Categories > Cartoons > Codename: Kids Next Door > The Big Badolescent And Laura's second strike

Chapter 2 Wally's Last Satnd

by Gingerflame2005 0 reviews

Wally has a bit of power left in him

Category: Codename: Kids Next Door - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy,Horror - Characters: Tommy,Wally - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2009-05-31 - Updated: 2009-05-31 - 3397 words

Wally woke up the next morning hoping him becoming Laura's sister and The Big Badolescent was a bad dream until he saw himself in Laura's pants and shirt pajamas.
Laura(Spinning around Wally) Happy B day sis and let me tell you if it's anything like mine when I met The Big Badolescent then we're going to need the national guard.
Wally slowly opened his eyes as he saw Laura II written on his bed as Nigel's clothes looked frayed and ripped and Laura giggled flexing her toes.
Laura: This is my sister's B day and I will have my feet massaged, my nails filed, painted, and lastly glittery and guess who's going to do it?
Nigel moaned as Laura giggled slipping her slippers off and pushing her toes into Nigel's face.
Laura: Now start rubbing them and giving me a full pedicure, or my little sis who's three today will show you exactly what real fear looks like.
Nigel not wanting to meet The Big Badolescent got on his knees and started rubbing her feet as Laura grinned happy to have a bodyguard her sister couldn't control.
Laura: Soon Wally The Big Badolescent will come out making you my munchkined sister, and then we'll have pancakes for breakfast with chocolate chips in them.
Wally moaned as Laura said this and he got a weird look on his face as he fell to the ground and The Big Badolescent emerged as Wally saw himself becoming the little girl Laura made him.
Laura(Singsong voice) I told you so, I told you so, I told you sooooooooooo ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Nigel: Wally I know she's big but we fought her before and won, please don't let her take you Numbah 4.
Laura(Filing her finger nails) It's too late, he's my sister now and we'll celebrate her in great detail, or until the new agents of the KND come to crash the party.
Nigel: I hope they do and I hope Wally becomes himself again and your sister less.
Wally as The Big Badolescent stomped up to Nigel and grabbed him.
Laura II: Nigel not nice Nigel mean and Badolescent teach Nigel a lesson.
Wally threw Nigel to the floor as he giggled in little Laura's voice and Nigel gulped.
Laura II: Nigel need taught manners, I teach Nigel manners.
Laura II lifted Nigel into the air and shoved him under Laura's feet as Laura grinned wiggling her toes at Nigel.
Laura: Pedicure much?, and after that you can bake me some chocolate chip pancakes and my sister some too.
Laura II as The Big Badolescent nodded and licked her lips as Nigel groaned and started peeling the dead skin from Laura's feet and The Big Badolescent got a weird look in her face turning into a two year old again.
Laura: I believe my sister threw you in front of me for a reason Nigel.
Nigel moaned as he started rubbing Laura's feet and Laura II walked up giggling knowing it was her birthday.
Laura: See she's my puppet now and that means presents, presents, and more presents for her.
Nigel finished pulling the skin off then nail polishes were shoved in front of him.
Laura: Pink for the toes ruby red for the fingers, and I suggest you get it right or The Big Bad Badolescent will make another birthday performance not that she won't later.
Nigel sighed angrily and started spreading the nail polish on her toes as to Laura it looked like an artist painting a portrait.
Laura: Excellent Picasso now paint the nails and then we'll set you to work in the kitchen.
Nigel began painting Laura's finger nails and she giggled knowing she had Nigel right where she wanted him.
Nigel: I warn you I'm not a great cook but if I must cook then fine I'll cook.
Laura: We want chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream, strawberries and orange juice fresh squeezed.
Laura II licked her lips as Laura did the same and Nigel finished with her finger nails.
Laura(Standing up) Come on sis we're going to have a chocolate chip pancake feast.
Laura II giggled as she was picked up and brought downstairs by Laura and placed bowls on the counter, pans on the stove, and pancake mix also on the counter with eggs and milk for Nigel.
Laura: Get to baking Nigel my sister and I have some bonding to do.
Nigel grumbled as he started making the batter and Mr. and Mrs. Limpin came down to see Wally's transformation.
Mrs. Limpin: Let that be a lesson to anybody who shoves, bully's or hurts my daughter she's a princess in my book that just became queen of evil.
Laura II: Sissy evil sissy evil yayyyyyyyyyyyyy sissy.
Laura: Excellent she refers to me as sissy now and that means I'm getting through to her.
Mrs. Limpin: Hmmmmmmmmm looks like you also found a slave too munchkins.
Laura: Mama Dada I'd like you to meet Nigel Uno he denied me entry into the KND too and well having two sisters just didn't seem fair to me or to Laura II.
Mr. Limpin: MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM chocolate chip pancakes my favorite.
Laura(Hugging Laura II and her mom and dad) Mine and Laura II's too with whipped cream.
Nigel made the batter and remarkably he knew what he was doing as he spread the batter with chocolate chips on the pan and started making huge pancakes
Laura: After this we'll give the ritual of a pinch to grow an inch that's why I'm so tall today.
Mr. and Mrs. Limpin laughed after Laura said this knowing it was just a way to torture Laura II's butt.
Laura: Hurry up lackey we don't have all day you know, we have a party to throw and presents to give to my sis.
Mrs. Limpin(Kissing Laura II's cheek) That's right and after breakfast if you're anything like your sister then the Big Badolescent will need a bath and you too.
Laura II(Making a disgusted face) No bath Ig Adolescent and I no want bath.
Mrs. Limpin: Then try not to get all syrupy and you won't need one.
Laura(Smiling evilly) Anything like me huh, she has my DNA so maybe she'll eat like a doggy like I did at her age.
Nigel finished the pancakes and Laura being the devious sister that she is overloaded Laura II's plate with syrup.
Laura: A little TLC should do here, The Laura Cook that is he, he, he, he, he, heeeeeeee.
Laura cackled as she slid the plate to Laura II and she gulped seeing all the syrup on her plate.
Laura(Smiling evilly) Bon appetite Lore sweetie, and remember not a speck of syrup on you or The Big Badolescent or else.
Laura II pouted as Mrs. Limpin came over and she brightened as she saw a fork and knife.
Laura II: Cut mama cut my cakes please.
Mrs. Limpin(Smilling) Awwwwwwwwwwwwww now how could I say no to a face like that.
Laura(Smiling) She still has to eat those syrupy pancakes.
Mrs. Limpin finished cutting the pancakes as Laura got Deja Vu and giggled knowing Laura II wouldn't resist getting syrupy by cleaning her plate like a dog.
Laura: Any time now she'll lick that plate, mom will freak, daddy will run her a bath, and the Big Badolescent will vow to never leave Laura II alone ever again just like she did to me.
Laura II chomped on her pancakes and when she was finished Laura crossed her fingers as like she predicted Laura II grabbed her plate and started licking it as The Big Badolescent did the same and syrup got all over them and Mrs. Limpin smiled this time knowing Laura and her sister were alike.
Mrs. Limpin: Phil go make a bath for her, exactly the same way you made Laura's and The Big Badolescent's so many years ago.
Mr. Limpin walked off as Laura went to help him glad to help The Big Badolescent never leave her sister's side again.
Laura: Laura II welcome to the first day of the rest of your life and believe me it's going to be a long hard life for you with The Big Badolescent never leaving your side.
Mr. Limpin rubbed Laura's hair as she giggled placing the bubble bath in the tub and making it sudsy for The Big Badolescent who hated suds and bubbles.
Laura: Phase one in effect, phase two making my sis never lose her alter ego is a go.
Mr. Limpin(Hugging Laura) Thanks for all your help sweet pea, now what do you say we keep The Big Badolescent inside of your sister.
Laura(Hugging Mr. Limpin back) Done and done daddy, she's going to wish she never licked her syrupy plate because that was way more than I had.
Mr. Limpin: I thought my little evil queen had something to do with breakfast, now your sister will have to endure the bath's to end all bath's.
Laura II could be heard form the kitchen screaming as it was music to Laura's ears knowing the Big Badolescent already gave Laura II her warning.
Laura II: No mama no ath Ig Adolecent's llergic to aths mama.
Mrs. Limpin: Lucky for us you aren't munchkin, now get those syrupy clothes and supersuit off and mommy will wash them when she's through washing you.
Laura II: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo Ig Adolescent's llergic to aths I said.
Mrs. Limpin: And you're not so get in there or mommy will just have to place you in the tub with The Big Badolescent.
Laura II screamed fearfully as Mrs. Limpin lifted Laura II off the floor and threw her clothes in the hamper with The Big Badolescent's supersuit.
Mrs. Limpin: See it's not that bad the waters nice and hot, and you'll have toys to play with while I wash you.
Laura II got the weird look in her face as Mrs. Limpin knew the weird look growing up with Laura as she smiled at Laura II.
Laura II(Holding her stomach) Ouchieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Ig Adolescent's in my tummy mama she hurts my tummy.
Laura II grew bigger and The Big Badolescent made her bath debut as she held a stout on her face.
Mrs. Limpin: Now now it's not that bad, I mean just think you're going to be one squeaky clean super villain when I'm done with you.
Big Badolescent: Big Badolescent hates baths she like be dirty like piggies.
Mrs. Limpin: Too bad you're alter ego hates being dirty and her mama hates her being sticky so like it or lump it you're getting cleaned.
The Big Badolescent got an angry look on her face as she splashed suds onto the floor and Mrs. Limpin smiled expecting this from her last experience giving The Big Badolescent a bath which was the day Laura vowed to get even with Wally Beatles.
Mrs. Limping(pointing to the floor) There's towels all over the floor.
The Big Badolescent looked angrier as she was forced to sit still thanks to Mrs. Limpin and The Big Badolescent got a washcloth forced onto her by Mrs. Limpin.
Mrs. Limpin: There is dirt all over you young lady and you will be squeaky clean for your party debut The Big Badolescent.
The Big Badolescent: I never leave Laura II lone gain, The Big Badolescent vows to stay here inside Laura II forever and ever.
Mrs. Limpin: Good now she'll never have to take a bath alone again.
The Big Badolescent got a vengeful look in her eyes as the soap was lathered all over her and the dirt sunk into the bathtub and The Big Badolescent was sparkling as Mrs. Limpin smiled.
Mrs. Limpin: I still got it sweetie see how clean you look it's like you were never dirty or sticky.
The Big Badolescent angrily shook herself off like a dog and suds got all over the towels on the floor and all over Mrs. Limpin.
Mrs. Limpin: I should have predicted that, Laura did the same thing when she was your age, but at least the floor's not as sudsy as it was when she was The Big Badolescent at two.
The Big Badolescent got a weird look on her face as she became Laura II again and she shivered in spite of the cold and fear engulfing her.
Mrs. Limpin(Drying Laura II off) Well looks like you made a new friend birthday girl, when those mean girl's who bullied Laura when she was younger get here The Big Badolescent will teach them a lesson.
Laura II saw no choice but to embrace The Big Badolescent as she giggled as Mrs. Limpin lifted her from the floor and led her to her and Laura's room.
Laura: Well sis looks like you and The Big Badolescent are going to become real close.
Laura II nodded giggling as The Big Badolescent was coming and she took over Laura II as she grew huge and Mrs. Limpin smiled dashing off to leave Laura II with her evil sister.
The Big Badolescent: Sissy mean I show sissy how to be nice like me, you should have told me how mean I was at your age.
Laura(Gulping) Well I never had help with you when I became you, so why should I help my sister?
The Big Badolescent(Lifting Laura up) Be nicer or I will be bully to you Laura.
Laura gulped again as The Big Badolescent opened her mouth and blew a green cloud under Laura's nose as she fainted and The Big Badolescent laughed.
The Big Badolescent: Laura Needs to be nicer to Big Badolescent or she be's bully to Laura he, he, he, he, he, he, heeeeeeeee.
Laura slowly moaned and opened her eyes as Laura II was still The Big Badolescent.
The Big Badolescent(Sniffing) I smell chocolate cake sissy, and member what we talked about be nice or I'll be the bully around here.
Laura: But I gave you to her and you said you'd be nicer if I did that.
The Big Badolescent: Me different in different bodies, and you aren't being a very nice sister to her Laura, next time I teach you lesson by making you teddy bear.
Laura stammered as The Big Badolescent's shadow overtook hers and it The Big Badolescent breathed like a bull ready to chase a rodeo clown.
Laura II: I hope we understand each other sissy, and I have run of the house now not you.
Laura eeped as Laura II picked Nigel up and he screamed not wanting to be The Big Badolescent's plaything but Laura knew she had no choice but to give him up.
Laura(Shivering) I made a horrible horrible mistake making my little sister The Big Badolescent.
Laura II giggled as The Big Badolescent and Nigel was thrown in front of her as he grew a chain one end around his neck and the other around The Big Badolescent.
The Big Badolescent: First Nigel will pop every pimple on Laura II's face, she doesn't need to look icky for her party today.
Laura(Whispering) Uhh Laura sweetie wouldn't you like a different slave, one that isn't mine?
Laura II heard her sister as she turned around and clapped her hands happily seeing Laura's dolls.
Laura: Pick whoever you like and I'll make them your slave Lore, and you can also have the rest of them I grew out of dolls and am more into stuffed animals now.
Laura II happily snatched the agent dolls and got a thoughtful look on her face when she narrowed it down to Hoagie, Tommy, Sonia, or Joey.
The Big Badolescent: HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM now who get's The Big Badolescent?
Laura hated Hoagie for making her live in the dream world for so long and telling her no when she asked him to the skunk girl troop dance and she had an idea.
Laura(Picking Hoagie out) What about this one Laura II?, I mean he looks like the Big Badolescent doesn't he?, and the other three can be friends to you or bully toys if you like.
The Big Badolescent's eyes grew with evil as she made Hoagie real again and he wished he were still a doll when he saw who brought him back.
Hoagie(Licking an Ice Cream cone) Uhh can I help you Big Badolescent or should I say tike on a powertrip?
The Big Badolescent grabbed Hoagie's cone and smirked down at him as he gulped at her huge size.
The Big Badolescent: You rub feet, then wash clothes, sort presents by size, make brownies with chocolate chips baked inside, and sleep with Big Badolescent every night.
Hoagie: All right first off rubbing your feet is a no on my part, second I'm by no means washing your clothes, third sorting presents isn't my job, fourth baking and me don't mix you little runt, and fifth you’ve got some lethal death breath so sleeping with you is a no.
The Big Badolescent grabbed Hoagie as his eyes grew fearful and he was eye to eye with his doom.
The Big Badolescent(Growing bigger) I- said- rub feet, wash clothes, sort presents by size, make brownies with Chocolate chips inside, and sleep with The Big Badolescent every night.
Hoagie(Smiling fearfully) All right I guess I have no choice do I, so here goes rubbing your feet first.
The Big Badolescent slipped her huge slippers off and stretched her feet out ready for Hoagie to start rubbing them.
Hoagie(Making a face) Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww there's dead skin all over them and I can't stand the feel of it.
The Big Badolescent(Growling) I-said-rub-feet-, Why-you-not-rub-feet?
Hoagie: Relax would ya I mean your feet are disgusting and I'm not going to rub them anymore.
The Big Badolescent screamed as the rafters to the room shook and she grabbed Hoagie knowing just what to do with him.
The Big Badolescent(Attaching Nigel's leash to Hoagie grinning) Try on for size mean boy.
Hoagie was thrown into The Big Badolescent's ginormous feet as she giggled and flexed her toes so he could smell the green gas escaping from them.
Hoagie(Gagging) Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww gross what have you been walking in?
The Big Badolescent shrugged her shoulders giggling deeply as Hoagie made disgusted face peeling giant skin from The Big Badolescent's feet.
Laura: Thank Goodness she's not going after you anymore Nigel, I mean she's not very nice is she?
Nigel(Moaning) Could you please stop kissing me, I mean it's not like you're my girlfriend or anything.
Laura(Pulling out two needles) One of these contains Hawaiian Punch the other is my serum to make a little boy and my boyfriend so chose wisely.
Nigel saw red and picked the red one out as Laura cackled sticking him with it and he shrank down to a seven year old and Laura grinned at him.
Laura(Kissing Nigel's lips) For future reference I never said what flavor Hawaiian punch, a rookie mistake that I'm glad you made.
Nigel gulped as Laura bounded up to him with her lips puckered ready for another kiss.
Nigel(Trying to push her) Keep away from me cootie queen.
Laura cackled as she tackled Nigel to the floor and pinned his arms to the floorboards.
Laura: Being The Big Badolescent for so long has taught me a few wrestling moves.
Nigel could taste blueberries on Laura's lips as she giggled kissing him over and over again.
Laura(Standing up) At least you didn't say the word married when you said it's not like, then we'd be together forever and ever.
Nigel(Gulping) You would actually marry me?
Laura: No duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh of course I would, Marriage is a girl's best friend.
Nigel grew fearful as Laura giggled spinning around in a pint sized wedding dress.
Laura: All's you've got to do is say It's not like we're married and then bam you and I will tie the knot, even if you and I are just learning to tie.
Nigel didn't like the look in Laura's eyes as she said this and he wished to God he never met her or The Big Badolescent so many years ago.
What else happens to Hoagie read part 3 Big Brothers and Bigger Sisters and reply to part 2
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