Categories > Anime/Manga > Yu-Gi-Oh! > Duel Deck

Card 09

by Mikari 0 reviews

The comments and rants of an average "good" original character.

Category: Yu-Gi-Oh! - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Seto Kaiba - Published: 2009-06-18 - Updated: 2009-06-18 - 1509 words - Complete

Duel Deck

Card 09: Good OC's Monologue

Hello, I'm an original character, a good original character to be specific. I wasn't when I was created, but I slowly evolved into a weakling over time. Well not exactly a weakling, I do have some strengths, but I also have weaknesses.

It became official on that day when I signed my good OC contract. Strange things began to happen since that day. My powers were gone and I was stuck in Japan with absolutely no idea how to speak Japanese. Then, after I realized my presence in Japan made no sense, since I'm not Japanese and didn't have a real reason to be there, I was teleported back to America. I stayed there for a while, living as an ordinary girl that no one knew existed.

Finally my creator thought of a suitable purpose for me and I was sent in an adventure with some of my favorite bishounen. However, it was them that came to America instead of me going to Japan. Well okay, I'm exaggerating, I didn't go on an adventure with anyone, but I did get to visit Kaiba Land along with the billion other people in that freaking endless line.

You might think it was fun, but it was actually a drag. My personality, the way I was designed, I hate traveling and waiting. Sure there were bishounen, but I was forced to keep my distance. I couldn't glomp them or anything, because I always ran face first into an invisible force field.

Stupid Seto Kaiba! I loved you but now I... actually I still love you, except you don't know me. Either way, there is one up side to the situation. I was designed to prefer machines to people so I won't miss him too much.

Why am I angry at him? Is it because I want to glomp him but can't? No, that's not it. It's because he tricked me and I hate being tricked. I was foolish and that's not even supposed to be one of my characteristics. I guess I got cocky from all the power, even if I wasn't supposed to be cocky, but sometimes when you're a bad OC, you forget yourself and your personality becomes random.

Seto made me sign the contract. He said he was making me his personal assistant, with emphasis on the personal, and now I can't lay a finger on him. The contract prevents me from doing anything that is considered a Mary Sue action.

On the bright side, I remember who I am. My personality is no longer random. My feelings aren't hurt because I'm supposed to be cold and distant. I was meant to keep emotions bottled up until I can disregard them, or until they fade away.

In fact, why did I care about him in the first place? I was meant to admire him from afar, but think relationships are too troublesome. Laziness is one of my main traits.

Enough about the negative, I tend to be optimistic at times though I also give up easily. Ironic isn't it? But it's a possible combination. Look at this it way, if I give up, what's the worse than could happen? There you see, I'm giving up easily and staying optimistic at the same time.

You know what I can do? It's pretty cool, I can read machine language, yes ones and zeros. I don't know why I didn't lose this skill when I lost the power to fly, super strength and all that other stuff. I guess it's because my creator believes it's humanly possible and it is because she can do it. I'm good at stuff like xhtml, css and things like that.

You know what else I inherited from my creator? An exaggerated bad sense of direction! At least some people think it's exaggerated, but if my creator has it then it's humanly possible.

I remember when I used to fly, shoot lasers from my hands and made Obelisk, Slifer and Ra look like wimps. Those were the days. Then again, if I had to live with myself on one of those days, I would end up hating me.

I'll admit I've felt tempted to find a way to break my contract and be free to be ridiculously powerful. Not for the same reasons of before however. This time I plan to be selfish with my powers and also to keep them quiet because I strongly dislike attention. Ironic isn't it? Sues just love attention. I don't want to take over the world, I just want to live an easily life. Let's not forget I was meant to be lazy.

Does being a good OC mean not enjoying being around the main characters? My creator thought they could do without me being there and with my newly developed schizoid personality I was thankful to miss out.

For every flaw there's a counter. I'm not super pretty but I'm not really ugly. I'm not skilled in dance, sports or driving any kind of vehicles, but I couldn't care less. Actually driving space ships would be nice since there's not much to crash into in space, but I tend to not care about things I can't easily obtain, so it's okay that I don't have that.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not your average angsty girl who thinks the world sucks. I think the world has good things and bad things. I'm just indifferent to pretty much anything that doesn't affect me directly; I guess that's my selfishness.

Okay, let's see, I'm selfish, lazy and have a bad sense of direction. On the other hand, I'm smart, though not a genius, but still pretty smart. I'm also emotionally strong, even if it sometimes turns into cold indifference.

I was going to be a spoiled brat but that didn't work out. My creator thought it would be bad for me to have everything without lifting a finger. I would really like it if I did, I don't care if everyone says I'm a Sue because my life is perfect. Idiot author not spoiling me enough. I'm lazy, that's how I am and I place no importance what so ever in what others think of me. Live and let live, mind your own business. Maybe I am brattier than I thought.

I bet you hate me now, but I don't really care. I'm nice only if you're nice to me first. I won't fight though. I'm not exceptionally strong anymore and average isn't strong enough to win without effort and I don't like effort.

But enough of that, like I said, I'm nice if you're nice. I'm helpful as long as the favor you need isn't time consuming. You could be the most evil of villains and if you did nothing to me, I have nothing against you. I guess it's a good thing when you look at it in a certain way. I don't judge people by what a third person says. I reserve judgment, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid enough to befriend someone whom I've heard several times is a serial killer simply because no murder has ever been attempted on me. Yeah I'm sarcastic too, but just sometimes.

You know what? Maybe I'm not such a terrible OC. Teenagers rant, it's not that rare. Girls like me, okay, fan girls like me, tend go on random rants so maybe this fits. You know what? I really am a good OC. Do you know why? It's because I don't exist. I live only in my creator's mind and don't exist in the world of fandom. I shall remain here until the day my creator finds a purpose for me. That time I visited Kaiba Land? It was never written. If there is no written record of me, then I don't exist. I was vanished from the world by the contract Seto made me sign, then he forgot all about me because I never existed. I shall return as a good OC with a true purpose someday, maybe...

What else can I say about me? I love cats and dislike dogs. I like bunnies too. Just don't make me clean after any of those animals, I only like to play with them. Water is unpleasant, so obviously I never learned to swim.

I could continue ranting, but my laziness is getting to me. Maybe I'm not a good OC, or not good enough, but I'm not that bad, I'm not perfect, I'm not a Mary Sue, a fangirl and a Mary Sue are different. Ironic, isn't it? A Mary Sue's perfection is her biggest flaw.

Maybe I entertained you with my useless drabbles, but it's time to go now. Yes, go do something useful and stop wasting your time with me; don't forget I prefer to be alone. Go on now, shoo.

End of Card 09

Disclaimer, I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! but I do own the girl narrating this. I do know there are both good and bad OCs. This is just for humor.
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