Categories > Original > Fantasy > Darkness Rising

Fantasy or Reality?

by HazyDreams91 0 reviews

There's not much to say for a summary for this chapter... read it instead

Category: Fantasy - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-09-26 - Updated: 2010-07-06 - 2485 words


[The story, setting and characters have been made by the author HazyDreams91 and all rights are reserved.]

Chapter 2

He was gorgeous indeed, just like I thought he would be. There was something inside of me that didn’t let me run, something telling me to stay. I couldn’t explain it, but I had to be here; it was the strangest feeling in the world when you had to do something, yet you didn’t know why. I was probably about to meet my death but at the moment it didn’t matter. The man spoke in a language I didn’t understand, I stared at him for about a minute before I realized he wasn’t speaking any language that I knew, or even heard of. It had a distinct accent. It sounded pretty with his velvet smooth voice; it was probably the sexiest tone I’d ever heard.
I snapped back to reality after daydreaming a bit and looked at the man standing in front of me, the sword he wielded was definitely sharp, and in theory, capable of decapitating someone. It wasn’t something I wanted to test personally. Raising my hands, I shook my head side to side, hopefully communicating that I didn’t know what he was saying. “I… I don’t understand your language. I don’t speak whatever you’re speaking….” He said something in his weird language and I just stared at him. There wasn’t much I could do but stand there waiting for him to realize I didn’t understand a word he was uttering; which apparently he didn’t seem to care as he inched his sword closer to my neck and said something else, this time it sounded hostile.
It was horrifying to think that a simple communication problem was going to be the end of me, literally. And since I love my dear life so much, I decided to plead for my life in the English language; maybe he’d understand the gestures instead of words. But there were some technical difficulties; I couldn’t move from fright. My eyes were wide open with fear and I just kept staring at him even though my mind said to move my fat ass over or he’d slice my freaking head off like a roast pig. But they were just words and nothing more, I had no will power at the moment. My heart pounded into my rib cage, making me feel out of breath. I didn’t know what to do, the guy just kept talking and I didn’t say a single word back to him. What the hell was I suppose to do? Sure enough my body found a way to respond to this traumatic experience as I fell backwards into the floor, my eyes closed.
As I lay there unconscious I began to dream. I’d never thought that people ever dreamed when they fainted; I just assumed it was a pit of black emptiness that they saw when they closed their eyes. I took a black out as an actual black out, nothing there but inky darkness; the kind that you’d see deep in the catacombs of some cave. But that wasn’t the case with me. In the dream Desirea had been there, she was in a small chamber of some sort, I couldn’t see because the room was dimly lit by a single candle next to a tall dressing mirror. It was weird, the room only had those items; the rest was empty. I couldn’t see the walls, the darkness had covered them. But I could tell by the floor that this wasn’t an ordinary room. The floors weren’t made of tile or wood, they were made of stone and some other substance I couldn’t identify; it didn’t look like cement that’s for sure. She was facing the mirror, dressed in her usual clothing, nothing out of the ordinary. But I couldn’t see her face, I was too far away. So I took a few steps towards her and still hadn’t realized I was in the same room with her. As I neared, I started to have a weird feeling; like something was off in this place. I reached out to touch her shoulder and Desirea didn’t turn around. I said something to her but words didn’t come out, but I knew that she could hear them even if they weren’t audible.
Finally, irritated with the whole situation, I physically turned her myself. I gasped in horror as I saw that Desirea had a gaping hole in her chest, gushing out blood by the second. Why hadn’t I noticed this before? Her heart was missing and she was standing there with a blank look on her face. Why didn’t she panic like I was doing; maybe even try to call for help. But all she did was point at the mirror as she reached out with her hand to grab mine. Desirea was acting like a lifeless doll. Nothing fazing her what-so ever; like nothing mattered at this moment other than pointing at that mirror. I snatched my hand out of hers and took a few steps back, and for the first time ever since I saw her face, she showed disappointment. An emotion I didn’t think she was capable of feeling. I said something again and backed away, I wanted to leave, wanted to wake up from this damn nightmare.
Then the strangest thing happened, the lifeless doll in front of me began to cry red tears. Her face was basically emotionless, but her tears came streaming down, like she was sad. I was going to go up to her and try to comfort her, but as I reached out with my hand I felt something pull me back into the darkness that waited beyond the small candles light. I yelled in surprise and horror as a thorn like black vine twirled itself around my arms and made its way up to my hands, scraping the skin off in the process. I tried to yell again, but it was to no avail, the monstrous plant-like vine wrapped itself around my neck, up to my face and covered my mouth. It dragged me away into the ever growing darkness and all I saw was Desirea staring at me with red tear stained cheeks, her blank eyes burning deep into my soul.

It seemed so real until I woke up to reality, a man staring down at me with his naked body still…well…naked. I didn’t realize until my eyes adjusted that he indeed was still unclothed and too near for comfort. “Oh god…” I turned my head to the side closing my eyes out of discomfort, my cheeks red from embarrassment. Why in the hell was this happening to me? Maybe if I close my eyes I’d wake up in my bed in a cold sweat due to someone drugging my ice cream from earlier. Hopefully that’s all that it was.
When I opened them back up again, he was still there. His sword thankfully not pointing at me…his metal sword anyways. I reached up with my hands to cover his assets from my once virgin eyes as he looked at me like I didn’t matter. “Where’s the queen.” I gasped. So he did know English! And his voice was just as sexy as I’d thought it would be in English. I rolled onto my stomach and tried to crawl away. This guy was nuts. He was asking for a queen in the U.S. Maybe he was a serial killer, a very sexy serial killer; one that some people might not deny him his blood lust…if he could satisfy their lust.
Well, needless to say, I didn’t get very far before he grabbed my leg and dragged me back to where he was. He didn’t even need to move from his original spot to do it, that’s how slow I was. I looked over to the door and saw a trail of blood smeared on the floor from where I had been. I reached behind my head to touch my cranium, but flinched as the tender area throbbed violently when I tried to feel it. I groaned as I realized that it had probably been bleeding from the moment I had been thrown back into the wall. It wasn’t surprising at all, in fact, I would’ve been surprised if I hadn’t been injured.
“Peasant. Speak when you are spoken to. Where is the queen?” I had almost decided on him being a serial killer. But after hearing the word ‘peasant’ I knew that he was definitely off his rocker. “I don’t know what you’re talking about! Stay away!” I kicked out with a fury I didn’t even know I still had in me and tried to crawl away again. But alas, I was dragged back, only this time he placed a leg on top of my own two feet and took hold of my hands and located them above my head, holding them down on the floor.
“I will ask you again, my patience is running thin peasant, where is the queen? I have many options available if you’re not useful. One is for you to meet the end of my sword. So answer me well.” Tears began to stream down my cheeks. What the hell did this guy want me to say? The queen is on a leave of absence due to personal reasons? “I don’t know what you’re talking about. We’re in America. We don’t have Hierarchy here in the states!” I struggled to get lose; there wasn’t much I could do at the moment. A few seconds passed, and he said nothing. It seemed like he was thinking for a moment, like maybe he realized that he wasn’t in Kansas anymore. Or wherever the hell he’d come from.
After a few more seconds of silence and nothingness passed between us, he released my hands and legs. I crawled to the corner of my room and positioned myself ever so slowly to a sitting pose. My body was aching and my sanity was on the edge of oblivion. How a teenager could handle such drama and be awake at this moment… was beyond me.
I tucked my legs close to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I didn’t know what this guy was trying to pull here, but god knew I didn’t have the strength anymore to fight him off. Not that I could from the beginning, but still. He stood up from the floor and looked around, touching the various objects on my dresser; sniffing a few bottles, looking at a few pictures placed between the mirror and the frame of the wood. I just stared at him, he didn’t seem to find me a threat anymore; as a matter of fact he seemed to not care about my existence at all. But after a few minutes in my room, he turned around to find me in a corner, my head resting on my knees, looking in his direction.
“Where am I?” He asked me, he seemed to be confused. Maybe he was from some weird ass cult that didn’t have maps or proper clothing apparently. “Are you going to kill me?” I asked, wanting to know what my fate was before I decide to tell him where he was. He looked at me with arrogance so strong; I thought his presence glowed with it. “I do not answer to beings of lower rank. Answer me peasant.”
I scoffed at his ability to talk down on people so harshly. “And I don’t answer to someone who’s going to kill me. So either answer ‘me’ or kill me.” I glared at him, and he seemed to just brush off my sour attitude to the side before responding to me. “I have no need to kill you; I require you for proper guidance in this odd world. So answer me girl, where am I?” I sighed; it wasn’t exactly what I was hoping he’d say. Actually what I had hoped he’d say was ‘I’m not going to kill you, you’re free to go. But before you go, will you marry me and bare my children?’
I almost laughed out loud for thinking such an absurd thing, but a girl could dream can’t she? “I’m not sure you’d understand me if I told you, but you’re in the United States of America. The people here are free and the only thing we have close to a king or queen here is a president. And the current president today is male. The state you’re in is California, and the city is Duarte. The county I believe is L.A County and my home is where you crash landed in. The place you’re currently standing in is my room…which you made a mess of.” I scanned my sacred living space noticing how seriously damaged it was. The floor was broken, the bed moved sideways into the wall and one of my walls had a gaping hole in it. So pretty much apocalypse happened in my room just now; at least stage one did.
The winged man seemed to be more confused than he had been originally. So I tried to make it more understandable. “This world is called ‘earth’ the people who inhabit it are called humans. There are animals living in it and insects, but were the dominant species here. There are 7 lands. We’re in North America and in that land there is many territories. The one were in is called America and the leader of this territory is called Obama. At least until the next election I think….” I muttered the last part; it was more of a thought.
He seemed to be lost in thought; the information must’ve been confusing for someone like him. “He was right…this world is different…” He muttered, still holding his sword in hand. He turned around and stabbed it into the floor, making an awful noise that hurt my ears. He came back around and walked over to me, kneeling in front of me. “It is not common for me to ask this…” He began to say, and then he reached out to with his hand to hold mine. I blushed deeply; what the hell was he doing? Was he really going to ask for my hand in marriage?

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