Categories > Original > Drama > Operation Repo: More Than Just Repos!

Episode 7

by Repo_Man_Raya_Murphy 0 reviews

Things don't go well when Raya, Em, and Froy are put together. When Raya receives an important phone call and leaves temporarily, things at the site get a little out of hand, and it leads to Raya's...

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-09-22 - Updated: 2009-09-22 - 1075 words

Raya: When I got to work the next day, I looked like shit. My eye was three sizes too big. Matt thought I should stay home, but that made it seem like my father had won in some way. I couldn't see out of it either. It was terrible.

Em: Raya was gunna be a huge target for torment. She looked like a bruised ape! AHAHA! Oh man, was I gunna have a field day!

“Apparently, we're repossessing a 1990 Ford Taurus,” Raya said, taking Matt's sunglasses and putting them on. “Now where's Froy...?”
Matt blinked. “Okay, I need new sunglasses.”
“Be quiet,” Raya said. “It's just that... I don't want my eye to be seen. Luis said it would be a target for torment, and he's afraid that I'll either quit or I'll do something illegal.”
Matt gave Raya a quick hug. “It'll be okay.”
Em stepped in. “All right, stop the love fest. We don't have the time for this.”

Matt: Em pisses me off. And I don't like short people...

Raya growled. “At least I have someone to love...” She walked right by the now fuming Em and got into the truck. “Where the hell is Froy?”
“Probably late, as usual,” Matt commented. He grabbed his phone out his pocket. “That's Lu. He wants me to repo with him. Eh... I'll see you later. And,” he added, looking at Em. “Maybe you...”
“Gee.. I feel loved,” Em snorted.
Matt sighed. “If you're not dead, I'll see you. Goodbye.” He left, leaving Raya and Em alone.
“Get in the truck,” Raya sighed, bringing out her phone. “Froy's ugly a** car broke down so we gotta pick him up.”
“You're not the boss of me!” Em retorted.
Raya got out of the truck. “Yes, right now, I am.” She picked Em up by the shoulders and placed her into the truck. “And now you're in the truck.”

Em: I wanted to kill her for that.

“What a bitch...” Em sat back, flipping through a magazine she found on the floor. “Ew. Playboy.” She threw the magazine.
Raya let out a small laugh. “It's probably Froy's or Matt's.”
“I say it's Luis.”
“So you say.”
A few minutes later, they pull up to Froy, who was kicking his car in frustration. “Pedazo maldecido dios de mierda!!!” he yelled, giving up.
“Angry Froy?” Em asked cockily. “Need a ride? Though we don't normally give rides to hobos.”
Raya sighed. “C'mon Froy. We're already running behind.” She unlocked the truck door, allowing Froy to enter.

Froy: I thought I might have a heart attack. It looked like Ray and Em were getting along. Turns out, they weren't really, they were just talking about coughmycough Playboy.

"Froylan, was that your Playboy in the back?" Em asked, sneering a little, with a smug grin.
"¿Playboy? ¿Qué playboy? No tengo ninguna idea qué you' el re hablar…" he said quickly.
Raya: He answered quickly. Too quickly.

"Do you always speak Spanish when you lie?" Em asked smugly, smiling evilly.
"I'm not- Maybe..."
Em grinned again. "Well, at least it's not Luis..." She shuddered at the thought.
Raya smiled. "We're here. And look, our car's front and center." She exited the truck and grabbed the [famous] clipboard. She went to a couple of Latino boys outside and said. "Hello, I'm Raya Murphy from EGA Recovery." When they didn't appear to understand her, she sighed and said; "Hola, I' m Raya Murphy de la recuperación del EGA. ¿Está uno de usted un Chris H**?"
"Si," the smallest of the boys said. "¿Usted necesita su carro fijado? Esto es una compañía de la reparación auto."
"Al parecer no, porque dije era de recuperación del EGA. There' orden de la toma de posesión del S.A. hacia fuera para su coche," Raya explained calmly.
Chris fumed. "USTED AREN' ¡T QUE TOMA MI COCHE!!!!!!"
"That doesn't sound good..." Em commented.
"It's not good," Froy explained. "Let's get hooking up. And quickly."
"I'll hook up," Em offered. "You go help Raya out."
Raya searched her pockets for pepper spray. She sees Froy. "Talk some sense into these idiots! I have no patience for this."
While Froy was talking to the guys, Raya attempted to go help hook up, but a medium-sized Latino didn't like that. He approached Raya and threw a punch to her face, shattering Matt's sunglasses. S*, Raya thought.
"Oh mi dios it' ¡s feo!" the small Latino guy commented.
Raya opened her mouth to say something, but just when she was going to speak, her phone rang. "Hang on. It's Lu. I have to take this. Can you two manage for a minute?"
"Hurry up!" Froy said, going back to the Latino guy.
Raya went behind a wall to answer her phone. When she was done, she heard more yelling in Spanish. "What the hell...?" She looked around the corner, and Froy was trying to keep the guys off of Em, who were going over to the car with a crowbar. "Em... Ugh!" She ran over to the car and tackled the big Latino guy away before he could smack Em with the crowbar.

Em: She actually helped me?

Raya: As much as I actually despised her, I wouldn't let that get in the way of the job. My job is to protect and defend my team.

"I'm calling the cops!" Froy said, leaving Raya to deal with everything. Once the cops arrived, the Latino's got arrested and they got the keys to the car. "Em, you drive the car back."
Em looked like she wanted to protest, but she took the keys from Froy and took off in the car without a word.
Froy jumped into the truck with Raya and drove off. "You actually defended Em? Is the world ending?"
"No... I don't want to risk losing my job because I left Em to get head trauma just because I don't like her."
"All right then. Let's get back to Lu."

Froy: We got our car, and that's what matters. But as an added bonus, I think Raya and Em are finally starting to get along.

Raya: Em's annoying, but when she learns what to do and when, and to listen to me completely, I don't think she'll be a bad kid.

Em: Raya helped me out today. No one I've never known has ever done that. I think I may just have some respect for her.
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