Categories > Anime/Manga > Pokemon > Lucian, M.D.


by GalacticFTW 0 reviews

Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2009-09-22 - Updated: 2009-09-23 - 776 words

Chapter 6

I woke up a few hours later. I just loved sleeping… I never knew why. I’m not sure if the others liked it though. “Hmm…,” I grumbled. I really needed to see a doctor or something… or Cynthia for that matter. Even she can prescriptions for me, it seems odd to writing one for myself.

“Hey honey,” Cynthia massaged my shoulders… I pretended not to get turned on.

“Hey,” I said weakly. My voice was getting slightly better… how quaint. “Can you do a favour for me… please?”

“Anything for you honey,” she smiled.

“Can you please write me a prescription for Cytomel?”

“Sure thing,” she smiled and reached into her pocket. She wrote a prescription for me and handed it to me.

“Thank you!” I said weakly and smiled.

“You’re welcome. Wait… let me check you out first though, say ‘ahh’.”

“Ahh,” I opened my mouth.

“Hold on a minute, you have strep throat, not goitre.”

“I do? Oh, no wonder I was sneezing and coughing. Hopefully the others don’t get it…”

I handed it back to her and she erased the word “Cytomel” and wrote “Azithromycin” instead.

“Thank you once again; I guess I’ll go to the nearest apothecary.” I smiled and got up.

“You’re welcome,” she smiled and handed it back to me.

“Later,” I waved.

“See you later,” she smiled.

I walked off nonchalantly, no one else noticed me leave. The apothecary was just a few blocks away. Even though I was sick, I tried to make the most out of my day. A Starly pecked my head. “Hey, what the hell?” I shooed it off. It flew away but a Staravia started to chase me. I was having a bad day. “Go away!” I tried to yell, but it hurt my throat really badly. “Heh,” I had an idea. “I’ll just use a technique my best friend Faulkner does,” I grinned and chuckled. It flew down onto me, but before it could do anything, I grabbed its legs with my hands. It was immobile for now. I then used my other hand to hold down its wings, I tucked it under my shoulders. “You think you can get away, eh Staravia?”

“Starr…,” it seemed like it growled.

I grabbed a pendulum from pocket. “When I snap my fingers, you will let me catch you,” I swung the pendulum in front of its face.

“Starr…,” it stared at the pendulum and became hypnotized. I grabbed a poke ball and snapped my fingers. It immediately went into the poke ball.

“Awesome… I can get some relief,” I continued to walk. I felt a stabbing pain in my buttock. “Hey, what the hell?” I fell down and looked behind me, it was a Croagunk.

“Croo!” It croaked.

I got up. “Great, I know a lot about your poison, I’ll need a laxative…,” I sighed and continued walking. I’ve studied different toxins for awhile now, Croagunks’ isn’t the worst though, even though it stiffens muscles. Ariados’ venom is probably the worst; it can cause fingers and toes to fall off. “Gah… can’t believe that happened, it’s the fourth time…,” I was in even more pain than before. I walked into the pharmacy nonchalantly. I walked up to the counter and showed them the prescription and he handed it to me. I then walked back to the League’s main building.

“Hey sweety,” Cynthia’s gawking (in a good way, not bad) grey eyes stared into my bluish eyes.

“Hey Heart Stopper,” that’s her name nickname I give her. “You got to give me a massage, my back hurts really badly. Stupid Croagunk stabbed me for no reason.”

“All right, anything for you,” she smiled giddily.

“Four Eyes!!” Aaron popped out of no where.

“Hey there Buggy Boy,” I rubbed his head.

“Hey, your voice is back!” He giggled.

“Yeah, must’ve been acute laryngitis, it only lasts a few days,” I replied.

“Days? It’s only been one day…,” he smirked. “Were you faking…?”

“Hell no! Why would I do that?” I tried not to roll my eyes. “My throat still hurts though.”

“All right then!” He walked off.

“Come on Stud muffin, let’s give you a massage,” Cynthia giggled. I followed her.

I giggled; she barely ever calls me that. “Stud muffin, hehe,” I thought.


“Wow that was great, thank you Cynthia,” my muscles didn’t seem so stiff.

“You’re welcome,” she sat down and put her head in a book again. I dared not to bother her. I decided to go outside and train that Staravia I caught.
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