Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Unusual You

The Makeover

by caitmonsterrr 6 reviews

the boys take a trip to the mall :)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2009-07-27 - Updated: 2009-07-27 - 1919 words

"Hey Mikey!" I happily greeted my friend in the hallway of school the next day. He jumped as my voice spooked him.

"God, Frank," he huffed, turning to me. "What's got you all happy today?"

"It's friday," I simply stated.

Mikey nodded, "Ah gotcha. Speaking of which, you should spend the night at mine tonight, kay?"

"Sure thing, silly bean," I grinned.

"Wow. You're kinda hyper."

"Thanks Csptain Obvious. Get used to it."


Mikey, Gerard, Bert, and I sat quietly in a circle in the middle of the Ways' living room, bored to death. I'd already given my apology to Bert about my utter assholeness, and now none of us had any inkling as to what to do now.

"We could go to the mall? Ya know, for some male bonding time?" Gerard's voice interrupted the nagging silence. Bert nodded in agreement, smiling his wide grin.

"Ugh," Mikey stated, rolling his eyes. "You two are so gay."

"DUHHHHHH Mikey," Gerard said before, you guessed it, kissing bert. That's going to take some getting use to.

I shrugged indifferently, "The mall's cool. It'll at least give us something to do for a while."

"Aight," Mikey agreed. "Frank, do you wanna get your stuff from your house now or later?"

I pondered for a moment, "Eh, I'll get it later so I can tell my mom that I'm staying over here tonight."


"Well, let's get going already!" Gerard exclaimed, pulling Bert off the floor. Then he pulled me up, holding on to my hand and meeting his hazel eyes with mine. I blushed...? and looked away quickly. He started walking to the door, leaving Mikey to help himself.

Mikey grumbled under his breath, "Geez, thanks, Gerard."

We piled into Gerard's car, and for some reason, some how, I found myself joining Gerard in the front while Bert and Mikey occupied the back. The ride to the mall was quick, seeing as Gerard was trying to impress me by driving obnociously fast. It was fun to say the least. That Iron Maiden shit that these people were so downright addicted to was being blast through the speakers, but surprisingly it was starting to warm up to me as well. What is wrong me?

Gerard parked the car right next to the "Belleville Mall" sign. How does he manage to get the best spot in the whole lot on a friday night? Perhaps he's God...haha.

"Where to first?" Bert asked, taking Gerard's hand in his own.

Glancing at the other three boys in front of me, I realized that me and them would probably be separated in different stores the whole time. "Hollister?" I proposed.

They chuckled, and Gerard spoke, "How attached are you to your hair, Frankie?" Frankie...?

I ran a hand through my long brown curls and pulled slightly at the roots. "Well," I started. "I'm not opposed to a change, I guess."

"Good!" Gerard said, dropping Bert's hand and replacing it with mine.

"Within reason, that is!" I yelled as he pulled me through the crowds and towards a hair salon. He looked like he just arrived in heaven. Fag. Dammit. I'll have to scold myself later. Bert and Mikey shared knowing glances, and I couldn't help but feel the least bit nervous.

Gerard rushed to the center of the store where the cash register was located, and where an older woman who's hair was way, way too blond to be natural sat, waiting for us. Her nametag was bright blue and bore the name Monica. "Name?" she asked dully.

"Frank Iero." WHAT?

"Style and Color?" she asked again, looking at her computer screen.

"Yep," Gerard confirmed.

"Alright. Please sit over there till you're called."

All four of us sat on the chairs provided as we waited our turn. Bert was on the left of Gerard, and I was on his right. He was still holding my hand. I tried to nonchalantly tug my hand away, but it was no use. I guess I'd just have to ask. "Gerard...?" I said, sounding nervous.

He looked at me, his eyes shining, "Hmmm?"

I was about to motion to our hands that were clasp together, but after seeing how happy he looked I just couldn't do it. "Uh, nevermind." I looked down, slightly embarrased. Why did that keep happening?

"No, Frank, tell me," he urged. I lifted our hands up, and I guess he understood. "Oh, I'm so so sorry. I shouldn't do that. I just...forgot. Sorry, really." He dropped our hands quickly and turned towards Bert, obviously embarrased. I heard Bert lightly kiss him. Nice, Frank. Look at what you started.

I sat making small talk with Mikey until they called me up, which seemed like FOREVER. But it was probably just because I felt really bad about doing that to Gerard. Damn, that guy gave me a heart.

I walked over to Monica's work station. As I was about to sit on the chair, she handing me a big piece of plastic covered foam. A booster-seat. I bit my lip momentarily before climbing onto the giant chair. "Your friend already told me what I should do to you today, and he said it was a surprise, so I'm turning the chair around so you can't look in the mirror, alright?"

I shrugged, it couldn't be that bad. "Okay."

After about 3 hours total, my hair was done. She spun my chair around to face the mirrors, and I gasped when I saw myself. The sides of my hair we buzzed and died platinum, almost white. The top of it was a faux hawk, long and black. I studied myself in the mirror for a long time. I looked like a whole different person. I...liked it.

"You look really hot, Frankie," Gerard said, smiling at me. Again I blushed, but I didn't have any hair to hide behind.

"Alright you two, let's get going," Mikey said.

I got confused, "Don't I have to pay?"

Gerard smiled at me again, "Already taken care of."

"Gerard..." I sighed.

"Frank," he said more sternly, laughing.


"Only the best for you," he said as he took my hand. And this time, I let him.

We made our way through the mall and found ourselves in the entry-way of hot topic. That store always kinda scared me a bit, but it looks as though I'm going to be dragged in here anyways. There was a lot of black, to sum it up. It was weird. None of the places I shop had black clothing, so this was a big change, along with my hair.

"Frank! Try these on!" Bert said, throwing a pair of black skinny jeans towards me. I caught them with my free hand and looked at them skeptically.


Gerard looked at me with eager eyes, "Please, Frankie..."

He looked cute, so I muttered an agreement.

WHOA! Backtrack that..."He looked cute?!?!" FUCK.

I was alone in the dressing room, shaking because of my gay thoughts and I slid the pants on reluctantly. They fit, and they looked really good.

Mikey threw a shirt to me under the door and I looked at it. It was plain black with a giant skull on it. "Mikey, what is this?"

"It's the Misfits, duh," he said, like I was supposed to know. I pulled in on over my head. I liked it too. God, something was wrong with me.

"Let's see it," Gerard urged.

I shyly emerged from the confines of the red and black dressing room to the stares of my friends. Gerard's jaw dropped and he subconsciencely licked his lips. Bert and Mikey shared a laugh at Gerard's expense. "Yea," I said quietly.

"God, Frank. You look...mmm, whoa."

I blushed and smiled, "Thanks, Gee."

"You're getting that outfit," Gerard demanded.

"Gerard, I don't have any money."

"I'm getting it for you."

"Stop spending all your money on me. It's not necassary."

"Frank." And that shut me up. I don't know how he does it, but damn. I turned to go back into the dressing room, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

"Leave it on. Just take off the tags," Gerard demanded. I nodded. "Get your other clothes and we'll go."

I gathered my belongings and walked to the register, Gerard next to me the whole time. Bert and Mikey were looking at belts and I saw Bert pick up a pink one. I shuddered.

"You're total is $61.57," the cashier spoke. Gerard handed her the money and we began to leave the store.

Bert raised up the pink studded belt and yelled, "Frank, you should wear this."

"Fuck you, fag," I said and ran through the entrance and out the doors of the mall. I settled myself against the building and lit up a cigarette, needing the calming sensation of the toxins. I snapped when he told me to wear the belt, memories flooded back to me and I couldn't help it. I felt so bad, but it was a sensitive spot for me. I didn't think that those would ever have been brought up again.

I sat there alone for about five minutes before I felt another presence accompany me. "Frank..." I recognized the voice as Gerard's and I turned my head away, not wanting him to see the tears forming in my eyes. I took a drag of my cig and brought it down to my lap, where I felt Gerard take it out from my fingers. I saw him lift it to his mouth and suck it it, his cheeks hollowing out just the slightest bit. He was gorgeous.

"You smoke?" I asked him quietly, still trying to hide my face.

He chuckled a bit, "Is it that surprising?"


"Didn't think so." We sat in silence for awhile taking turns taking drags of my Marlboro. When it reached the filter, I smooshed it out on the concrete, it leaving a black stain. "What happened in there?"

"I don't know," I answered shamefully.

"Yea, you do. Frank tell me, come on," he said, putting his arm around my shoulder. I liked the touch and I subconsciencely moved closer to him.

I kept quiet for a moment before I spoke, "Last year I wore a pink belt to school because I was dared to, and I got beat up and called a fag for it."

Gerard pulled me in even closer to his side, "Frankie. There's nothing wrong with wearing a pink belt, okay? And there's nothing wrong with being gay. Every one who thinks that is just crazy."

"Well, then put me in the looney bin, because that's where I belong." I started crying slightly. Oh god, it was so embarrasing.

He sighed, "Don't cry, sweetheart. It's okay. I'm not gonna put you in the looney bin. You're so much better than when I met you. It's like you accept me now."

"I do."

"See? You're already making progress. I'm proud of you. Don't worry about what people think about you. More likely than not, they're just jealous, okay?" I nodded, and he placed his lips to my forehead, giving it a gentle, caring kiss. "I think you should go apologize to Bert now."

a/n: so i had this typed up, but then i deleted it because i wanted it to be longer, so i typed it up some more, and VOILA! here it is! frankie's getting nicer. and he thinks gee is cute. it's so damn exciting ;) R&R PLEASE!!!!!

Xo caitmo.
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