Categories > Original > Fantasy > Merchant Of Death

Chapter Fifteen

by lost_in_the_shuffle 0 reviews

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-06-13 - Updated: 2009-06-14 - 526 words

Hours later, the ball finally ended and I felt like I had been smiling for hours.
Piero led me back to my bedroom, but instead of leaving me inside the room, he pushed open the door and roughly shoved me inside, stepping in after me.
“What are you doing?” I demanded and he smiled.
“Tonight you’re mine,” he said, before pushing me against the wall and kissing me hard. I managed to free my hands and scratched his face, causing him to stumble back with a bellow of pain.
“You bitch,” he snarled before slapping me hard, sending me to the floor.
Before I could react he picked me up and dragged me to the bed, throwing me onto it. He fell on top of me as I fought him, screaming as he roughly kissed my neck.
Suddenly my hand brushed against a lamp on the table and I grabbed it, swinging it around and bringing it down hard on his head.
He grunted, then fell against me, so still at first I wondered if I had killed him.
Once I felt his breath on my neck, I relaxed and pushed him over, before getting out of bed.
I quickly dressed in something more comfortable then the dress I was wearing and hurried to the door, opening it a crack.
There were no guards posted, probably because Piero thought him being with me was enough.
I quietly crept out into the hallway and pressed against the wall, walking on silent feet to the room where Hope was.
I opened the door and went inside, closing and locking the door behind me.
I crossed the room and looked down into the crib, smiling when I saw Hope lying there wide awake.
She smiled when she saw me and gurgled, reaching for me as I took her out of the crib, wrapped in a blanket.
I went to the small doors that opened up onto the veranda and pushed them open, slipping outside.
I could see guards walking the grounds and I knew the chance of me finding a boat and getting off the island was slim, but I also knew I had to try.
I slipped down the stairs and onto the lawn, holding Hope tightly against my chest.
I had made it halfway across the lawn when the dim sounds of shouts suddenly came from the house and I knew that Piero had awoke.
I began to run, avoiding the guards as they ran toward the house.
I heard a shout behind me and began to run faster, knowing they had spotted me.
Suddenly I reached the cliffs, and stopped before looking back.
I could see the guards and Piero running from the house and I turned back toward the drop knowing this was my only chance of escape.
I would either be free or die trying.
“Chalise no!,” I heard Piero shout before I jumped off the cliff, clutching Hope to my breast tightly.
I only had time to take one breath before I hit the water hard.
The sea closed over my head, and I felt myself plunge into a cold, watery darkness.
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