Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cigarettes and Coffee

Bang, Crash, Oh Snap!

by OverlordDiB 4 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2009-07-22 - Updated: 2009-07-23 - 2087 words


So...I lost my flash drive with all my stories on it...gasp...but I found it...cheers...then I lost it again...gasp...and then I found it again...cheers...Then I wrote this. Enjoy ^.^

Chapter 7

Sometime during the day I had asked Gerard oh so nicely if he could get a movie for me to watch. He obliged but as he was walking past me I heard him mumble something about making him get up. I wasn't sure what he was implying. I'm pretty sure he was just talking about getting up from his seat at the table. Yeah, that was it. After he walked past me he went straight for the cupboard next to the television.

"What movie do you want to watch, Frankie boy?"

"I wanna watch.....The Nightmare before Christmas." He let out a groan and started to look for my requested film. Idon't get what his deal is. It's a wonderful movie! Who could ever get tired of JACK! THE PUMPKIN KING! I retuned to looking at Gerard who was still looking for my movie.

"Are you sure Mikey owns it?"

"Positive. I've watch it here loads of times."He grunted in response. I couldn't help but let a small smile spread across my face at the torture I was putting him through. I knew the movie wasn't in the cupboard because Mikey and I had left it on top of the TV after the last time we watched it, which was about a week before my accident. I still didn't know the date so I'm not entirely sure if Mikey had moved it since then but my guess was that he hadn't.

I was going to take a look towards the top of the TV when I noticed that Gerard was now slightly bent over to get a better look at the lower shelves. I gave up on looking for my movie and decided that watching Gerard's ass was much better than any movie I've ever seen. When it suddenly clicked inside my head that I was checking him out Iimmediately looked away, with a blush on my cheeks. 'I shouldn't be looking at him like that! He's Mikey's older brother. I'm not entirely sure what I'm trying to imply here...but damn...he has a great ass.'

I was pulled from my thoughts as Gerard finally gave a sigh of defeat and stood up stretching out his back and reaching his arms towards the ceiling. As he did this I saw his shirt rise up as well and show off some of his soft white skin. Thankfully his back was to me or else he would've seen the blush on my face and how it increased as I looked away from him. He moved to stand in front of the TV and put his hands on his hips.

"Well Mister," He began. I couldn't help but think of how adorable he looked standing there. "I can't find it and Mikey doesn't get home for..." he trailed off as he looked over at the clock on the wall "hour or so. You're just going to pick another movie to watch." I glanced over his shoulder to the top of the TV and there was the movie, just where we left.

"Hey, Gee?"

"What Frankie? You thought of another movie you want me to get for you. I'm pretty I saw the SAW movies in there. You want to watch those?"

" tempting as that may be I'm going to have to say no. I was just going to ask if the movie on the top of the telly was the object of out hunt." I adopted a slightly British accent for no reason what so ever. I did those sorts of things often. It just became habit.

"Awww, Frankie! Do that again! It was sooo adorable!" Note to self...never do a British accent around Gerard.

"Wha?! No! Just go see if that's the movie." As he turned away from me he gave me a very weak fake glare. I saw him pick up the movie and look at the cover. He let out a sigh of defeat.

"Of course it would be here. After all the trouble I went through looking for it." I heard him mumble. I felt slightly bad considering I made him look for it. He put the DVD in the player and started his way back to the kitchen. When he walked passed me he ruffled my hair saying, "Enjoy your movie Frankie."

I felt somewhat upset at this point, and wasn't entirely focusing on the movie. Yes I wanted to watch it but it just didn't feel right watching it alone. "Hey Gee?" I called in the direction of the kitchen.


"Well...I was wondering if you wanted to watch the movie with me, cause you did go through the trouble of finding it and all and...."

"Sure, Frankie. I would love to watch the movie with you" I looked toward the door way where I heard his voice come from. He had a cup of Coffee in his hands and he was leaning against the frame of the door with a beautiful smirk across his lips. 'I don't think I like Mr. Toro anymore.' I felt a blush rush onto my face as I thought this. 'I definitely don't like Mr. Toro anymore.'

Gerard took a seat at the end of the couch that I was lying on and set his coffee on the small coffee table in front of it. Shortly he sat I made myself comfortable enough to enjoy the movie. After a couple of minutes of the movie I could feel myself start to doze off. But through my haziness of sleep I could fell Gerard drawing circles on my toes. I gave a short laugh to myself before I left my dreamland welcome me once again.


When I woke up the movie was over and it was at the main menu screen. Gerard wasn't by my side as mush as Iwanted him to be. I looked at the clock and saw that it read 4:45. Mikey should be home. I wasn't all too sure if he was or not because he could have gone over to Alicia's house for some "study" time.

I heard giggling coming from the kitchen so I grabbed my crutches and made my way towards the kitchen entrance. As I made it to the frame I was greeted by a most unusual site. Sitting at the kitchen table were to guys. One of which I could identify as Gerard and I couldn't get a good look at the other's face because Gerard and this other guy were in full on make-out mode. I let out a grunt and started to make my way towards my bags. I pulled out my sports water bottle and took a long swing of it. I let out a sigh as the vodka left a burning sensation in my throat. I took my drink to the couch so I could think.

Just as I sat down moans started to be emitted from the two guys in the kitchen. 'If they have sex on that table I'm not eating for the rest of my stay here,' I thought. 'Well this sucks. Just as Irealize that I don't like the guy who I thought that I liked but instead I like my best friend's older brother, I catch my best friend's older brother making-out with his boyfriend in the kitchen.' I scrunched up my face. What the hell did Ijust say, or rather think? I shook my head and took another swing of vodka.

I started to giggle. This was funny. Not the fact that I just caught my crush in the middle of an intimate moment but my like. My life was a joke and it was making me laugh. After my laughing fit I continued to sip my drink until it was gone. I wasn't aware of anything else that was going on other than me and the TV.

I was to busy poorly singing along with Lock, Shock, and Barrel that I didn't hear Gerard and his friend walk into the room. "Hey Frank."

"OH GEE! Wassup mann?" I turned away from the television and rested my gaze on Gerard and his boy toy. I felt acheesy grin plaster itself onto my face and I could stop talking. "Don't you just love this movie Gee? It like the best movie EVER!" I let out a small giggle.

"Frank, are you okay? You're acting a bit strange."

"Strange? Me? Pshh. I'm fine you just gotta loosen up, buddy. Oh and whose your little friend here?" I turned to the mystery man who was standing next to Gerard giving me a funny look.

"I'm Bert." He stuck his hand out to me but I completely ignored it. I hobbled my way over to him and looked him straight in the eyes. I was shorter than him; obviously, I'm shorter than everyone, so I had to look up slightly. I brought my hand up to his face and gave his cheek a slight tap, and then hobbled back over to the couch and retuned to my movie.

It was hard to return to my 'zone' because I could hear Bert and Gerard whispering behind me.

"Is he okay? Or does he always go around acting like he's drunk?"

"I'm not to sure. I've only know him for a couple of days and within that time he's been unconscious."

"I'm sure Mikey would have mentioned something if he acted like this."

"Yeah, your right. Something must be up."

I couldn't control me actions and Istood up abruptly. "You know...I can hear everything your saying, and I don't very much like it when people talk about me behind my back, literally." I was facing them now and I was glaring.

"Come on, Frankie boy, how 'bout you lay back down on the couch and we'll all watch those SAW movies we were talking about earlier." I had started to walk toward the kitchen. I knew Gerard was legal and he would keep beer in the house and I really needed a drink right now. Gerard moved to stand in front of me but I pushed passed him. I forgot my crutches so every other step I took there was a thud sound against the floor.

I made it through the door way and to the fridge. I opened it up and there to my ever changing happiness were bottles and bottles of beer. I let a grin dance its way onto my face and Istarted back to the living room forgetting about Gerard and his boy toy, Bert. I made it to the couch and plopped myself down in my seat. Just as I was putting the bottle to my lips it was taken out of my hand by none other than Bert. This guy was making it to easy to hate him.

He handed to bottle over to Gerard who took a swing himself. "Give it back you bastard! It's mine!"

"Frank, your too young to be drinking," was his oh so clever reply.

"Do you really think I give it shit?Just give it back!" I had wobbled my way over to him and now had my hands firmly grasped around the neck of the bottle. We started a game of tug of war over the bottle sloshing its contents all over the carpet and ourselves. All the while we were yelling at the other to fuck off.

"Gerard, I don't..."

"Shut up, Bert" After Gerard snapped at Bert he gave and especially forceful tug on the bottle causing me to stumble forward. So in return I gave a forceful tug loosing my grip on the bottle and falling backward hitting my head on the coffee table. I heard Gerard drop the bottle and both him and Bert rush over to my side.

I looked up and saw two faces staring back at me. "Oh my god, Frank! Are you okay?!" Gerard asked me.

"Yeah, of course I am. Can we finish that movie now Gee?" I said looking up at him. I saw him give a nod and Ireached my head up to tap him on the face, but I felt really weak and I only got my hand half way before it fell to the ground with a thud and everything went black.

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