Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Why Doesn't Anyone Ever Notice Her?


by bubbly-gum 1 review

Alice and Bob finally go out but who knew he was going to be there? Will he be able to save her? Lots of Frerard in the beginning. Sorry if you don't like it.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [R] - Published: 2009-09-03 - Updated: 2009-09-03 - 1591 words - Complete

Hey guys, up-dating from my gran's. Lying on my little cuz's bed. Using her lap-top and watching 'Kerrang' whilst she is at dancing. She now had wirless internet, it is awesome. It's weird though cause we're totally different. I'm into more emo music although I don't dress like one where as she is popular and plastic. She's also 13 (14 tomorrow) while I'm 17. Technically we shouldn't get along at all but we do...odd.

Sorry sorry sorry I haven't up-dated in ages but I spilt and entire cup of tea over my desk and keyboard. The keyboard no longer works. F.s!!!! Geeting a new one though this weekend. I'll shut up now and start telling the story. Lol, sorry again. ENJOY!

Gee Gee's P.O.V (XD)

Shit shit shit! I've just told Frank I love him and he's saying nothing. Just sitting on my lap, head curled into my chest crying. What the fuck does that mean??? Does he love me too or what? I don't think I could handle it if he doesn't love me too.
"Gee?" Frankie whispered hoarsly.
"Yeah?" I whispered.
"Did you mean it?"
"Mean that I love you? Yes Frankie, I really do." Frank stared at me for a minute, his chocolate brown eyes were huge and sparkly from the tears threatening to fall again. His face was red from crying, his cheeks tear-stained and eyes slightly puffy and bloood-shot from crying but to me he was the most beautiful creature on this Earth. I wanted to be with him always, to never let go of him and love him with the whole of my heart for the rest of my life...but it isn't enough. I'm being selfish. I don't deserve such a...a...fucking perfect angel.

Frank snuggled back down into my chest.
"You don't mean it" He mumbled.
"What???" Okay that pissed me off a bit.
"Your just saying it Gee, you don't really mean it. You know I like you alot in fact I'm pretty sure I love you and your just messing with me...I should go" Frank moved off of me. Hell no is he dissapearing like that. I grabbed his wrist, stood up and turned him around to face me in one swift movement. Ah fuck! I'm in so much pain but I don't care!
"Gerard, what the fuck???" I pressed my lips lightly against his.. Frank kissed me back for a second before turning his head away.
"Would you stop that!?!?" he just about screamed at me.
"Stop what Frankie?" I said smirking at him.
"That!" he screamed again and gesturing towards me before continuing.
"Being so god damn fucking perfect!!! It's driving me insane. I fucking love you and I know you don't love me!!! It hurts Gee, it really fucking does. Knowing your going to get tired of me one day and just dump me. And then I try to get away from you, try and get over you so you won't hurt me any more and then you kiss me and I can't help but come back to you." Frank's breathing was heavy. My insides were doing to congo because Frank loves me but my heart hurt because I keep hurting him. I have to convonce him I really do love him.

I gently cupped Frank's face in my hands and lifted his face till he was looking at me. I looked him in the eyes.
"Frank Anthony Iero, I really really do love you. I swear I do. I love you with my whole heart. I just wanna be with you forever." Frank looked at me for a minute before pushing me back down on the couch.
"Sit down before you hurt yourself any more" He sighed. I leaned back on the couch. I couldn't feel any pain now but I knew it would catch up with me eventually.

Frank climbed on top of me, straddling me. He began kissing my neck lightly. His lips just grazing the skin. I shivered from his touch.
"Do you really mean it Gee?" His lips left my neck and he sat up looking me in the eye.
"Sorry Frankie but your stuck with me. I honestly love you" Frank looked to my lips and back up at my eyes.
"Good" He said before leaning down and sucking on my adams apple.

Right, now on to Bob and Alice.

Bob's P.O.V

I've never been so nervous in all my life! I just don't wanna do anything stupid and mess this up with Alice. Hmmm, I wonder how she's doing. I've been so embarassed around about her since she made me apologise to Frank for lunging at him. She's about 5 inches shorter than me but she can be really fucking scary when she wants to be. Oh god, oh god, oh god. I have to pick her up in five minutes. What if I mess this up? What if she never talks to me again? What if-
"Ouch, motherfucker!!! What the fuck?" Mikey just fucking slaped me...that bitch!
"Sorry Bob but you were freaking out"
"Fucking hurt bitch" I mumbled, Mikey laughed at me.
"Whatever dude...shouldn't you be getting Alice at like...ohhh right now?" Shit! It's half 7! I stood up, running for the door.
"Bye, IgottagogetAlice"

Alice's P.O.V

Ooohhhh cocking hell. Bob should be hear any minute. Fcuk, fuck, fuckity fuck! Eek! Okay Alice, breathe...relax...happy thoughts. Hehe, happy thoughts, Headfirst For Halos. I laughed quietly to myself. Okay...thats kind of weird... I jumped, the door just knocked. I ran to answer. I smoothed down my hair a bit more and opened the door. Bob was standing there, smiling sheepishly at me. He had on black skinnies, a band-tee and black converse.
"Hey" he grinned.
"Hey" I blushed.
"Uhuh...oh wait, hold on." I ran back into the tourbus, grabbed my ba and ran back.
"K, I'm ready now" He grinned at me and linked my pinky finger with his. The my chem buses were parked outside the venue so it wasn't a long walk there. I've always wamted to go see 'Bare Naked Ladies' in concert. They are freaking awesome. 'One Week' is my fave song of theirs. I don't even know if Bob likes thembut he said he'd take me cause I really wanted to see them in concert.

We waited in-line patiently and occaisionally Bob would get asked for an autograph. I thought it was realy funny how everyone was so shy around Bob. Intimidated almost.
I stood back a bit, looking at all the different people in the crowds. Excited chatter filed the air. Everyone seemed stoked to be here. I know I was. I froze to the spot. Bob was talking to some fans so he didn't notice. But did I just see...curse that name but Alex? I couldn't no I must be wrong. Please please please let me be wrong. I hadn't noticed that Bob had stopped talking to fans and was now standing in front of me. He placed his hands on my shoulders. She shook me genley.
"Ali...Alice...hello?" I snapped out of it and looked up at him.
"I'm sorry, did you say something?" He laughed.
"Yeah and I tried snapping my fingers right in front of your eyes. You didn't even blink"
My eyes grew wide and I blushed.
"Shit. Really?" Fuck! How had I not noticed that?
"Yyup but it's fine. I frogive you" He grinned at me before linking our pinky fingers again and started walking cause the line of people waiting to get in had moved up a bit.

I tried to put...Alex...out of my brain. It took a while but eventually I pretty much forgot all about him.

The concert fucking rocked and I had just about screamed myself hoarse. Bob seemed to be enjoying himself but he could just be pretending. I excused myself and went to the toilets before I left. i was about to open to the door to go get Bob when a hand clamped over my mouth, someone grabbed a handful of my hair and dragged me back into another cubicle. The pushed me against the cubicle wall. I tried to sceam but the hand was still clamped over my mouth. I finally looked at who it was. SHIT! Alex!!! Tears began streaming down my face.
"Don't cry baby" He patronised. He began kissing and biting on my neck. I tried screaming again and he slapped me. I fell side ways. I caught myself on the toilet. I stood up and bolted for the door. I almost got out before Alex grabbed my hair and dragged me back. This time I managed to scream at the top of my lungs. Alex punched me this time several times to the head. White dots burst before my eyes. Everything was beginning to turn black. I could feel Alex unbuckling my belt. I was too weak to stop him. He sat me down on the toilet seat. He tugged down my skinnies. I heard a faint banging at the door. It sounds like someone was shouting me but I couldn't be sure everything was so unbelieveabley washed out.

Everything went black and I felt no more

[Well luvelies, thats my suprisingly serious chapter. Hope you like it. I never actually wrote anything like this before. Hope you guys like is. And I hope this makes up for the previous shorter chapter. See's ya later.

xoxo Sam]
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