Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Make The Moves, Aim The Spotlight

Sleeping On Your Folk's Porch Again, Dreaming

by sasukeluver 0 reviews

Katie has nonstop pain and suffering, mental and physical.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Sci-fi - Published: 2009-08-10 - Updated: 2009-08-11 - 2269 words


Cold hands wrap around my shoulders while it sends shivers down my spine. My eyes are glued shut and someone else is with me. Fangs enter into my neck and shoots out dark and dreary thoughts through my head. I see myself, but someone else. I'm alone, but that's not me. Who is it? This girl is not me. She has blood streaming down from her mouth, and unthinkable injuries. She's laughing... and smiling while she's devouring this human being. She's beautiful, but and disgust to be even alive. Her skin is pale, she's a new born. So resent, she must have just been born into her new skin. Her eyes are blood curdling. Who is she?
"Katie..." She speaks. No, it wasn't her. It was another voice. "Katie..." Who is that? It was a mans voice. He speaks again. "Katie, come to me." The creature turns around to face me. I see who she is finally. It is me. It's me and I am a monster. I am a vampire. I am looking at myself. This isn't possible. Pete would never do this to me. I feel hands on my wrists. I am frozen in fear, too busy to see who it is. "Katie."

I scribbled my last entry into my new journal quickly. I closed it and held it to my chest. I watched Pete brew up a double batch of say no juice. I smiled and giggled softly so Pete wouldn't hear me. I liked my name for his brew. It helps him resist human blood when he's in a big room of people. It's a mix of nail polish, veggies, and raw meat. I thought it was discussing, but what ever helps him is perfectly fine. Pete chugged half of the blender’s condiments and poured the rest in a glass and covered it. He started washing the blender and clean up the kitchen area. He looked up at me and smiled; flashing his fangs to me. I chuckled and walked over to him. I stepped over Joe while he snored on the floor.
"Nightmares again?" Pete asked looking up from his cutting board. I curled up the corner of my mouth and shrugged.
"More or less," I said back. I looked at my journal and smiled. "Thanks."
"For what? I didn't make him give that to you." I rolled my eyes and punched his shoulder, though it did no good against his hard a rock skin.
"I meant the kiss. He said you were hinting about it." He looked at me and sighed.
"I didn't want him to tell you," he said. I lifted and dropped my shoulders quickly. He shook his head and started wiping down the counters.
"What does that stuff taste like?" He lifted his head and pointed to his mouth, signaling that he was thinking I meant the Say No juice. I nodded and he stood up straight.
"It's like a mix of veggies and fake blood..." I didn't know what blood tasted like in the first place. When I thought that, shivers went down my spine. What if I end up finding out? It might not be too far away. I wanted to tell him about my dream, but that would make him want to read the dream. I shook my head.
"How different is it from real blood?" He through the rag he was using in a bucket under the sink. He walked over to my couch and was sat across from each other; my hands folded in my lap.
"Not really different. The nail polish helps with the iron taste of it, and I add some salt. Other then that I can tell it's fake." I nodded and he smiled. "Why are you so interested in this now?" I ignored his question.
"Are you the only one on the training grounds who drinks it?"
"We all have different versions of it, why do you care?" He sounded a little worried.
"I just," I trailed off. I didn't want to look at him. "I've just never talked to you about this," I lied. "I've wanted to know, but I've never found the right time to ask." I looked up at him and he was smiling. I suddenly got confused. “What?”
“It’s funny,” he said with a chuckle. He scratched his nose and I turned my head to the side, still looking at him with suspicious looks. “You’ve never wanted to know about this stuff and now you are pushing me into knowing everything.”
“Not everything,” I corrected. “Just some of the important stuff…” I looked at him and we were both serious. It wasn’t long before we both started busting up laughing our butts off.
“Ok, ok,” he said. “It’s time for bed.” I rolled my eyes and sighed. “You’re going to meet everyone tomorrow and it’s not cute to watch someone yawn every five seconds.” He stood up and gave me back my couch. He tucked me in and said goodnight. In my hours of darkness, my dreams got worse.

I sat up in a cold sweat and almost yelped. I knew Pete wasn’t far away so I’ve learned to keep myself quiet. I reached under the cushion and took out my journal. I whipped tears away from my face and started to write.
Blood steaming down my face made me want to laugh in delight. All of the pleasure in the world was making my mouth twitch. I watched at blood and tears roll down the poor unfortunate human turn into one of us. I turn to the side and start to walk away. I felt weak fingers wrap around my ankle. I stop and listen to her voice turn to ashes.
“Why? Why me?” I smile and turn back to her while crouching to her level.
“Why not?” I laughed hysterically that scared me honestly. Her crying tears made me want to go back and help her, but when I wanted to my feet wouldn’t let me. I was walking towards a person. I could tell it was a man, but who it was I couldn’t tell. When I got closer I could see the red dye in the black hair.
“Good job Katie. You’re still a little sloppy though.”

I closed it and brought my knees up to my chest and cried. I didn’t care if everyone would wake up or if nobody heard me. I needed to cry and I wasn’t holding back this time.

The next morning I sat up and tried remembering going back to sleep. I gave up and got into the shower before the guys could claim it. I stripped down and stepped into the warm, steaming shower. While I felt the sweat run down my body and watched it drain I saw a different color fallow it. A dark pink was flowing down the drain. I kept calm; hopefully it was just “my time.” But I didn’t think so. I wasn’t due until next week. I looked down my body and tried to see where the source was. I didn’t feel any pain, so how was I bleeding? Looked down to the drain and saw that the bleeding stopped. I wanted to inspect myself more, but the hot water had to be saved for the guys, so I let it go.
Once I got out I felt fresh and clean. I took in a big breath of steam and smiled. Today was going to be a good day; I can feel it. In the towel, I walked out to the main room of the bus and noticed that the guys were getting ready. Weapons and clothes were spread out all over the place and watching my step became a problem. I walked to my couch and before I set my dirty pajamas down Patrick caught my attention.
“Katie!” I shot up and turned to him. My hair was tangled and dangling in front of my face. My towel was wrapped around my chest and my body was still damp. The guys are so comfortable that it doesn’t matter to them if I walk around like this.
“What’s wrong?” Pete and Joe opened the door and Andy came out of the kitchen. Pete ran in and came to my side; Joe stood in the door way.
“Katie turn around,” he ordered me. I turned around and he moved my hair from my back. I heard everyone gasp and my eyes got wide.
“What? What’s so” I was cut off by a sharp pain in my shoulder. I fell to the couch and was bent over it.
“Look at her back,” Andy said. I lifted my hand over my shoulder and felt dry blood crust chip off of me and every move I made stung like I was shot. They contemplated on what to do.
“Pete,” Joe said. “What’s that?” I felt a soft brush against my back. That’s when I realized something was in my back; under the skin, above the bone. Pete tried feeling it and I flinched away from him. “It’s amazing she isn’t screaming,” he added.
“She’s always had a high pain tolerance.” Patrick tried to find how this thing got into my back. “How ever it got in there it’s going to be a bitch to get out.” Pete stood up. “Get out.”
“If I have to get this thing out the way it went it, it’s going to be painful for her, and you. Get out.” They didn’t fight. Pete fallowed his order and slammed the door after him, Joe followed. Andy walked over to us.
“What do you need?” He asked.
“A knife; sterilize it before you give it to me.” He nodded and walked to the bathroom.
“You okay?” He asked. He moved next to me and I turned my head slightly and smirked.
“For now, I’m guessing this is really going to hurt.” He didn’t want to tell me yes, but I could tell in his eyes that he didn’t want to do this. I heard Andy’s trot behind me and I sighed. I didn’t want to look at the tool that will be digging into my back, so when Andy handed the sharp object to Patrick I just closed my eyes as hard as I could.
“Just do it,” I said sharply. I started to grind my teeth trying to get the pain to go away. When he started to tunnel through me I couldn’t help but to let out a shriek of pain. It wasn’t the worst I’ve ever felt, but it was pretty close. I heard shouting from outside and decided listening to them will be the best distraction.
“You can’t go in there!” Joe’s voice was scratchy, and ragged, as a result of his addiction to… illegal usage of… medicine. He started coughing.
“I can’t just stand here and wait!” Pete spat. I loud thump landed on what sounded like leather, and then it went silent.
“You have to Pete. You know just as well as I do that you still aren’t that stable to her blood.”
“How are you holding up kid?” Patrick asked me. When he got my attention back I remembered how much pain I was in. I was doing just fine, until he spoke, which happens a lot. I let out another screech and covered my mouth quickly.
“Pete, don’t go in there!” The door slammed open and Pete was to my side immediately. I took his hand and squeezed it as hard as I could. It helped a little, but the excruciating pain was still lightning in my entire body. I burrowed my head in his shoulder and bit him. That helped a lot more. Pete’s skin was like a rock, rubber, and ice, all in one. No matter how hard I bit into him his skin wouldn’t break, and his skin was so cold I couldn’t feel it due to my mouth going numb.
“I got it!” Patrick pressed hot towels to my back and Andy took his knife away to wash it. I started to breathe regularly again and let Pete’s shoulder go.
“What the hell was it?” I whispered. Pete held me in a comforting embrace and I felt like crying, but this pain is what I might be getting used to, so I held in my tears and took slow deep breaths.
“Looks like a screw, maybe from the couch.”
“I noticed she was moving around a lot in her sleep last night,” Pete said. He looked down at me in the eye. “Did you have another night mare?” I nodded. “You want to tell me what’s been going on?”
I thought about it for a while. I decided right now wasn’t a good time. Maybe after I learn to not show so much pain it’ll be easier to tell him that I think he’s going to change me in the near future.
“Maybe when I’m not in a bath towel and blood all over me,” I laughed as they helped me up.
“You will though, right?” Pete looked so worried, and I didn’t know how to tell him.
“Of course,” I said. “Can I go take a shower now?”
“What!” Joe yelled. “It’s my turn, I CALLED IT!”
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