Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 'Cause Everyone Hates You.

Chapter 19

by MyChemicalSuicide 6 reviews

Reposted full chapter.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2009-05-21 - Updated: 2009-05-23 - 1543 words

Hiiiii! So from now on, I'm going to try to update WAY faster then I have been. Taking long gives me writers block D: Well, there's really not much to say about this one. I guess you could call it a 'f-i-l-l-e-r' but I dunno.. Enjoy it? Hehehe. Chapter 19! :O:O:O

I'm in the hospital with Frank by my bedside. He told me he's been here since school got our because they didn't let him leave school early.
Supposedly he hasn't left since then, but I just woke up so I have no support for that information. I wouldn't doubt it, though, because he looks way worried.

"Hey, Gee." he says quietly, getting up from his chair and coming to sit next to me on the bed.
"Hey, Frankie." I say, my voice raspy.
"How are you feeling?"
"As good as someone in this situation can." I smile, and he lets out a soft laugh. I notice that he tries not to look me in the eyes. "Are you okay? You look like something’s bothering you."
"Well, I mean, you're here, and it could've been prevented if I could've gotten those assholes off of me."
I interrupt him, "Frankie, it's not your fault, you know that, right?"
"I guess.. but still. And if us being together means trips to the hospital then.." He doesn't finish his sentence.
"...Then what?" I say, trying to hide the fear in my voice.
His eyes get watery as he replies, "Then.. I don't think we.. Should be together anymore." A tear slowly cascades down his cheek.
"No, Frankie. It was just one time." I say frantically as he gets up to leave the room.
"I'm sorry, Gerard." He says turning back to look at me before exiting through the door way.

You idiot.
Seriously, can you just stop. This isn't a good time for me.
No, you are fucking stupid as hell.
What the fuck? It's not my fault he left me!
He didn't leave you. Just open your damn eyes.

There's Frank, right next to my bed.

"Oh, thank God! Mr. and Mrs. Way, he's awake!" Frank yells towards the back of what I assume is the hospital room.
He leans in and whispers, "I'd totally be all over you right now, but your dad doesn't.. ya know.. know about us yet."
I let out a dry laugh, "I understand."

My parents walk over and start glomming all over me like a baby old who just took their first step. It's pretty disgusting. I'm pretty sure I have hundreds of lipstick prints on my face before my mom could even finish one sentence.

"Are you okay my little baby?" She asks, her voice high pitched and squeaky.
"Yes, I'm fine." I reply.
"Why did they do this to you? Oh my Gerard!" She says, wrapping her arms as best she could around me. I wince slightly because my ribs hurt like a bitch.

My dad walks up to me, "You'll be okay."
Typical response from him, I suppose.
"Yeah, I know." I say bluntly.

My dad just screams 'I'm-Uncomfortable-Lets-Leave', and tries to persuade my mother to get going.
"But Don! He's our baby! Someone hurt him! I need to stay!" My mom whines.

I glance at Frank who is standing awkwardly behind the two of them. I can tell he wants them to leave, too. I guess I do, even though they're my parents.

My dad finally gets my mom to leave with him after a while of "Come on!"s and "Let's go."s And "He'll be just fine without us."s And "He'll still be here once we come back."s. I motion to Frank to come by me, and he walks over, sitting on the bed with his hand resting on top of mine.

"I had a horrible dream." I say to him.
"What was it, babe?" He asks, genuine concern glazing his features.
"You told me that we shouldn't see each.. other anymore because you didn't w-want me to have to be in t-the hospital all the time." I choke out.
"Oh, Gee!" He cries, carefully hugging me, "I'd never do that. Of course I don't want you in the hospital, but I could never leave you."
My eyes glisten slightly, I don't know whether it's from happiness or having to remember my dream. I squeeze his hand tightly, and smile.
"So did you hear what that jackass did to me?" I ask.
"What did he do?" Frank asks. I don't think he understood the question.
I laugh, "No, I mean did the doctors say what he did?"
"Oh," He says, slightly reddening, "Yeah. You have.. 4 broken ribs, 2 fractured bones somewhere.. I didn't hear exactly where, and tons of bruises."
"Oh, damn." I say.
He giggles, "Yeah, you're pretty fucked up."
"Oh shut up," I say jokingly, "You still love me."
"Of course I do." He smiles wide, leaning down and pressing our lips gently together.
"So did the fucker get suspended or what?"
"Yeah, I think for like.. 2 weeks. I don't know the 'exacts' on things, if it's not obvious." He says, laughing.
I laugh, too and attempt to sit up more in the bed. It takes a few tries and a lot of pain, but I get there.
"You could've just pressed the button that moves the bed up." Frank says.
"Thanks for telling me now, Frankie." I reply sarcastically.
"Anytime." He smiles.
"So," I groan “do we know when I’ll be able to go home?”
“Oh, right, no exacts with you.” I joke.
“Ha ha ha.” He says sarcastically, “You can leave in 2 days.”
“God.” I sigh.
“Yeah, I know. It’ll be like torture without you.” Frank says, leaning in and kissing me.

He puts his hands to the back of my head, deepening our kiss. There’s a cough at the doorway and we quickly break apart, which hurts me because of the fast movements we have to make. I look over and see the doctor standing there with pursed lips. Frank opens his mouth like he’s going to say something but closes it as soon as the doctor shoots him a glare. I’m sitting on my bed, eyes wide, as he comes to check on me.

“How are you feeling?” He asks harshly.
“I, um, I’m feeling good.” I reply hesitantly.
“I wouldn’t doubt that.” He mutters under his breath.
I roll my eyes at his remark.
“I’ll be in here again in an hour. Don’t be doing anything special.” He scoffs.

Special? What the fuck? Even I have to say that this doctor is a dip shit.
Hell yes.
But so are you for acting so stupid.
What the hell? What did I do that was so stupid?
Oh I dunno.. Make out with your boyfriend in a hospital. Which is a public place.
So? If I were a girl the doctor wouldn’t have even cared. That’s what’s so wrong with society. A man and a woman can kiss in public and it’s just fine but if they’re the same gender then all hell breaks loose.
Well sti-

“Gee? You okay?” Frank asks.
“What? Oh, yeah, I’m okay. Why?”
“You had this angry look on your face. What are you thinking about?”

Maybe I shouldn’t get so into the arguments I have with you, ass hole.
Eh, can’t change what’s already happened.

“Just about how the doctor acted. If we were boyfriend and girlfriend he wouldn’t have said anything.”
“Yeah, I was jut thinking about that, too. It’s so stupid that we have to hide from the world just because we love each other.” He says sadly.
“We should start a petition!” I blurt out.
He lifts an eyebrows, “A petition?”
“Yeah! Then we could send it to the white house and he could legalize gay marriage and stuff.” I say excitedly.
“Don’t get too carried away, now. That’s the government, we’re just two guys.”
“Yeah, but there has to be hundreds of thousands of ‘two guys’ and even girls. We could do something.”
“Gee, I dunno. What about all the attention we’d get?”

Hadn’t thought of that, had you?
Well no..
Think about who’d find out at school. You’d both be in the hospital regularly.

I nod, “Well I don’t know. I just don’t want to have to keep hiding.”
“None of us do, but we’ll just have to. At least for now. Things could change.” Frank says, grabbing my hand.
I sigh, “Yeah. I just hate it.”
“I don’t think they want us to like it.” Frank says.
I laugh, “Yeah. Hey, Frank?”
“Yeah?” He replies.
“Is it okay if I go to sleep?” I yawn.
“Um, yeah? Why would I care?” He laughs.
“ I dunno.. Do you think you could stay?” I ask.
“Of course, I wouldn’t leave for anything.” He smiles and I kiss him once more before laying my head on the pillow and falling asleep.


Yeah, ending was shit, I know. Anyway, I hope you liked it (: Review your thoughts? Teehee.

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