Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Flipped Turned Upside Down


by XxLiveyourlifExX 2 reviews

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2009-08-09 - Updated: 2009-08-10 - 1245 words

A/N: Dear Natalie~I got your review and it literally made my day. I'm stoked you read it! Anyway have some more! Love~Corri
And for everyone else: love you! Have another update!


Awaken next day by the gleeful screech of a four year old at ten o'clock in the morning. I poked my head out of the curtained barrier of my bunk and mock-glared at a jovial Alison. "Wuder you doing?" I asked in a raspy voice.

"Krissy says I don't have to be quiet anymore!" She shouted and continued funning up and down the bus' corridor waking up the rest of the bunkroom's inhabitants.

I laughed as I got out of bed and went to go get some coffee. Krissy was picking up toys that were strewn across the floor and Evan was sitting in a chair playing Colin's favorite game, peek-a-boo, with the baby. We heard a grunt from the bunkroom as the others began to get up. "She's got a gift." I said.

"She's been up for three hours. It seemed inhumane to make her wait to play until everyone woke up, which knowing this crowd could be four in the afternoon," Krissy replied finished with her work.

I looked out the window and watched the Canadian countryside pass by, sipping my coffee. Everyone was soon awake and in various states of eating.

Patrick was playing with Alison when Pete got a phone call from Dirty. In a few minutes Pete hung up the phone, whispered something to Joe who grinned goofily. Together they walked up to the front of the bus.

"Hey Bill," Pete said, "Can you stop the bus?"

As they talked to the bus driver, a conversation from the day before came back to me...

"Did you see question 14?" Pete asked.
"Ya. 'Do you plan on visiting any farms in Canada?' What's with that?" Joe asked.
"I don't know." Pete said.
"What are they keeping on these farms?"
"I have no idea, but we are SO going." Pete said.

"Oh no," I said as our bus pulled to a stop on the side of the road.

Pete and Joe clambered out of the bus, the rest of us followed at a wary distance. Once outside I saw all the buses in our caravan pulled over to. Dirty was already at a fence with the guys form The Academy Is... and Cobra Starship. Someone with a camera was nearby saying something about how this would make a great segment for TAI TV.

In the pasture the boys were standing next to were suspicious cows and a donkey or two. Up and over the fence they went as Krissy, Patrick, Andy, Evan, me, and several others of crew stood back and watched. Alison wanted to go, but as we didn't know what exactly was going to happen, we decided it was best to hang on to her and tell her to watch Uncle Pete and Joey make fools of themselves.

We were not disappointed.

We watched for a half an hour as they were chased around the pasture by the cows. Also, maybe most memorable, was Gabe and Dirty's attempt to ride the donkey. Then I saw it. Coming over a ridge.

I passed a laughing Alison off to some other adult as I ran to the fence yelling, "You better get out of there NOW!"

Evan who saw the same thing I did came to my aid shouting and waving at the group of people in the pasture. Eventually they saw it too.

"SHIT!" was the cry of Dirty. It startled the bull that, up to that point, had been ambling down the ridge to the herd. The bull began to charge. The scene that ensued was terrifying at the time, but looking back on it, it was absolutely hilarious.

The group scattered forgetting where the fence was. Eventually they made it out. No one was gored. Dirty did trip and landed, quiet comically, facedown in a cow pie. Once everyone was safe, we were all rolling with glee.

After a few minutes Al called everyone to attention. "Alright that was fun, but we gotta be at the next stop in a few hours. Back to the buses."

For the rest of the trip we listened to Pete and Joe's 'horrifying' recounts of their adventure.

"We were all watching," Andy said, "And you did not bring down the bull single handedly to save everyone, Pete." Everyone laughed but Pete.

"You obviously weren't watching closely enough." He retorted haughtily.

We crossed the border without much incident, except Joe asking the custom officer about the farm question.

Back in the states we headed to Portsmouth. We arrived at around seven. We put the kids to bed after a quick dinner made for them from the stuff we had brought along with us. Ariel brought us take out on someone's request. Chinese. Delicious.

Krissy and Evan said they'd stay on the bus letting the rest of us go to the Cobra bus where everyone was hanging out. We sang karaoke (badly on my part), played drinking games (excellent on my part), and just chilling out.

Buzzed enough to be just happy enough, I grabbed a water and sat down in between Vicky-T and Patrick. "Hi," I said happily.

"What's on your hand?" Vicky asked me, slightly slurring and taking another drink.

"My system," I said winking knowingly at her.


"Ya. I make a tally mark on my hand for every drink I have, that way I can keep track. I usually quit around five." I peered at my sharpie striped hand, "And according to my hand, I am done for tonight."

Vicky nodded and then got up. "That's a good idea," Patrick’s voice came from beside me. He had been pulling on the same beer the whole time.

"I like to be responsible."I said laying my head on his shoulder. "Besides, if I have much more, I'll either be belligerent, which is fun for no one, or I'll fall asleep. Also, this way, my hangover won't suck in the morning."

He nodded. For the rest of the night we sat there talking to each other and whoever happened to be sitting in Vicky's vacated seat. Eventually we all made our ways to our respective buses (well in most cases. I noticed Pete had convinced some random girl to come back with him) to sleep (or be otherwise occupied).

Sleeping was not happening for me. After I tossed and turned trying to block out mysterious sounds, I abandoned my bed for the television. I turned it on and put in the Breakfast Club. I was soon joined by a pouty Joe and a wide awake Patrick. They explained to me that Pete did this periodically and there was really nothing you could do about it. Andy was the only one who ever slept through it. We watched movies well into the morning, slipping in and out of sleep.

A/N: haha you'll probably never get two updates in a day ever this is cause for excitement. So I'm not sure how fast things are gonna go from this point on. Before the last chapter, all that stuff was already written and now I'm having to write on the spot like. I'll try to keep updates fast, but if you know anything about me you'll know I can't promise anything. Ok that's enough. REVIEW!

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