Categories > Anime/Manga > Pokemon > ConjunctionShipping

He escaped? Wow!

by GalacticFTW 0 reviews

Just read... lol

Category: Pokemon - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-09-20 - Updated: 2009-09-20 - 884 words

A/N: Found out something interesting about hematophobia:

Blood phobia (also, American English: Hemophobia, British English: Haemophobia) is the extreme and irrational fear of blood. Acute cases of this fear can cause physical reactions that are uncommon in most other fears, specifically vasovagal syncope (fainting). Similar reactions can also occur with trypanophobia and traumatophobia. For this reason, these phobias are categorized as "blood-injection-injury phobia" by the DSM-IV. Some early texts refer to this category as "blood-injury-illness phobia."

From Wikipedia.


Chapter 9: Marie’s POV

I walked to the room where Stan was… but he wasn’t there. “Stan? Umm… where are you?” I blinked and looked around.

“The little bastard escaped…,” the doctor said.

“Oh, OK…,” I sighed and walked off. I walked back outside and I was about to go back to his Moped when I heard a rustling noise from the bushes –

“Psst!” The bush hissed.

“Eh…?” I turned around slowly.

“It’s me, Stan!” He jumped out, nearly knocking into me. I noticed some blood slowly dripping down his leg…

“Stan!” I hugged him. “Come on, before you get caught!” We both ran to his Moped. Stan, despite being weak (and hungry?), he was able to keep up with me. I handed him the keys. We both put on helmets, too (which is something I forget to do!). I had forgotten that I made him a snow cone (sort of…).

“Oh, what’s this?” He said while I handed it to him. “A snow cone?” He just now noticed the snow.

“Yep!” I nodded. He gulped into down without choking.

“Wait… it s-snowed?! I had no idea! I have no idea ‘bout this stuff…” He blinked and smiled. “My room didn’t have any windows…”

“I know… and I understand,” I nodded. “By the way, how come your leg is bleeding?”

He blushed and then turned pale simultaneously. “It-it is?” He looked down in horror to see that it was… sorta. “It’s from me taking the catheter out…” His face was now pale as a ghost. “I don’t feel very good…” He looked a bit green… I had forgotten he said he was scared of blood.

“What’s wrong…? I’ll drive then,” I hopped off and he scooted back. “You want to go to my house?”

“Umm… sure…”

I nodded and started the engine. “Hold onto me, alright?” He sighed and grabbed hold of my waist. (I bet he was getting turned on by this…). I didn’t mind though. I backed out and started for home.

You know that route that always rains? It’s been dry lately, but today – it happens to be snowing! Not the normal kind of snow, but the HUGE flake kind of snow. That’s the best kind of snow!

“Wow… look at it!” I smiled.

“Huh…?” He said groggily. He still didn’t look too good… “It’s snowing!”

“Hey… you realise tomorrow is the start of fall break?”

“It is…?” He brightened up. “We can play in the snow!” He grinned.

“No… even better… you can spend the night,” I winked.

“Isn’t that a bit awkwarddddd?”

“I have a couch! It’s big and fluffy! I can take care of you until you feel better!” I nodded.

“Y-you’d really do that for me?!” He grinned and let go of me.

“– Sometimes in our lives, we all have pain, we all have sorrow –”

“– But if we are wise, we’ll always know there’s always tomorrow –”

“Lean on me, when you’re not strong, and I’ll be your friend, I’ll help carry on…,” we sang in unison.

“You’re a good singer!” I blinked.

“Y-you are!” He blinked. “Where and when did you learn how to sing like that?!”

“When I was living in France, I used to be in the local choir, and one of the songs I had learn in English was ‘Lean on Me’. And what about you?”

“My cousin, Jade, taught me how to sing.”

“Well, we’re in Veilstone,” I smiled. Just a few more miles…

“Good,” he smiled. “I still don’t feel very good…,” he was still a little bit green. It looked as if he’d vomit any second now. “Would you happen to have any Ibuprofen…?”

“I might… somewhere. I take pain pills a lot… but a good night’s sleep might be better…”

“You’re right… that would be better for me,” he nodded and started to shiver. Luckily, we were at my house so I parked the Moped. More snow started to fall (more than before). Poor Stan only had a hospital gown and a pair of tennis shoes on. I grabbed the keys from out of my pocket and helped him. He smiled at this… he looked sexy as I helped him to the door.

“Here’s my house,” I said while opening the front door.

“Wow… nice…,” he smiled slightly.

“Thank you,” I smiled and helped him to the couch. “Would you happen to have Croagunk with you?”

“You’re welcome… and yes, I do,” he groped around in the pocket on the hospital gown. He tossed a poke ball and his Croagunk materialized. It looked up at me. Purugly and Wingull noticed the two visitors.




“Aww…,” we both said in unison.
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