Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Ballerina Along Side of Devil

Chapter 3

by CherryBlossom1210 0 reviews

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2009-09-11 - Updated: 2009-09-11 - 982 words

"So you are good at ballet.",Kiba said as Sakura walked up to him smiling proudly after she had performed some ballet for him.
"Yes,I told you.",Sakura said shrugging and sighing after in some disappointment.
"What?",he asked.
"I have Clean-up duty because Ia was late to class today again.It's so hard cleaning the gym and classes.",she said walking to the door with him following.
"I can help if you want.",he said.
"Really?",she asked turning to him.
"Yeah,I'm nice.I'm not so mean and cruel and really arrogant.",he said snickering.
"Good to know.",she said giggling and blushing a little as they stood there smiling at eachother.
"Sakura.",she heard a voice say.Her eyes widened and she froze,Kiba also tensed and narrowed his eyes at the young Uchiha walking up behind her.She turned and bit her lip.
"Sasuke.",she whispered as he stopped beside her and glared Kiba back.
"What are you doing here Uchiha?",Kiba asked.
"I came to talk with Sakura,Dog.",Sasuke said with an icy tone and stare while at it.
"Sasuke,you could have just called me to meet somehwere else.",Sakura said turning to him.
"I wanted to talk with you right away.So,lets go.",Sasuke said.
"Look,Snake,I'm going to help Sakura with her buisness over at the school.So,you'll have to talk to her some other time.",Kiba said walking up to Sakura and grabbing her arm starting to pull her out.Sasuke turned quickly and grabbed her by her other arm making Kiba look back and glare.
"I'm leaving with Sakura,Dog.",Sasuke firmly said.
"Ummm,how about I leave alone?",Sakura asked afraid her arms were going to be pulled off.
"Or we can even end the fight we started.",Sasuke stated making Kiba smairk.
"No!",Sakura said pulling away from them and makin them stare.
"Sakura?",Kiba asked.
"Enough!Kiba,you promised you wouldn't fight.And Sasuke,I know you're smart enough to kow what's right.Look,I'll just talk with you guys another time.Right now,I have a duty to attend.",she said looking at the both,before leaving angrily.Sasuke death glared Kiba down,as did Kiba.Soon they left angrily going their seperate ways back to the college angry.

The next day,it was a Saturday and all students were out somewhere.So were Ino,Hinata,and Sakura.They were at the mall and right now sitting down and having some smoothies.
Ino wore a yellow miniskirt with a white tank top and green short s;eeved jacket with green high top sneakers and her hair in the usual ponytail.
Hinata wore jeans with a lavender short sleeved shirt and purple flats with her hair down in two low pigtails.
Sakura wore a ruffled red and black plaid skirt with a black tank top and red knee-high converse with her hair in two low braided pigtails and light,red lipstick.
"So,talk with Sasuke yet?",Ino asked.
"No,I think he got mad at me after what happened with Kiba.",Sakura said taking a sip from her smoothie.
"Don't blame yourself because two guys want you.",Ino said.
"Sasuke doesn't want me,and I don't want him.Why would I ever like my childhood best friend?",Sakura asked keeping her blush down.
"Please,it's obivous you think of him more of a friend.",Hinata said.
"Whatever,let's just talk about something else.",Sakura said looking away.Then,she suddenly saw a familiar face and gasped.
She doesn't kow how,but Kiba suddenly turned to her as if he heard her and smiled.She smiled and waved standing up.He started to walk over with her,and with him she saw a boy around 12.
"Hi.",Sakura said.
"Hey,you look great Sakura.",he said looking up and down her body.
"Thanks.",she said giggling.
"Kiba,when are we gonna go to the skatepark?",the boy asked.
"Oh,this is my cousin,Tony.",Kiba said.The boy looked at Sakura and sighed.Sakura smiled and waved.
"This your girlfriend?",the boy asked making Sakura blush lightly.
"No,she's not.",Kiba said still smiling at Sakura.
"So,you haven't done her yet?",Tony suddenly asked making Sakura go bright red,Ino and Hinata snort,and Kiba gasped smackignt he boy on his head.
"Whats wong with you?!",Kiba yelled.
"What?!",Toby yelled rubbing his head.
"SOrry,he's a total idiot.",Kiba said trying to calm Sakura down.
"Hehe,it's okay.He's cute.",Sakura said hiding her scowl.
"Hey,Sasuke and Naruto are here.",Hinata said waving.Sakura looked over,and saw they were indeed there,with Sasuke's sister.
"Sakura-san!",Sakuna,Sasuke's little sister,said running over.Sasuke looked up and smirked,but his smirk was smacked off when he saw Kiba.
"Sakuna!How have you been?",Sakura asked the 12 year old girl with long,jet black hair and onyx eyes as Sasuke.
"Great,come on.Take me shopping.Sasuke won't let me go.",Sakuna said.
"Ok.",Sakura said laughing and hugging her.Sasuke walked up and both him and Kiba started to death glare.
"Woah,suddenly tense.",Tony said looking between them.
"I know.",Sakuna said doing the same.
"Umm,hi Sasuke.",Sakura said waving.
"Yo.",he said looking at her and smirking.He walked up and wrapped an arm around her shoulder suddenly.She began to blush red and bit her lip nervously.
"Gosh,I have a feelign nothing is going to be alright this Saturday.",Ino whispeed to Hinata,who agreed quickly.

Gentledudes and Dudettes,sorry the chapter is short,but I had to do some homework.So,super super sorry!Like so sorry,I'll die if I don't satisfy you guys ever again!
But,I hope I will!
See you next time on.....
Ballerina along side of Devil!Da Da Daaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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