Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Take Me Away


by disturbedangel6 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2009-05-17 - Updated: 2009-05-17 - 1560 words

“You shouldn’t skate anymore Lara!” my mother’s voice echoed from behind me as I walked quickly to my destination which was my bedroom.
She was pretty much upset about what happened to my poor little hand. It was only a small injury, just small scratches… okay maybe big ones, but I was fine.
“Don’t walk away from me young lady!” I heard her small feet quicken its pace.
As always, I ignored her and finally reached my room and was ready to shut the door on her face.
She stood in front of me, her face was strawberry red. “You’re almost 18 Lara. Please act more lady-like and throw out that skateboard crap!”
I rolled my eyes.
“Don’t roll your eyes like that!” she pointed her index finger with warning to me.
I opened my mouth to throw in some curse words when Victor came into the scene.
“Now, now Jade calm down. She’s still young, not 18 yet. She’ll learn how to be a lady in time,” he had his hands on her shoulders.
Victor always calms my mother down… it’s like he balances her out.
My mother sighed and turned on her heels and Victor followed.
I gave him a quick smile before disappearing in my room. Ah, I would have no life without Victor being around. He’s way better than my abusive father. I shrugged that thought away and made myself comfortable in my bed. I looked at the bandage that was wrapped around the palm of my hand. It stung a little and by me focusing on it made the pain a little less bearing. I rested my head on my big fluffy pillow and let my mind rewind and play with all the events that occurred today.
I was actually surprised that I made friends… well I hope I did, I mean Gerard did say ‘catch you there then’. I bit my bottom lip as I started to feel paranoid. What if they ditch me? What if I just don’t make any friends? I huffed, don’t be stupid Lara, you don’t need friends… I nodded to myself.
Just as I did, my wonderful phone which keeps ringing at the wrong times, once again started ringing. I checked the caller ID and who would have thought that my own biological father was calling me. He must miss me then. I didn’t let him wait any longer and answered the phone.
“Yes?” I know I was being cold to him, but he deserved it.
“Lara, my wonderful daughter, how are you?” I heard his words slur a bit.
I pressed my lips together with no surprise that he was slightly drunk, “I’m fine, you?”
“I’m feeling great actually! How was the moving? Everything right then?”
“Mhm,” I nodded even though he couldn’t see. “Yeah, it was alright. What is it that you want?”
I knew he wouldn’t call me for nothing; he doesn’t call me just to ask how I was.
“Ah, can’t I call my only daughter once in awhile?”
“Cut the crap, why did you call?” I asked sharply as I examined my bandaged hand.
He chuckled, “Ah, you got me. I just wanted to call to say that I’m getting married.”
My eyes widened. I didn’t even have to know who he was getting married to. I already knew. Quinn who has been my father’s girlfriend for several years is one of the most wretched, selfish women I’ve ever met. I really didn’t like that woman. From by just looking at her, it showed that she was all trouble. I’ve only stayed at my father’s once with her around and that was the first and last time I saw her. She said bullshit about me, and well, just like Cinderella; made me do the housework. Stupid cunt she was.
“Oh, okay. Well, have a happy life,” I let the hate drip within my words.
“Oh, you’re not gonna congratulate me or something?”
“Congrats, I gotta go.”
“Before you go, I also called to say that you gotta be at the wedding.”
“What?” I gritted my teeth. “No way in hell am I going to be there.”
“Oh yes, you are. Please, just this once and you don’t have to see me in awhile. I know you hate Quinn but for me please?”
Since when did I do things for you? “Whatever, I gotta go. Bye.” I hung up and threw my phone across my bed.

Just minutes later my mother appeared at the doorway.
I could tell from her eyes that she knew who called.
“What did he want?” she asked harshly, not to me but with the hate of her ex husband.
I stared down, “He just called to say he was getting married and he wanted me to be there,” I said as quickly as possible.
I knew how much my mother hated my father and I didn’t blame her.
“Well, it’s your choice,” she shrugged and walked out.
I sighed and laid flat on the bed.
There was a reason why we moved out here; to let go of the past and anyone who was in it. It wasn’t working that well.

Sunday, which was the next day wasn’t any lazy Sunday doing nothing at all. I forced myself to unpack absolutely everything and tidy my room. All that, basically took all of the day.
I dropped a heap of books on my bed to sort through. It was the books that I might need or might not need for this semester in my new school. I sat down beside them and wondered why I was actually wasting my time a t school. It was because I was too lazy to do anything else and right now sleeping through school was a great idea.
I felt my hands and knees suddenly weak. I groaned and stomped my way to the kitchen and searched through the cupboard for anything filled with sugar.
I smiled greedily at the chocolate cereal and reached for it with my shaky hand.
“What are you doing?” Victor asked from behind me which made me slightly jump and almost hit my head on the shelf above me.
I retreated from the cupboard and pulled out the cereal, “I just realized that my body is running out of glucose.”
“Ah shit Lara,” he hurried to me and grabbed the cereal and quickly poured it in a bowl. “Don’t leave these kinds of things till late!” he ran to the fridge and pulled out the milk.
I watched him pour the milk in the bowl. “I’m sorry; I was so into unpacking.”
“You do know what will happen to you if you didn’t eat right?”
I nodded, but he still continued.
“You’ll get majorly sick and probably end up in hospital, or even worse, you’ll faint!” he sat down next to me and handed me the bowl.
I quickly started to eat it with my shaking hands. “Don’t tell mum.”
“I won’t, she’s out grocery shopping anyway. Just don’t do it again,” he patted my back.
I nodded, “I won’t.”
Victor was such a caring guy. I almost saw him as a father figure. He was about 15 years older than me; way young for mum but they seem like the perfect couple.
“Good,” he gave me a smile.

“No,” I peaked blindly at my ringing alarm clock that read 7:30am.
I was clearly dreading this day that has come. Monday; the first day of school, of a new school and hell I suck going to new places. I have major anxiety attacks… well maybe not major but still…
I didn’t know what to expect and what to not expect. I just wanted this first day to run smoothly.
I turned off the alarm and slipped out of bed. I did my morning rituals and returned back to my room from the bathroom. What to wear… This majorly sucked also. My old school was dress coded with a weird looking uniform and now with this school it wasn’t. I had no bloody idea of what to wear but finally decided on dark blue skinnys, a random band shirt and a black cardigan (I was cold easily). My hair being naturally straight had no problem at all except a bit of hairspray and messing it up a bit. I grabbed my bag that I had gotten ready the night before and headed downstairs.
Victor and mother were out already at their new jobs so I had to make breakfast myself. I decided to eat the chocolate cereal again. Healthy breakfast, I agree.
Before I knew it, I was walking to school. I would have used my skateboard, but right now I didn’t want to get to school too quickly. My heart was already pumping out of my chest and my hands were sweaty. Great, a nice way of starting school. My mind was already being filled with millions of thoughts and worries of what might be occurring today, hopefully nothing bad.

Well, then this has like no excitement or whatever... but its a .... whatemacalled? filler?

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