Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > seizeMANNEQUIN

“Welcome to the music business.”

by OhSoIntricateLie 0 reviews

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2009-07-13 - Updated: 2009-07-13 - 446 words

A/N: As a Fall Out Boy fan, I made a horrible error in the last chapter. When Pete welcomes Pepper to his record label, he says ‘Welcome to Clandestine.’ Pete’s record label is Decaydance. Not Clandestine. That’s his clothing label. My apologies. :] -Dani

“As soon as the NRWC tour is over Pepper, I’d like you to come up to Los Angeles with me so that you can officially sign with Decaydance and we can start promoting you.”

Pepper nodded and laughed when Pete extended his hand. Shaking it she replied, “Sounds good to me.”
Turning to her band she asked, “And all of yall are sure about this?”

“Very,” they replied in unison.

“All right then, well I’d ask you guys to go celebrate with a drink, but considering more than half of you are underage that would be illegal,” Pete hugged Pepper one last time before walking over to the door, “But then again I have to be at a Decaydance meeting tomorrow so maybe that’s a good thing. I’ll catch you later.”

Everyone bade Pete goodbye as he shut the hotel room door. As soon as he left, Karrie turned to Pepper.

“I have an idea and guys feel free to put in your input,” she motioned for everyone, Panic and MANNEQUIN, to sit down.

“I feel that since college classes started about a week ago, most of us need to go back to Las Vegas. Since this was more so Pepper’s dream than ours, I vote that we back off the rest of the tour and let her go solo. If that is what you would like us to do, Pep.”

Pepper nodded. “I think that yall should do what is best for yourselves,”

“I’m with Karrie then,” Mason said. Everybody else nodded in agreement.

“All right it’s cool with us. What about you four? Is this OK or do we need to continue on?”

Panic conversed among each other briefly before Ryan spoke, “I don’t see a problem with it. Neither does the rest of the band. All of you can book your flights back home when ever you wish.”

“Sounds good. I’ll go book our seats,” Karrie ran off to her room to log on to her computer.

“I think we should go pack,” Anaheim said after a moment. The rest of seizeMANNEQUIN followed her out of the room leaving Pepper with her new label mates.

“Everything seems to have happened so fast,” Pepper said shaking her head in disbelief.

Brendon nodded as he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek.

“Welcome to the music business.”
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