Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Get Under My Damn Skin.

It's an unfair life.

by shehadtheworld12 4 reviews

In a for a treat is pretty much what I only have to say...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-07-03 - Updated: 2009-07-04 - 1421 words

Ashley's POV

We were driving down the road on the way to Angel's hideout, when I keep seeing Bob staring at me ever so often. I guess he thought I couldn't notice him, but I did. Instead I pretended to be lost in my thoughts while he kept driving. We entered the woods and carefully searched for the building. We spotted it a couple feet ahead. We decided to park behind a big oak tree, but we could still see the building. It was rather creepy. It looked like it could collapse any minute. It was rotting, not to mention and the trees were the cherry on top of a spine chilling scenery. I checked to make sure my door was locked. The sudden feeling that I had felt yesterday returned. I was focusing on Angel when Bob looked at me, as if he was letting me know I was supposed to talk or something.

"Speak." He said softly. I looked at him shrugged.

"Well it all starts with father, he was an officer too. He was an amazing person who would risk anything, even himself, to save the city. He's the main reason why I became one as well, he was my hero." I smiled slightly. He nodded and gave a soft smile back at me. The light turned green and we were on our way again.

"He tought me everything, my mom had died of cancer, so he raised me all on his own. It was the best really, I was able to achieve things, I never thought I could. I remember the day I told him I wanted to be an officer, he was so happy. After training and training, I was accepted. It all seemed so perfect, I was doing something with my life, my dad was there to help me, while he was saving the city. Almost like a fairytale." I mumbled.

"Then it ended on January 5th, My dad was supposed to cover a drug bust. He was with two other officers, when he heard gunshots inside, and a woman screaming. He demanded to go in, but they wouldn't let him. After another shot was fired, they finally let him go. Just as he was walking, three guys came out with guns, and the building suddenly exploded into flames. Smoke was everywhere, and they still heard screaming from the woman. He charged through the door and ran up the staircase to the second story room. He broke in and searched for them. The walls and ceiling were starting to collapse He couldn't find anything or see anything, so he almost gave up. That's when he heard crying, he followed the noise, and found a small child crying, and leaning over the mother's body who was knocked down by part of the roof. She was unconscious, and her head was bleeding. He pushed the part off of her, and quickly pulled her into his arms.

"Mommy!" The poor child cried. My dad told the boy to follow him and he nodded. They were going downstairs when the mom began to wake up. She started crying and saying her head hurt. He tried to calm her while they went to the front door. He coughed as the smoke inhaled his throat and he handed the woman to the paramedics. The child was taken to the ambulance as well. Right when he turned, the drug dealers broke free from the police and pulled a gun from his backside. Just as he fired, the officer knocked the guy down, and the bullet hit my dad in the stomach. My dad fell to the floor clutching his stomach, while blood seeped out like red wine. When they took him the hospital, he died instantly. It was too late. He died from eternal bleeding, and the bullet had pierced an organ. There was no chance of him surviving at all." I sniffled just alittle. Bob didn't know what to say, and I didn't blame him. There were no words.

"What happened to the dealers?" He sounded almost angry.

"They were arrested and sentenced for life, and taken to California. One of them was father of the child. The mother ended up going to in a coma for a year, I haven't heard anything since. Yesterday was his 3 year anniversary for his death."

"Ashley, I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"No, it's not your fault." I shrugged.

"How long was your dad an officer?"

"20 years." I smiled.

Bob's POV.

I felt extremely bad for always thinking she was just a snob, but really she's just bottling in her emotions. I didn't think she would open up to me so easily.

No one ever does.

Shut up!

"How do you feel now?" I whispered. She looked at me and raised her shoulders.

"Better I guess, I visited him at the cemetery. I think I found some kind of peace." She half smiled.

Ooohhh. So she's the creepo that was sleeping in the cemetery.

That's not funny.

You said it first, ya dip.

Yeah but..but I..It doesn't matter!

Whatever you say Bob..Whatever you say..

"That's good." I smiled at her.

Ashley's POV.

I can't believe I told him what happened to my father. I haven't told anyone except my old fish, which I'm not proud to admit. But I guess, it's because I didn't really have someone I could trust. I'm not a social butterfly, I like to be by myself and be in the comfort of my own home. I hardly go out, I'm not much of a drinker. But it was nice to talk to someone, just to get it out.

That's code for you like him.


Come Ashley! You totally just admited you liked him. You like the way he was there for you, don't lie.

Yes, i'm glad that happened, but that doesn't mean I like him!

Denial is the first step.


2 hours later.

Bob's POV.

"There's nothing here, I think we should just call it a day, I don't think he resides here." I said tiredly. I haven't seen one damn motion of movement. Not even a damn bug moved!

"I guess your right, I wouldn't wanna stay here either." She made a face to the building. Quite frankly it looked like the place that just smells like ass. I was creeped out alittle as I studied it. There was no windows, no doors, He can't honestly live like this.

"Let's just go. Our last hope is the hair DNA I found." She said softly.

"Hair? What hair?" I mumbled.

"Oh, um I found several hairs that didn't match the victim. I'm thinking it could be Angel's. I'm waiting on the chief to get back to me."

"Really? Well let's keep our fingers crossed." She nodded, and I turned the ignition and we drove away from Dracula's hideout. We didn't talk the whole way back and I didn't want to. While she looked out the window, I stared at long brown hair. It looked so soft and shiny from the sun.

You love her.

Seriously? Why do you do this to me?

I'm just pointing out the obvious, dude.

We arrived back at the station, and quietly got out of the car. We stood still for a minute, but she broke it.

"I think it's time go, but I just wanted to say thank you. Ya know, for listening." She looked down. I smiled as she was blushing.

"It's fine really. Sometimes we need an extra pair of ears for once." She laughed.

"Yeah." She nodded. We locked eyes for a minute and of course she was the first to turn away.

"Well I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow." She said nervously.

"Sure thing." She walked away. Leaving me with a grin....

Angel's POV

Aww look how cute they are. I feel like i'm back in highschool again. Pathetic. I chuckle slightly as the two lovebirds honestly think they're gonna catch me. I'll make them pay. Especially that little whore. I'm getting my revenge, and it's gonna be sweet. I walked back to the small building that they were just at. If they we're smart, they would've gone inside. I walk to the half broken closet and open the door and smile as beautiful green eyes are looking at me in fear.

"Hello Kimi. Miss me?" I laugh as she starts pulling against her restraints and screaming through the gag I secured around her small mouth.

"I know you did. I missed you too, baby."
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