Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Life Is A Perception Of Your Own Reality

The Blood In Your Veins Is 20 Below

by NotesFromPaige 0 reviews

Eh. Again title and story have nothing to do with eachother. R for use of the term: HOLY ******* **** BATMAN!

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2009-09-12 - Updated: 2009-09-13 - 2807 words

Brendon's POV

Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

"This friday?" I asked him, gaping.
"Yeah, what's up Friday?" He asked, his smile starting to wither away.
"I promised Medical Plaza I would play for them."
Ryan's smile fell completly. Caro sighed.
"What? Are you serious?" He asked, clearly pissed.
"Well yea, I mean I prom-" I started.
"Brendon, you should know we're one of the four bands opening up for The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus." He blinked.
Holy crap. That's big.
"Holy fuck! How did you even get us a spot?!"
"I know a guy," He shrugged, "but he's moving, so he won't be able to get us anymore shows."
"Ahhhhhhhh." I put my head down on the desk.
I had to go to the show.
"Brendon, you have to go." He said in monotone.
I brought my head back up.
"Yeah. I know. Don't worry, I'll cancel." I rubbed my eye.
Ugh. I'm not who I'm more scared to tell them that I have to cancel.
Oli would just cuss my ass out.
Paige would also cuss my ass out, with the help of William, and she would probably hit me. Alot.
I don't think Hagen would say much. Which is what kills me.

I spent the class period trying to find the words to say to them.
Nope. Nothing.

I walked out of 5th period to Health, were I would have to be in the same room as William, Paige, and Hagen. I had no excuse not to tell them.
In front of the class room stood Paige, Hagen, and Oli talking. Paige was telling something, somewhat excited, and a smile started growing on Oli's face.
Oh, I can only imagine what they're talking about.
"Hey." I walked into their little circle/groupy thing.
"Brendon! You are awesome! Thank you sooo much for filling in! Fuck that fag who can barely play guitar! I mean, he had to tell me he was quiting the band, by text! I'd rather have you anyway!" Oli attack me with a hug, which was aquward, because Oli REALLY didn't seem like one to hug, and he seemed a little over excited.
"Oh, I know! He's amazing!" Paige agreed, and joined the 'group' hug.
"Um, guys...." I started.
"Guys, I think you're gunna suffocate him." Hagen said from off to the side, rocking on the balls of her feet aquwardly.
"Nawww...." Oli relipied.
"Guys, I can't do the show!" I admitted in the middle of this love fest.
They pulled away. Their eyes widened. Hagen sighed.
"What?" Paige asked confused.
"I can't do the show." I winced.
"What!? Why not?" Oli asked.
"Me, Ryan, Spencer, and Brent, have a show on Friday, down at Jillians." I said slowly.
There was a short silence.
"HOLY FUCKING DAMN SHIT! BATMAN!" Paige yelled at me.
"DUDE! NO! YOU HAVE TO PLAY FOR US!" Oli demanded.
"Guys, I really wish I could play for you guys too, but we're opening for The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. That's big."
"Well, I don't give a fuck about who you're opening for, you can't just quit on us!" Oli spat through his thick accent. You could barely understand him when he was mad.
"Well, I told you guys I would play 2 periods ago, and I was told I had to play for my band, last period. It's all in short notice, isn't it?" I tried to sneak my way out of this one.
"I don't care when you promised me that you would play, the bottom line is that you said you would play." Paige gave me one of those 'Ima sad puppay' looks. I'm pretty sure she practiced that look in the mirror. It was too good.
"Well, I'm sorry... I can't play. Isn't there anyone else you can get to fill in? Like Mike or Gerard?"
"Mike has to go to Alaska for a funeral, and My Chemical Romance has an out of town show." Oli said in an angry tone.
I just looked down at my feet. I could feel eyes on me.
William walked up behind us.
"Hey wassup?"
Oli looked up at him.
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT." He screamed at William.
"BATMAN!" Paige added.
William looked at us weirdly.
"Ohkkkaayyyyy......" He walked into class.
"So its official. We have to cancel." Paige said, mad.
"Yeah." Hagen spoke up.
"Whatever, man." Oli sighed.
Oli turned around, and started walking down the hallway, to his next class. Paige walked pass me, and stomped into heath, leaving me and Hagen outside class.
"I'm sorry." I apologized.
"Don't be. I understand. Between Paige and Oliver, I'm not sure who's more hardheaded." She said calmly.
"Thanks. I really would like to play with you guys and all, but I can't. And Ryan would quite litteraly kill me, if I didn't show up."
"Its okay, don't be too hard on yourself. I believe you." She smiled slightly.
I really didn't want to have to cancel, mainly for her.
We made our way into the back of the room by William and Paige. She was turned around talking to him, all sad. I just saw her lips moving, and him nodding.
We sat down across from them. When I sat down, William shot me the dirtiest ever known to man. I could feel my face going red.
"How the fuck could you even do that to her?" He asked shocked, gesturing to Paige.
She just sat there, with another 'Ima sad puppay, bitch' look.
"I didn't mean to- I mean, well, uh, it isn't my fault, well it is but-" I explained, or attempted to.
"Haha, I'm kidding bro. Don't worry about it. Little miss melodramatic here, is just blowing it slighlty out of proportion." He laughed.
Paige pouted, and folded her arms across her chest.
"Eh. You're mean." She said in a childish voice.
"Ahhhh. You know I love you." He smiled, and twirled one of her dark locks.
"Grrrrrrrrrr." She made a face.
He chuckled and sat back in his chair.
"So you guys are opening for the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus?" William asked.
"Yup yup."
"Dude, thats so cool. Way to put yourselves on the map."
"Yeah, I know. I don't even know how Ryan got us a spot, but he did. You guys should come to the show." I invited them. I doubt Hagen or Paige wanted to go.
Hagen shrugged.
"You guys are playing down at Jillians?" Paige asked.
"I've been bandeded from Jillians. I can't go back for 3 more months." She explained.
"How did you manage to do that?"
"Well, funny story.... We played a show there a while ago, and I was crowd surfing, and I accidently kicked a security guard in the face, and broke his nose......." She scratched her head.
Hagen and William started giggling.
"HAHAHAHA. I remember that. Good times. Good times." Hagen laughed.
Ahh. Wow. How does that even happen?
"Wait, did that actually happen?" I asked with wide eyes.
"Yeah. Gerard has it on tape." She bit her lip.
"Holy crap." Is all I could say.
"They were half way into their last song when it happened. It was pretty histerical. She was crowd surfing, and on her way back to the stage, she kicks his poor guy's face, and you can hear someone scream 'OWWWW' really loud. Then Oli stops singing, or screaming, or whatever, and everybody just stops playing, and Paige is there with her hands over her mouth going 'Ohmygod. Ohmygod. Ohmygod. ARE YOU OKAY?! I AM SOOOO SORRY!'. Ahhhh. Good times. Paramedics got a good laugh out of it." William remembered.
I looked over at Paige.
Her face was bright red. I laughed, and looked away.
"Are you laughing at me?" She asked me sternly.
"Huh, no." I said quickly.
"Yeah you are. Don't lie to me. Don't even try it, 'cause you know where liars go to? Liars go to hell." Paige glared at me.
I shut up. I knew she wasn't serious, but she still scared me.

-Two days later [making it Wensday] at practice-

We started to hate the name Pet Salamander. It sounded like a 5th grader's science project name.
Me, Ryan, Brent, and Spencer, were lying around Spencer's grandma's house, which was our practice space, listening to Name Taken. They were a generally small band, considering nobody really knew them, but they were signed.
One of the songs I favored the most by them was entitled 'Panic', which was playing. It had the awesomest lyric ever written in it: Panic at the Disco.
The CD started skipping, and Spencer turned off the stereo, and sat at the drum set.
I got up and picked up the guitar.
"Paaanniiccc aattt tthhhee diissccoooo....." Ryan sang, as he picked up his guitar, and stood at the microphone. Ryan was our singer. He didn't think that he had a good voice, but I thought he sang amazingly. Better than I could ever sing. Although, he really didn't seem comfortable singing his own lyrics.
"Duuddeee, we should totally rename 'Pet Salamander', 'Panic at the Disco'." Spencer suggested, jokingly.
"Hahaha, we should." Ryan laughed.
There was a long pause.
"DUDE! We really should!" Ryan said again, but it he actually meant it this time.
That actually would be a really cool band name.
"We should!" I agreed.
"Ehhh. It's an okay name." Brent said lazily, as he picked up some cheesy poofs.
[I love cheesy poofs, you love cheesy poofs. If you hate cheesy poofs, you'd be LAME. lmfao. Hi Hagen. sorry back to teh story.]
"I like it, I say we go for it, its better that Pet Salamander." Spencer raised and eyebrow, and looked over at Brent.
"What?! I like the name Pet Salamander!" Brent defended.
I honestly HATED the name Pet Salamander.
"Yeah, I like it more, too." I added.
Brent breathed angerly.
"Cool. We should totally do it." Ryan said.
"Yeah." I told him.
"Its official, Pet Salamander is now, Panic at the Disco." Spencer smiled.
Brent glared at the wall.
"That's a really stupid name for a band." I heard Brent mummbled, but we just ignored him.
"LAS VEGAS , WE ARE PANIC AT THE DISCO! HOW ARE YA'LL DOING TONIGHT!?" Ryan screamed into the microphone, and played a powerchord.
"It has a nice ring to it." Spencer commented.
"It really does."
Brent got up, put his cheesy poofs down, and grabbed his bass, and Panic at the Disco started practicing for their first show.

-Friday night-

I was in the car, my mom dropping me off at Spencer's house, where Spencer's sister was gonna to take us to the show.
I made the mistake of telling my mother that we were going to play at the concert. I could of just gotten away with telling her I'm going to the show.
"Ahhh! Brenny bear is making it big in the music industry, you little rockstar!!" She exclaimed beside me, barely keeping her eyes on the road. She pinched my cheek.
I gently removed her fingers from my face so that my cheek wouldn't be permently red.
"Uh huh."
We pulled up in front of Spencer's house.
She sighed, and turned to me.
"Brendon. I am so proud of you. Of you making friends. Of you becoming part of this band. Of you being happy. Jeez, time flys so fast. It seems like yesterday, you were pooping in your pants, and watching Mr. Rogers. It's a mother's dream," Her eyes became watery, "Oh Brendon!" She threw her arms around me.
My mother was quite the emotional one.
"Mom. Don't cry. I'm not going away forever. I'm coming back home in a couple of hours." I unbuckled my seat belt.
"Okay honey. Have a good show. Ohkay. I love you." I kissed her on the cheek, and got out of the car, and ran into the house.
"Jesus Christ." I mummbled.
I rang the doorbell, Ryan opened the door.
"Hey." Ryan greeted me with a knuckle touch.
"Sup? We ready to go?" I asked.
"Yeah, Spencer's sister is in the van with the intruments, and what not."
"Kay cool."

We arived at Jillian's at 6:00. Doors opened at 6:30.
We got everything set up by 6:30, and since we were opening first, that give us 30 minutes to do nothing, and just get ready.
Me, Ryan, Brent, and Spencer and a few random people I didn't know, sat in the so called 'blue room', where bands just chilled and waited to play on stage.
A guy with long dirty blonde hair walked in. I recognized him from somewhere.
"Hey guys, I'm Ronnie from the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. I just wanted to thank you guys for coming out and opening for us." He smiled genuinly.
Ryan jumped up from the couch.
"Yeah, no problem man. Thanks for letting us play. It means a whole shit ton." Ryan said quickly, shook Ronnie's hand.
He was oh so starstuck.
"Haha, well thats good to know. I have to go help the guys set up and stuff, but I'll see you guys around later?" Ronnie said, semi-freeked out by Ryan.
"Sure." I answered for Ryan.
"Cool, have a good show guys." He walked out of the room.
"Whoa. Do you know who that was?!" Ryan asked, shocked.
"Ryan, relax." Brent told him harshly.
"NO!" Ryan shot back at him.
Ten minutes 'til, we got on stage and adjusted some things. We were behind a curtain, so nobody REALLY knew we were there. Ryan was fixing the mic, Spencer was testing out drum set, and Brent was screwing with the amps, which left me just standing, stage right, doing nothing.
I sat down in a chair, and twiddled my thumbs.

"Hey." I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I turned around to see the girl I had been dreaming about for the past few months.
"H-hey."I stuttered, and smiled.
Hagen returned a warm smile.
"How'd you get back here?.... Not that I don't want you here but I was just wondering cause you know, security-" I started ranting.
She chuckled.
"My brother's band 'Slut' is opening too. He's backstage, so he took me with him."
Slut? That is.... badass.
"I see. Is anyone else here?"
"I believe that William and Caro are here. You know Paige couldn't go. Kyle couldn't get a ticket because the shows sold out, so he's hanging out with Paige at her house. I can only imagine what they're doing right now. They are both... insane. Oli just hates the Red Jumpsuit with a passion, so he's not here. I really don't know of anyone else who's here." She shrugged.
"How many kids out in the crowd?"
"Like, ehh, maybe 300?"
"Oh wow. That's alot of people." I started hiperventalating.
"Brendon! Deep breathes! Deep breathes. Deeeppp brrrreeattthhheess." She intructed, and patted my back.
I calmed down.
"Five minutes guys!" A stage crew guys yelled at us.
I started freeking out again.
"Brendon! Brendon. Relax. You're gonna do fine." Hagen assured me.
"Ohhkkaaayyy." I calmed my breathing again.
She looked at my worried.
"You're gonna do great, kid. It's normal to have jitters. Relax. I'm really excited to hear you guys." She smiled.
"Thanks." I smiled slightly.
"Hey Urie! Get your ass over here, you can flirt with her later, you've got a show to play!" Spencer yelled at me.
I blushed.
Hagen laughed.
"Go. Have a good show. Don't freek out. Play for yourself. No one's gonna notice if you mess up. Just fun." She advised.
"You give nice pep talks." I complemented.
She chuckled.
"You should hear the pep talks Paige us before shows. She should give peptalks for a living."
I stood up, and gave her a hug.
She hugged me back. This was so different from the first hellish day of school. It wasn't aquward. This was the perfect moment.
"Good luck!" She pulled away, and ran back into the 'blue room'.

I walked over to Spencer, Brent, and Ryan, standing in the middle of the stage.
"Ohkay guys! WOOOOOO! This is the moment we've been waiting for. Let's rock it! You guys are awesome, we're gonna do awesome!" Spencer said, jumping up and down.
Eh. Hagen's pep talk was better.
"Hands in. On three, Panic at the Disco!" Ryan said, all jittery.
"Naw. That's gay." Brent argued.
"On three, FUCK!" I suggested.
"Kay." Brent compromised.
"One, two, three, FUCK!" We threw hands up, and gave eachother high fives.
"Lets do this!!!"

We all got into position.
I was right of Ryan, Brent to the left, and Spencer at his drumkit.
Curtins opened, and I was blinded by the brightness of the lights.

My whole body froze.
Oh God. I can't do this.
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