Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Parents Suck. Again.
Parents Suck. Again.
(#) IeroMyHero 2009-07-15
You know...I never understand how people (parents or otherwise) can ever blame music for anything. It doesn't make any sense, because although music can influence you, it can never overpower a person's will. A person does what he/she wants, and it's up to a person how they use their influences.
Like, you can't blame MCR for a kid killing themselves and you can't blame Buckcherry for a kid doing cocaine and you can't blame Pansy Division for a kid being gay and you can't blame Pearl Jam for political rage. That's just unfair. It pisses me off.
But that's sort of off-topic.
To what you said, I hear ya. Parents just don't get it sometimes and in their attempt to protect you, they hurt your feelings or morals. It's not on purpose, and like someone above you said, they just love you and want you to be...a good person? Idk. And you know, everyone interprets things differently and maybe what your mom thinks is good for you is not the same as what you think is good for you. So, I don't think it's entirely her fault; she only knows her own views.
That said, I think that if it's not harming you, she shouldn't care. If you draw a good picture, why the fuck does it matter who/what it's of?
My mom and my stepdad (thank goodness) aren't bad on this front. They let me listen to whatever music I want, take me to concerts, let my band play whatever music we want. I'm really grateful for that but you know, every parent has their good points and bad points. I'm sure your mom has both, as well. So do parents suck? Usually, nah. Do they rock? Probably not.Author's response
I totally agree with that, and I always forget to mention it! Music is an influence, not something that can force you to do anything. It effects you, but it's never the sole cause. I love the examples that you used by the way, the were fantastic ;] I don't think it's off topic at all. In fact, it's kind of central to the topic, because I think that it's one of the issues parents have with MCR. It effects their kids, in ways they may or may not like. If they like the change, then they convince themselves it's something they've done right, but if the don't like it, then suddenly it's got nothing to do with them.
Yeah. No I agree, that my mom is doing what she thinks is best for me. But I think it's more about her, then what's really best for who I really I am. My aspirations get pushed far out of the picture.
Haha, my mom's got a couple good points. If I ever actually go to a dance or something, I won't look like total shit. Appearance is EVERYTHING to her.
Ha. I disagree with your last line though. Because my dad does rock :]Parents Suck. Again.
(#) MCRfanLOVESgerard 2009-07-15
parents/other family are insanely stupid
my mum is okay about the music, its my sister
she trys to MURDER the albums by scratching and gets away with it
then i get grounded coz my sister is perfect in my parents eyes
Author's response
Haha. Most of my family is ok actually. It's pretty dysfunctional, but I prefer it that way. :]
Sucks about your sister dude. With siblings it seems different, because you should be above hating on shit when you're an adult; when you're a kid you can't help it. Not trying to defend her, just saying, because I feel your pain. My mother has actually said she'd prefer pretty much anyone over me. But my brother will probably crush her hopes because I think he's gonna be gay. :]
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