Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Get Under My Damn Skin.

She Hates Me..La la la la.

by shehadtheworld12 5 reviews

Exactly. Ashley has a bad day, and snaps.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-06-19 - Updated: 2009-06-20 - 1736 words

Ashley's POV.

I groaned as my alarm clock beeped and vibrated along the walls of my apartment, my neighbors must hate me. I slammed my hand down on the blaring numbers that read 6:35 am. I slowly but surely made my way to the shower for a quick rinse. While the water washed down on me, I couldn't help but release a couple tears as the realization of today was, over powered my mind, body, and soul. My father's 3 year anniversary of his death. Three years since I last saw him giving me a hug and telling me how proud he was of me. It hurt to know I'm an orphan, my mother dying of cancer when I was 4, leaving me to grow up with the best man ever, my father. The one who tought me to play piano, draw, and the one who made me bust my ass through highschool and make this far. I owe all of my work to my daddy. Some might say, I'm still in my griefing stage, well my answer to that is, "Yeah how else am I supposed to realize, that my father is dead?" Makes no sense. I dried myself and slipped on my white sleeved shirt wtih black pants and my shoes. I decided to put my hair in a ponytail, cause well, I'm not in the mood to dress up today. When I was finished eating and all that, I walked towards my living room and lifted the frame that belonged to my father. It was a picture of him in his police uniform, with his hat held perfectly to his side. His eyes gleaming with happiness, since he was doing what he always wanted to do. Part of me becoming a cop, was for him. To live the dream he couldn't. I'm honored to follow his footsteps and live life, like he wanted me too. I sat on my kitchen counter and sighed. I ran my hand over the cold glass and never felt so alone. It was just me, I had no family out here, I didn't even have a damn fish to take care of. Though, I probaly should get one, I mean, they are pretty cool. They're colorful and don't require much attention, they just swim all day. I whined as I lost my concentration. I kissed the glass then set it down on the counter.

"Hope you're still proud of me." I whispered and grabbed my bag, before getting in my car, on my way to work.

"Move you piece of junk damn it!" I shouted in my car, I rolled my eyes in frustration as traffic piled up. Of all days this was so not helping. I was moody as it is, now I'm taking it out people who I've never even met before, and will most likely never will. I finally reached the station, and prayed. Not for me but for others who dare cross my path today...

Bob's POV.

"Yo, have you talked to Ray?" I mumbled to Gerard who was making his coffee. Him, being the compulsive freak that he is, had to have it just right. Three table spoons of sugar and creamer. Nothing more, nothing less. He snapped his head up and gave a small nod. I was meaning to talk to Ray, and see if he still planned on checking out Angel's hideout.

"Yuppers. He's supposed to go check out a another crime scene. A man mysteriously killed by a wolf."

"A wolf?" I said confused. He nodded.

"Yeah, the guy was just taking his normal meditation hike, when off all sudden he was attacked. Turns out he had a piece of beef jerky in his front pocket. The wolf was pretty hungry." He smirked. I thought it over, then whined.

"You're a dick." I laughed.

"Just messin man, actually I don't know where Toro's at. Just yanking your chain man." I rolled my eyes. He giggled then put his hat on.

"Well I'm on patrol today, I gots to go. Newark calls for Gerard Way. Most amazing officer, that ever existed." I scoffed. He tipped his hat at me and made his way on out. He stopped then turned to me and smiled.

"Oh yeah Bobby? Can you make sure the coffee stays refilled, I have a feeling it's gonna be my day to shine. I need my powerups. Thanks doll."

"Dick!" I repeated and he laughed, then shut the door. I shook my head. That man is truly something else. No wonder him and Mikey are complete opposites, Gerard is a dick, as we established, and Mikey is just well, annoying. Hmm, guess they are alike. But believe me, there is a difference. I walked out to the front desk to talk to Mikey and ask him if he heard anything from the chief today.

"No, nothing yet." I slumped. Does anyone know anything?! God damn. Just then the chief walked out and pointed at me.

"Bob, just who I needed to see."

"Yes chief?"

"Well, I just got off the phone, with Jeff Thompson, apparently there's been another body this morning, female I believe. There gonna be bringing the body here later on. She might be from Angel." I nodded and frowned. Not another one.

"So, you and Ashley handle it please." Again, I nodded.

"Any more news?" I said softly.

"I'm afraid not, but I should hear more from Ray after he looks out today." He tipped his hat to me and walked back inside his office. Ashley had walked in through the doors and I smiled at her. She just looked at me with a glum look then walked straight to into the chief's office. Sheesh. Rude much?

Ashley's POV.

"Good morning Ashley." The chief gave a smile, then a sympathetic look I gave a nod then sat down and crossed my legs, with my hands in my lap.

"Ashley, I know it must be hard on you, today and all. Your father was a good man, loyal, respectful, could save the world if he wanted too." I half smiled.

"You may not realize this, but you remind me of him. I don't say this too often, I don't pick favorites, but your father and I have a history. You're headstrong and caring just like he was." I blushed.

"Really?" He nodded.

"You're doing great Ashley, keep it up. Your father would be so proud of you."

"You think so?" He smiled.

"I miss him, chief." I whispered and blinked a couple times to avoid several tears from escaping. I didn't want to show my weakness to him.

"We all do." I nodded.

"Ashley, you're doing fine. You're top, just as he was. There's nothing you can't do." I smiled.

"Thanks Chief. I appreciate that." He nodded.

"Now go on." He smiled. I laughed then walked out feeling slightly better than I did this morning. I headed to the morgue, where I frowned as Bob was in there waiting for me. I prepared myself for insults, even though I don't think I could handle it.

"Hi." He said softly.

"Hi." I muttered. I sauntered over to the desk slumped. I could feel his eyes boreing into me, but I didn't care. I glanced at the clock and I still had a very long day ahead of me......

Bob's POV.

As the day progressed, I was starting to become alittle bugged. Ashley was being snippy more than necessary, and I wanted ask her what the hell her problem was, but something held me back. I tried my best to handle it, but gosh, women can be so um...well, bitchy.

Maybe she's on the rag.

That's alittle uncalled for don't ya think?

Fine, maybe she just doesn't like you.

Whaaaat? That's poposterous. Everyone loves me.


3 hours later

"Excuse me? May I ask what hell's your problem?" I snapped at her. I don't even know what I did! All I did was try to help, maybe I cracked a few jokes about the staff, but that's it!

"My problem is you don't take anything seriously!" She yelled back at me while putting her hands on her hips, she looked rather hot and feisty, but this was no time for speculating.

"Uhh, I've been here alittle longer than you, don't ya think?"

"Wow one year! You must've learned so much in one frigging year." She snapped back. Oh.My.God. I can't take this right now.

"You know what? Maybe if you'd stop acting like an uber snot, we could actually finish this case." I yelled at her. I instantly regretted that when she stared at me but not with anger, but with hurt. I didn't mean that.

"You're right, I can't handle this today." She got up and walked away.

"Ashley wait! I didn't mean it." I called after her. She didn't turn, she just slammed the door. Fuck! How did this day turn into garbage?

Well, what are you waiting for dipstick? Go apologize

"I know." I whispered, I slammed my hand down on the table and ran after her. I saw her walk out the doors but when I went to open it, Ray called me back.

"Are you okay man?" I nodded and hid my anger.

"Yeah i'm fine."

"Okay..Well I need you to do me a favor. I have so many cases going on, I really need you and Banez to cover for me tomorrow? It's just looking, nothing major. Can you do it?" I bit my lip but nodded

"Yeah I can do it."

"Thanks man I owe ya one." He patted me on my shoulder, and I gritted my teeth after he left. She's really gonna love me now. Something must've happened, and I know for a fact it wasn't me. Atleast I hope not. God, she hates me doesn't she?


Ashley's POV.

What a-a-a- what a douchenozzle! I am so not in the mood for this. All I wanna do is go home and cry myself to sleep. Is that so wrong? It's never hit me this hard, was Bob to blame? Maybe I overreacted. I was confused and even alittle lost. I needed to restore myself, quick. I got in my car and drove to the nearest flower shop and picked up a dozen roses. After that, I drove my way to the graveyard, where would my father would be waiting...
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