Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Sweetheart Rebels


by Noizchild 1 review

Papa Joe tries to bribe Rose not to see Pete anymore with a one million dollar check. More reviews= More chaps. So get to it!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2009-07-24 - Updated: 2009-07-25 - 911 words - Complete


Rose had just come from lunch. She sure had an awkward afternoon. The woman ate alone this time. Everyone kept staring at her. Rose already knew why. But she didn't act on that notion or try to deny anything. She and Pete decided not to response until after the divorce. But she wished that everyone would just stop staring at her. "It's so annoying!" the woman thought. "Don't they have anything better to do with their lives!" She bit into her sub sandwich bitterly. Rose rolled her eyes as well. So childish. But yet much better than a few moments later.

Rose had made it halfway to work when a black truck pulled up next to her. She slowly turned to her left. The driver's window rolled down to her. Papa Joe Simpson looked at her. Rose looked at him confused.

"Uh... Yes?" she asked. Papa looked her up and down.

"Are you Rose?" he asked. The journalist blinked once.

"Yeah," she replied. "Why?"

"Get in!" he said. Rose looked at him even more.

"What for?" she asked.

"Just do it!" Poppa Joe ordered her. Rose sighed aloud. Something told her that she didn't have much of a choice at the moment. Besides, what's the worst he could do to her legally? Rose shrugged at him.

"Alright," she replied.

"Good choice," Papa Simpson replied. Then he reached over to the passenger's seat and unlocked the door. Rose walked around to the other side and climbed in. Once she buckled up, Papa Joe drove on forth. After five minutes, they pulled into a narrow alleyway. Rose looked around confused.

"Okay," she said aloud. "What are we doing here?" Papa Joe didn't answer at first. He didn't even look at her at all.

"We need to talk," the man said at last. Rose looked dead on at him. She had a feeling this was what this trip was all about. Well, she couldn't let on about her suspicious. She would be playing right into the potential trap. Rose sat up straighter.

"Is this going to take long ?" she asked harmlessly. "I really have to get back to work soon." Silence. Rose looked out the window soon. Something told her this would take a while as well. However, she had to keep her cool in order to make it through what would come next.

"That's you on the cover of US Weekly, right?" Papa Simpson asked her. Rose didn't look at him at all.

"What about it?" she asked.

"I want you to end it with Pete," he said to her. She didn't look up at all.

"I'm afraid I can't do that," she said almost sharply. Papa Joe didn't look at her at all.

"But he's married to my younger daughter and their expecting a baby soon," he reasoned.

"I know," Rose replied. "That still won't stop us from being together. It just doesn't." Papa Joe sighed aloud.

"Isn't there anything that could persuade you otherwise?" he asked. Rose shook her head.

"No," she replied. "Nothing will tear me away from Pete." Papa Joe sighed again.

"Well," he said. "I guess I have no choice then." He pulled out his checkbook and began writing in it. Rose looked over at what he was doing. When the man had finished, he handed the journalist the check. She took it and looked at it. Shock met her face right away.

"One million?!?" she asked aloud.

"That's right," Papa Joe told her. "Just one million to not see Pete ever again. Not bad, how?" Rose still didn't know what to say at all. The man grinned at her.

"Good!" he called. "It's settled then. Take the check and go!" Before the woman could speak at all, Papa Joe drove her back to the main street and hurried her back out.

"Make good with the check!" he called to her as she got out the truck. Then, he drove off right away. Rose just stood there in silent shock.

"Okay then..." was all she could say before walking back to work. Of course, she wasn't going to quit seeing Pete for a million dollars. She never had been gold-digger type at all. Plus, like she said before, nothing would tear her away from Pete. However, Rose still had a small problem on her hands. "What the hell am I going to do with this frickin' check?" she thought in distress. The journalist knew that she couldn't keep it, but she couldn't spend it either. So what to do? What to do? As she walked by the local charity shop, the answer came right to her.

A lady stood at the shop entry ringing the bell to get people to donate money. An idea came into Rose's head. She walked right over to the woman. The bell woman looked up and saw Rose coming towards her.

"Excuse me miss," the journalist said. "How would you like me to make your day?" Later, Pete found out about the bribe and called Rose to confirm the truth. But, his angel put his worries away.

"Oh don't worry Petey," she told him. "Let's just say I made Papa Joe look like Santa Claus at Christmas!"

"What?" her boyfriend asked. "How?"

"You'll see on the news!" the journalist replied. Then, they hung up together. Team Prose has fought back against the schemers. Now to really get the show on the road!

I've Been Working on a Concept Called Grounds for Divorce
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