Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance
I've said it before, I'll say it again, If you think you're alive then you're better off dead.
2 reviewsWhat will happen when a handsome boy is thrown into Audrey Rebel Kitching's (Frank Iero's twin sister) life. Set in highschool. UPDATE: Will be made into a frikey soonish!!
Who would honestly know...
3 reviewsWhat will happen when a handsome boy is thrown into Audrey Rebel Kitching's (Frank Iero's twin sister) life. Set in highschool. Also Oli Sykes and Andy Sixx. May be a tad boring but my first time...
0UnratedMy Fair Angel
2 reviewsAudrey and the gang meet the mystery new comer.
0UnratedYou make me hard in the pants region
4 reviewsPlease read :))
3 reviewsSorry.
0UnratedLet's write a history and make teen's dream come true
0 reviewsNew chapters!! Sorry for the delay.
0UnratedThere's blood on my hands, like the blood in you.
1 review0Unrated
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