermione, if they come after me, they will be tipping their hand that they know what happened and that I have reason to act on it. If anything, I have to do this.

HG: Holly, um, I can check...if you want. That is...

HE: What are you trying to say, Hermione?

HG: Lavender showed me a spell from her family grimoire that can test a girl to see if she's still...unspoiled. I could try to cast it, if you'd like.

HE stares at HG

HE: Do it.

HG mumbles. A tendril of white ribbon-like energy alights on HE, centered on her pelvis. The glow swirls until it flashes pink.

HG: (smiling) You're fine! You haven't been...uh, besmirched.

HE: (slightly smirking)If I didn't know better, I'd say you were happy you got the opportunity to try out the spell.

HG looks mockingly guilty.

HE: Hermione...

HE reaches out to HG and envelops HG in a strong hug.

HE: ...Thank you.

Transcription ends



Dear Harry,

Transcription: 20th December, 1992 starting 12:28 PM GMT

Katie Bell approaches Alicia Spinnet, Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown at the Gryffindor House table. Holly Evans is sitting alone two seats away, reading from the Standard Book of Spells, Year Five.

Katie Bell (KB):You will not guess what I just heard!

Alicia Spinnet (AS):This isn't about that Flinch-Fetch boy who got petrified along with Nearly Headless Nick is it? That was all yesterday.

Parvati Patil (PP):That was Justin Finch-Fletchley; he's in our year...

KB: Whatever, that's not what this is about! Marcus Flint was found naked suspended in ropes from the ceiling of the boy's loo on fourth floor! He was found just this morning! I heard it looked like a giant spider had caught him in its web!

PP: Oooh, I heard he was in trouble! Padma said she heard Professor Flitwick was actually angry and that Flint's being expelled for 'undisclosed reasons'.

Parvati Patil made quote marks with her hands just then.

Lavender Brown (LB):Well, what I got from Lisa Turpin...Lisa's in hospital for that awful glamour that changed her hair orange, so she's been talking to Esmeralda Smethwyk who is trying for a healer apprenticeship...

AS: Stay on topic!

LB: Right, well Lisa said that Esmeralda said that Flint's fingers were broken and his boy-parts shriveled into peppercorns! A message left written on his chest says...(giggle)

AS, KB, PP:What?!

LB: It says "I think Flint used his willy too much."

AS, KB, PP:(giggles)

LB: And it was signed...the Spider!

AS, KB, PP:Ooooooohhh! (giggles)

Holly Evans (HE):I heard Flint's wand was stuck halfway up his rectum, and he didn't realise it until he clenched up and snapped the tip.

HE turns a page in her book with a snap.

AS, KB, LB, PP:Eeeewwwww!

Transcription ends

Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies.



December 24th, 1992

Dear Harry,

With the bulk of the school away for holiday, Hermione and I are going to finish up the Polyjuice and give it a go. We worked out that Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson and Millicent Bulstrode are also staying here over the break. We figure we can act as needed to get Malfoy to lead us into the Slytherin common room.

I'll start the transcription ahead of time in case something goes wrong. If you could be up around 1AM of Boxing Day to keep an eye on us, I'd appreciate it. Happy Christmas in the meantime!


Transcription: 26th December, 1992 starting 1:21 AM GMT

Hermione Granger (HG):You should never have taken the law into your own hands!

Holly Evans (HE):What law? Don't think that I didn't try to work this out within the rules. That's what got me Obliviated!

HG approaches cauldron with two cups and a ladle. HG waves ladle at HE

HG: You'll be caught and expelled. You'll probably be Obliviated again since you don't have any family to back you up.

HE is staring down at this journal lying on a table near a bubbling cauldron.

HE: Harry may never have met me, but he should know me well enough by now. He would back me up. Besides, the ones that did this to me have to already know I took care of Flint. Either me or Percy would fit the bill, as Penny is clearly unaware of her travails, and Percy doesn't have the balls.

HG: (giggles)

HE: Figuratively, I mean. Alright, I've started the Quick-quotes quill to writing, so if we screw up, it's all recorded. Hopefully someone will find our mangled bodies and read this page to see what we did to ourselves.

HG: Don't you have any faith in my skills?

HE: Absolute faith, it's the ingredients I can't fully trust. There's also a part of me that doubts Pansy Parkinson is actually human, so something horrible may result by my sampling essence of pug-face.

HG: (giggles) Well, I think I may be at greater risk then. Ron is convinced that Millicent is descended from trolls. Crabbe and Goyle as well.

HE steps back from the table with the journal and sits down next to the cauldron.

HE: Why are you all giggly?

HG shrugs and sits down in front of the cauldron.

HG: I don't know. This experimentation is really getting me excited! It's like, we're doing this because I want to know, not because someone told us we should know. In fact, they would probably say we shouldn't be doing this. It's exhilarating!

HE: Right!

HE straightens her shirt and speaks in an official tone.

HE: This is an extracurricular experiment in covert brewing of Polyjuice Potion by Gryffindor students Hermione Granger and Holly Evans. If only the clothes are recognisable after our testing, please note that Miss Granger is wearing a fetching white Oxford button-down shirt and standard school uniform knee-length skirt, while Miss Evans is sporting a khaki dress shirt and a home-sewn black corduroy skirt with thigh length socks striped in Gryffindor red and gold.

HG: They're cute! Where did you get those?

HE: Neville gave them to me for Christmas. Now focus!

HE moves her goggles down over her eyes from her forehead.

HE: I will be taking the first sample, using hair from Pansy Parkinson I acquired before end of term.

HG dollops potion into each cup and hands one to HE.

HG: Yes, that was quite the altercation. What did you say to her anyway?

HE drops hairs into her cup and stirs.

HE: "I see Malfoy chooses his bedmates like he chooses his brooms- he looks for something fast and maneuverable, yet slow to respond"

HG laughs.

HE: Bottom's up!

HE drinks contents of her cup. Facial features of HE shift into semblance of Pansy Parkinson, then HE's skin starts to tremble. HE's whole body spasms backwards. HE rolls over, pushes herself up to kneeling, and then expels the contents of her stomach onto the floor. HE's features have returned to normal, though she is flushed. HE removes her goggles.

HE: Ugh, I think I'm allergic to this goop.

HG flourishes her wand at the sick on the floor.

HG: Evanesco

HE: Thank you.

HG: Well, I suppose it's up to me then. Perhaps I can keep the door open wide when I enter and you could follow with the cloak.

HE returns to a sitting position next to the cauldron, and wipes off her face with a damp cloth.

HE: One step at a time, Hermione. This may just be a bad batch.

HG picks up the second cup.

HG: I will be taking the next sample, using hair plucked from Millicent Bulstrode's jumper during our last Charms class of term.

HG adds hair to the cup, stirs and drinks its contents.

HG lurches to standing, then runs to the nearest lavatory stall

HE: Are you all right?

HG is heard heaving into the toilet.

HE: This is kinda deja vu. (louder) Did it work?

HG: Oh, no!

HE stands up and follows HG's path to the stall and leans against the door frame.

HE: What is it? Is she really part troll?

HG: Akghh! Just give me a minute!

HG is heard fumbling about in the stall.

HE: Hermione?

HG slams open the door to the stall. HE steps back. HG steps out to reveal HG has become a full sized cat-human hybrid with brownish black fur.

HG: I've made a terrible mistake. I must have gotten her cat's hair instead of Millicent's!

HE: Oh, God. Didn't you say that mixing animal...

HG: Mixing animal hairs into the potion can cause irreversible cross-species mutations, yes. Oh, GOD! I am such a fool!

HE: Well, it isn't a guarantee. I've seen Madame Pomfrey heal some really outrageous student mistakes. We should go to her as soon as we clean this away.

HG is beginning to cry

HG: Holly, I don't know if I can handle this!

HE starts to look around the room

HE: I know you'll get through this.


HE swings her face back to look HG in the eyes.

HE: What?!

HG: Just...can you hold me? Can you stand to hold me in this state?

HE moves forward to embrace HG. HE hugs HG tightly.

HG cries.

HG and HE slowly lower to the floor. HE sits with legs extended forward and HG lays sprawled over HE's lap, legs curled up under her. HG's arms are still hugging HE around the waist. HG's tail is curled along her leg.

HG continues to cry

HE: We'll get through this, Hermione. It will get better.

HE starts to rub HG's back. HG's crying is reduced to a sniffle.

HG: Oooh, ow. Um...can you do that under the shirt? It's...It's rubbing my fur wrong through the fabric.

HE: Sure.

HE untucks HG's shirt from her skirt and begins to stroke the fur along HG's back.

HG uncurls her legs and stretches around HE, continuing to hug her waist. HG's tail begins to flick back and forth.

HG: (Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...)

HE: (giggles) I think she likes this!

HG: (...rrrrrr.) It's very soothing. I'm actually beginning to feel a bit better. (Purrrrrrr...)

HE: If you're feeling better, maybe we should take you to see Madame Pomfrey? We can use the cloak...

HG: (...rrr.) No! No. I'd just like to stay here like this for a little while. Could we please?

HE resumes stroking HG's back

HG: (Purrrrrrrrrr...)Mmm, lower, please (...rrrrrrrrrr...)

HE continues stroking the fur along HG's spine, down to the small of her back

HG: (...rrrrrRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrRRRRR) Gasp!

HE: Are you alright?

HG: There's a spot that's a bit lower that you're almost getting to. It's like an itch I can't scratch...

HE: Right at the base of your, um, tail?

HG: Yeah, that's it.

HE reaches down, lifting up HG's skirt to expose her fur-covered backside and 2 foot long furry tail.

HE: Going commando, are we?

HG: Don't be rude! My knickers started to pinch horribly as the tail grew in, so I doffed them and put I stuck them in my halter, alright?

HE: Calm down, I didn't mean anything by it.

HE resumes stroking HG's lower spine, playing her fingers around HG's tail as it twitches and sways

HG: (Purrrrr...)Whatever. (...rrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR)

HE: I'm not surprised you're liking this. I read the Kama Sutra that Aunt Petunia sent me. There are all sorts of references in Ayurvedic medicine about chakras, centers of energy within the body. The base of the spine here is the Muladhara chakra, a center for longing and the base of spiritual awakening...


HE: Hermione?

HG crawls forward across HE's lap until her forepaws are clutching at the stone tile floor.

HG: (RRRRRR) Gasp!(RRRRRR) Gasp! (RRRRRR) Gasp!

HE shifts her stroking to include part of HG's tail

HG: Oh, God! (RRRRRR)Gasp!

HE: What?

HG: Oh, God! Holly, touch me!

HE: Are you serious?

HG: Touch me please!(RRRRRR) Gasp! (RRRRRR) Gasp!

HE moves her hand around from massaging the base of HG's tail to gently cover HG's clitoris with her fingers, and continues stroking the base of the tail with her other hand.

HG: OhHHhHHhhhGOD! (RRRRRR) Gasp! (RRRRRR) Gasp! (RRRRRR) Gasp!

HE moves her hand slowly in a circular motion over HG's damp quivering vulva.

HG: Ahhh GOD! Ahhh GOD! Sweet Baby Maeve, just don't stop! Ahhh GOD!

HE: Y'know, if you wanted stimulation the Quill...OHMIGOD THE QUILL!

Transcription ended

You are, of course, sworn to secrecy once again. Your life will be forfeit. Keep it in mind.


(and how the Hell did the Quill know her vulva was damp and quivering?)

A/N: Acknowledgements are due to other authors for some of this fun:

canoncansodoff for inspiring the Ayurvedic stuff, found in 'Alternative Medicine'

Draco664 on fanficauthors for Hermione getting sexually excited when Harry uses his brain, from 'Journeyman Potter'

cloneserpents for 'A Tale of One Kitty...' and the "Sweet Baby Maeve..." quote from 'HP and the Sword of Gryffindor', which I still believe should be called 'the Sordid Gryffindor'

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