Categories > Anime/Manga > Fushigi Yuugi > The Next Chapter

(4)The warriors of Sereyu

by EvilAngel1990 0 reviews

I have fallen into a world I cannot escape and now I have to find the warriors to protect me so I can go home.

Category: Fushigi Yuugi - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Amiboshi,Nakago - Published: 2009-08-15 - Updated: 2009-08-15 - 1206 words

After a few days in the castle the two boys make themselves at home. I wait out by the pond and think of a lot of things. 'If I didn't read that book, we wouldn't be traped here. I wouldn't have to be sepparated from my family, Sara and Dina would be safe at home. If only I had left that stupid book at home. I have to make things right and get us home. I have to find the other warriors and fast. I'll go tell the others I'm going on my own. It's better that way.' With that thought in my head I ran off to tell Hotohori my plan.

"Do you realize how dangerous that is? You cannot go out without at least one of your gardians." He said concerned.

"Please, Hotohori. It's my turn to make things right and to repay you for your kindness. I'll be okay, I promice. Good-bye" I call after I run out of the pallace and out of town.

Hotohori was very worried but I couldn't look back at him, because if I did, I knew I wouldn't have the strangth to go anywhere. I ran and ran as far as I dared to go. After a while I stopped and rested and began to simply walk. There was a cool river near-by. I could hear it roaring down a waterfal, smell the water of the mist it created. I stopped to get a drink when a hand touched my sholder. I screamed and jumpped into the shallow river. I turned to see a man with the bluest eyes, a good-looking face, and semi-long blond hair. He whore blue armor that looked like it hade been taken from a blue dragon.

"Who are you?" he asked in a low silky voice.

I began to shiver. The water was ice cold and numbed my skin.
We stared at eachother for the longest time. His ice-blue eyes captiveted me.

"Wh-who a-are y-you?" I asked holding my body which was now completely visible to him. My white blouse clung to my body showing off every curve and my mini skirt wrapped around the top of my legs showing them off unpleasently as well.

"General!" came a voice, "General what is wrong?"

A soldier came into view and pointed a long spear at me.

"Have you cast a spell on our general? You will pay for that." he yelled.

The blond general knocked the soldier unconcious.

"Forgive him my lady, he is quite stupid" the blonde said not takeing his eyes off me.

I watched him for a few moments while my body shivered from the intence cold. He rached out a pale hand to me. I didn't move for a long time. Like my body was telling me to run but my mind wanted out of the cold. I forced myself to take his hand and he pulled me out of the icy water and into his strong, warm arms. He bent down and picked me up brydle style. I blushed slightly in his arms.

"You're ice cold to the touch. You should warm up before you get sick." he said not looking at me but towards a light between a few trees.

My eyes began to droop and my body relaxed and I fell asleep. When I woke up I noticed my old cloths were gone and I was in a white night kimono. A dark blue blanket covered me and kept me warm and a soft pillow rested my head in it's fluffyness. I noticed my surroundings and I was in a large tent that managed to have a very solid and comfortable bed in it.

"Where am I?" I asked sitting up. My head began to spin and I felt a hand press me down back on the bed.

"Rest, you're not well." came a fermiliar deep silky voice. I glance over and I see the blond general sitting next to me.

"I never got your name." I said relaxing.

"My name is Nakago." he said plainly.

"I'm Angel. Nice to meet you." I smile sweetly at him and closed my eyes then the name struck a cord in me and I shot strait up and backed to the wall of the tent holding my robe closed from the chest. It was him...the one my mother told me that tried to not only take over the world of the universe of the four gods, but my world as well.

"Stay the hell away from me, Nakago." I told him with an angery and scared face.

"So you have heard of me?" he asked with a questioning look as he sat on the bed where I was laying.

"How could I not know you. You tried to rape and kill my mother and godmother." I told him, "You're a heartless, crule, vendictive bastard that no one can trust."

"Yes, that's right, but I'm also a man you should not make angery either." he said in a chilling voice and before I can blink he had his hand wrapped around my neck and squeezing tightly, constricting my air flow.

My hands wrapp around his wrist and try to get him to let go but to no avail. My legs kick and my body wriggles fiersly to be free but his gripp is too secure. I begin to think that he is going to do what he almost did to my mother. 'He's going to rape me then kill me... Hotohori, please save me.' I thought desperoutly. It was then that an unfermiliar siluet pushed aside the curtain doors of the tent and a soft whistle from a wooden flute floated into the room. Nakago let go of my neck and covered his ears and cringed in pain. I took this oportune moment to get off the bed and ran strait to my savior's siluet, and into his arms.

"Are you alright?" my rescuer asks as his arm wraps around my waist.

I nod my head with a frightened expression on my face and cling to him. "Please get me out of here."

The shadowed figure nods his head and I feel a rush of cool air brush against my body and I close my eyes. When I open my eyes again I am back at the river I had fallen in earlier. I looked back at him to see his face. When I turned my head my eyes found a boy my age, with blonde hair, a blue headband and blue eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked him quietly.

"My name is Amiboshi. A celestial warrior of Sereyu." he said proudly.

When he introduces himself as a warrior of Sereyu I back away from him. He seemed worried and reaches for me gentily, "Don't worry, I don't swear alligence to my assigned god. I'd much rather be one of your gardians." he said with a calming smile.

I look at him like he was a strange thing, but I smile as well and give a small chuckle, "Well, you did save my live and chastity, so I owe you at least that much." I tell him, though I truely believe that I can honestly trust him.
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