Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > The Girl On The Side Of The Road.

Just give me some direction; I'll be your affection.

by XXPoeticTragedyXX 1 review

"That's it? You don't want to be friend because you think Adam hates you?"

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2009-07-19 - Updated: 2009-07-19 - 3335 words

How did one explain the type of feeling when that arose in you when you literally felt someone's heart beating through their chest? Coats pressed against each other; breaths just a little short. The moon light was slowly fading away behind a cluster of clouds, making his eyes just a little darker when she glanced up at his face. A tiny smile danced along his lips to this and he held her just a little tighter. Too many emotions were jumbled in his head. Was this right because it felt so, or wrong because he hardly knew her? He didn't feel like pondering these questions as they took away from the moment. He was much content just swaying in their spot on the side of the street.

"Do you always randomly ask people to dance?" She meant the question as a joke but his answer held a sense of importance. "No," he whispered, a small laugh escaping him before he pressed his face into her cheek. "Only very lovely people." He spoke the words very softly against her skin and little chills raced up her spine.

"You must meet a lot of lovely people, no?"

"Sure," His hands teetered on the spot above her waist and below it like they couldn't make up their minds. "But you're only one I've asked to dance." Now, was he trying to sound cliché? Not at all but he probably did anyway. "I promise," he chuckled, "that was not supposed to come out all cliché sounding." He had a feeling she didn't mind either way, she just grinned and playfully slapped his back. "Oh, please."

"Whaaat?" He whined. "I was being foreal."

"Forreal forreal?"



He pretending to groan, a playful gesture of his delight and smiled. At some point that had stopped swaying and he'd proceeded to just hold her in that position, unbeknownst that to the fact that it had happened but content when the realization came. He absently let his fingers stroke the spot behind her ear, contemplating on what was going to happen next. Had it been logical, he would have gladly stayed in this spot all night but the human body wasn't too keen on that idea so his next two options were to take her home or take her to his. The latter of options was tempting but you must know exactly what kind of light that puts a person in, Especially William, being a guy. It was better if he just didn't go down that path yet. Not tonight. He was trying to win over her affection not drive it into the ground.

"I should probably get you home." he mumbled unwillingly. Trust me, he did not want her to go anytime soon. The words caught of guard for a second and blinked. "Oh, of course. I'm sure you're incredibly tire--"

"That is, if you want to go home," he cut in. "I'm not trying to get rid of you...Really, I want you to stay. I just thought, maybe you were bored...or hungry? Or maybe tired. We can go somewhere else if you like? I'm not trying to take you anywhere--" he rambled on and on and it never occurred to him just how nervous this girl was making him. He hadn't rambled so stupidly in a very long time. "--its not like that at all, I just think you're a nice--" His head dropped for a second and he covered his face with his hand. "I'm rambling, aren't I?"

"...yeah," she smiled, suppressing a chuckle. "But I don't mind."

"I do that sometimes..." he hadn't done that in so long it only made him feel more stupid. All he could do was stand there awkwardly.

"It's not a big deal, really," she insisted. "Sometimes when I get nervous, I stutter." She was trying to make him better. It was true. Jack her nerve up to ten and she was a stuttering mess. It happened when she got drunk too, but it was probably better if she didn't tell him that. Now, the question was of the game was 'what was going to happen next?' Going home was the last thing she wanted to do. She wasn't very tired at all but she didn't want to keep him out all night either. "Its up to you," she shrugged. "What do you want to do?"

Was this a simple question or a test? Damn his obsession to over analyze everything. " about a movie?" Yeah, movies were nice. He wasn't quite ready for the night to end just yet so just about everything sounded good, as long as she didn't get bored. "Okay, where are we going?"

She had a feeling that question more awkward than she wanted it to be and she was right because now they had to decide where they were going. She honestly was a little afraid to go back to either of their places for more than one reason. The first being obvious. Hello, she'd only known him for a couple of hours. She couldn't just take him home or go to his. He was a rockstar, for Christ's sakes! Sure it was judgemental, but what did most rockstars want with ordinary girls? Sex. Yes. S-E-X. 99% of them for sure. How was she supposed to believe that this guy, of all guys, wanted such an ordinary girl to himself? Sure, he could flirt all he wanted but it still wouldn't make sense. Don't get me wrong. She wasn't horribly low on self esteem. She didn't find herself ugly and she didn't complain about her looks every five seconds but come on. William Beckett? Seriously. Someone tap her on the shoulder and wake her up. Was she really supposed to believe that he only wanted to watch a movie? A part of her wanted to believe it. He seemed innocent enough but that small voice in the back of her head kept warning her how humiliating it might be if she gave in and got used.

William pondered this question as well. They seemed to share the same track of mind at that moment. Everything she was thinking, he was worrying about too. He didn't want her thinking he was just trying to get her back to his house so they could screw. "The...the bus!" He smiled at the brilliant idea. How bad could things go if he called Sisky up and had him come watch movie with them. Then it'd be less awkward and there was no way something bad could happen.

"The bus?" She shared in question.

"Yeah, we can watch movies on the bus with Sisky!"

"Seriously?" Pardon her fan girl-ness it, it did exist. And it was excited. "Aw, that would be so cool! He seems like he would be so fun to hang out with!"

"Yeah, he's definitely a trip."

"Let's go!" She tugged on his arm. "Call him and tell him so we can go up there!" Her excitement was more than amusing. He'd never seen a girl so excited to watch a movie. Sure, they were famous. He wasn't bragging, they were. She genuinely seemed happy just to hang out. She was going on and on about movies and board games. He Hadn't played a board game in so long. Did they even have any of those? Hell, he was willing to stop and buy some if he had to do. "Okay, okay, I'm calling," he chuckled. "Don't pee on yourself."

"I might."

His arm looped through hers once more and he waited for the sound of Sisky picking up his cell.

"Yes, well. As long as no one is around, we won't get fined."


The sound of her cell phone ringing broke their chatter. Though she would never admit it, she was secretly damning her phone's existence because answering it meant having to let go of William's light hold on her hand. "Argh...who's texting me?" She mumbled and dug in pocket. One new text from Jason. Those words flashed across the screen and her eyes flashed in unison. If there was ever a crappy moment to text someone it was now and she knew that ignoring him would only make things worse. She had a feeling that not replying meant getting more than one phone call later and that just the thing she needed to ruin whatever fun she might be having with William later. Next to her, William was taking intent notice of her reactions. It was hard not to, since she'd pretty much stopped walking. She was too engrossed in whatever the message said to even notice but it was obvious that she wasn't delighted.

Really? Now? Jason had to start this now? She really wasn't in the mood to explain to him why they weren't together anymore. Wasn't the fact that he was a jerk enough? 'Not now', she sent him. This just wasn't the time or the place. "Sorry," she mumbled and stuffed the phone back into her pocket. "My friend was having a crisis."

"Oh," William shoved his hands into his pockets and scuffed his shoes. "Do you need to go with her?" He was praying it was a her anyway. She was quick to shake her head, "Nah...she's a big girl. She can handle it." It wasn't even a big deal but the fact that she was already lying to him made her feel horrible. One night into meeting him and already a lie that probably wasn't needed had wormed its way out of her. Not that she had meant to, but was she supposed to tell him her ex boyfriend was an obsessive jerk who was trying to get back with her? Things like that didn't exactly make for the best conversation with the guy you liked.

"Okay." He didn't really know what to say all of a sudden. The tension had snaked its way between them.

In face, the tension stayed there until the first sight of the bus bloomed around the corner, behind the building. The fact that there was someone else in the picture, made her feel a little less awkward. They had just walked a good fifteen to twenty minutes to get here and the conversation had been minimal. Not good at all.

"Sisky, unlock the door," Williams voice broke her thoughts and he snapped his phone shut lightly before he gently pushed her towards their giant tour bus. Now really, this felt too...cliché....too surreal for Troi. This was the scene she read in fan fiction. This was what happened in someone's dream but in real life? No.

"Uhm, actually, you know what?" She mumbled, the tension rising again. "I actually, uhm, I feel a bit tired. I think I should head home." She had to force the last few words out of her mouth and the fact that she had just said that to him, of all people, made her want to slap herself. Why on earth would anyone decide to go home when a boy like he was inviting her in? Because. It was just too good for it to not screw up. It was a dream that someone was getting to ready to wake her from and things would only get worse if she let herself go in there.


Oh. That was all he'd managed to respond with, 'oh.' That was the one response she hadn't wanted. Why was she even doing this. "I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be rude or anything, I jus--"

"No, no, no," He cut her short. "Its alright."

"No, really. I do want to hang out again, I had a lot of fun; I'm just tired." Liar. Liar, liar, liar. Hey, what else was she supposed to do? It just didn't feel right, you know? It felt to fake. Like she was watching this instead of it actually happening. "Maybe when you're free we can watch a movie or something..."

"Yeah." He nodded very slightly and pressed his lips together. "Sure." Now she felt like an asshole. He'd been really nice this whole time and he she was turning him down like she was even in her right mind.

Uhuh, sure. He understood. This girl thought he was trash or something. She probably thought he was a whore or something and slept around with groupies after every show. "Uh, well---"

"Bill?" A very tired looking Sisky stuck his head out of the tour bus and glared at William. Yes, he very unhappy. William has just made him drive back to the bus from where he had been sleeping in his home to watch movies with some fan he'd gotten arrested. What the hell?

"Hey, Sisky--"

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Sisky's tone implied his mood.

"Oh. Sure..." William frowned and turned to Troian. "Just one second." she just nodded and awkwardly looked around but it was impossible not to head them. It was like they hadn't even closed the door.

"What the hell are you doing?"


"You don't even know this girl. You missed the meet and greet just to find her. And now you want to watch movies like you're old buddies?"

"Whoa, whoa, its not even a big deal, I'm sorry. I just wanted to meet her." That line put a small smile on her face but Sisky's tore it off.

"You don't have to meet her, she's just like every other fan girl that's ever been obsessed with you. You think she's here because she wants to watch movies?"

"I don't believe this." William muttered the words and rubbed his temple. "Why are you so worried. She's just someone I met."

She really didn't want to hear the rest of this conversation. It was really awkward and she felt like she was eavesdropping. "Uhm, Willi--"

"If you need a fuck that bad why don't you call Amanda?" The question caught her by her ears and made her stop. So she was just a fuck opportunity? She was pondered the idea of staying a bit longer and seeing if this resolved. William seemed like a pretty nice guy and maybe Sisky was wrong. But no, she shook her head and sighed. She didn't have time for this, she had class tomorrow. Troian turned around and made her way back to the street where they had come from. She could take a hint. Sisky obviously felt like she was just a fan who wanted to screw William and she didn't have time to deal with this. Her image of his was ruined already and they hadn't even met. She always thought he come off as really nice and super friendly and she evidently was wrong. She didn't bother to say bye to either of them and deep down she knew that was rude but she felt stupid enough without speaking again.

"Goddamnit, Adam, why do you have to be like that. Just because you've never met someone nice doesn't mean every girl in the whole fucking world is gonna be a bitch." William glared at his best friend and shook his head. This was ridiculous. Ever since Adam and is girlfriend had broken up he was so sure that woman were downright bad. "Ha." Adam laughed. "Go ahead, William. I won't stop you. But when she fucks you over and gets a few pictures don't start writing songs about it."

"My god, you're fucking stupid sometimes."

"Sure. Go tell your new friend--oh, wait." Adam smiled a very bitchy smile. "She's gone." William pushed past his friend and let the bus door fly open to find an empty parking lot. "Fucking A." His muttered and stepped outside. Now he felt like a complete jerk. Arguing about a girl right in front of her. No wonder she left. She probably thought he was immature now. "Thanks," William muttered sarcastically before taking off in the direction they had came. He spotted her by a steetlamp, looking both ways for any sight of a taxi cab but to his enjoyment,, the street was deserted.

"Hey! Hey, wait! I'm sorry, that was really and I didn't mean for that happen."


He sighed. "Please don't be mad. Sisky's a good guy, he's just not very trustworthy of women. His last relationship kind fucked him over."

She didn't bother to reply this time. The chill of the evening air hummed its way through the trees and rest on their ears to form silence. "Don't be mad...I--I know it sounded bad but I wasn't trying to play you or anything, really." Words like his weren't knew to her. If she had a dime for every time her ex boyfriend had said that to her. How many times had she taken him back and completely disregarded how he made her feel? Too many times, she could argue. It just wasn't worth it. She didn't have time to be in a relationship right now. She was just starting at the university and she had a job. She had too much to think about without bringing a guy into the picture. "Troi?"

She opened her mouth then closed it again before shaking her head. "I don't know. I just--I'm starting school and my job..." How did she point out nicely that Sisky had pissed her off and she just didn't want to have to deal with drama? "You know, this is just really...sudden," She said lamely. "I mean, you're William Beckett. You had security take me out of a show so you could meet me, and now we're talking like we've known each other forever. Its just...weird."

"So because I'm famous I can't have friends?"

"No, that's not what I meant, I just--"

"--think I'm trying to fuck you, right?" William glared at the ground and shook his head.

"I didn't say that."

"Do you believe it?"

She gave herself a moment and the question over. "No."

"Then what's the problem?" He was confused now as to why she couldn't make this work.

"The problem is Adam and how he thinks I'm just another fan who wants to get in your pants." There. The truth. She wasn't down with being treated like a whore when she had only had sex once. And instead of something serious as she expected him to say, he burst into laughter.

"That's it? You don't want to be friend because you think Adam hates you?"

"Well he does."

"He does not!" He chucked some more. "Adam is like that with all girls. Except when he's in meet N Greets cause he likes to be nic...." His voiced trailed off with his ramblings again. "Yeah, Anyway. He's a really nice guy, he just needs to get to know you." He gave her his most hopeful look. "What do you say?"

"I say...Maybe." Finally, as if perfectly on cue, a orange-yellow taxi made its way down their street and she waved it down, her eyes trained on William.

"Maybe?" The taxi slowed in front of her and she knocked on the cab's window. "Do you have a pen I could borrow?" Beneath a dirty a cap, the man gave her a weird look and impatiently dug around his console for a pen. He handed it to her and rolled his eyes. Troi ignored his gesture and quickly stuffed her hand into her pocket and pulled out her concert ticket to scribble her cell phone number on it. "Okay. Call me?" The driver tapped his fingers on the steering wheel and William took the paper from her.

"I'll think about it," he joked and pulled out his wallet. She was too busy getting into the back of the car to notice until he was too late. "Smile," William handed the driver a fifty dollar bill. "Its nice out."

A/N: This will probably be the last updates as I've been getting many, many views but no reviews. Sorry guys, no reviews, no more updates. Dems da breaks.
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