Categories > Original > Fantasy > Darkness Rising

Real Illusions

by HazyDreams91 0 reviews

It's the morning what?

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Published: 2010-03-26 - Updated: 2010-03-26 - 2370 words


[The story, setting and characters have been made by the author HazyDreams91 and all rights are reserved.]

Chapter 3

I snatched my hand away from his grasp, my eyes wide with horror. “I’m not going to marry you!” I said before I could stop and think about my words clearly, I had panicked. I smiled sheepishly, what the hell was I saying? I didn’t even give him a chance to finish what he was going to say. “Heh…umm…you were saying?” He didn’t really seem to understand what I had just voiced. “Are you not betrothed to the male in the painting?”
I tensed up, so he had understood. Well, this was getting interesting by the second. “Who…?” I was genuinely confused, what was he talking about? But then I remembered that he’d been looking at all my pictures on my dresser. And the one he was talking about had Daniel and me at prom. Daniel was just a friend though, he and I were like brother and sister…but sadly I didn’t have anyone to go with and he’d asked if I wanted to go with him. And since he and I were dressed so formally, maybe that’s why the guy thought we were getting married.
“Oh! No way! Were not getting married! That’s wrong!” I shook my head to get rid of the awkward idea. “Are you a priestess then?” He asked, looking at me intently. Was he really interested in me that much? Maybe it’s just the fact that I was probably abnormal. And he spoke so formally too, maybe he was from a far away land that wasn’t as developed in slang. Maybe he was a king and he was looking for his queen. That made perfect sense! I laughed a bit at the thought. Yea, it sure made sense all right. All this crap made sense. “I guess you could say that… aren’t priestesses virgins and can’t marry?”
He looked at me in a weird way, like I had said something really foolish. “A priestess is a pure being, one that guides lost souls into the right direction. She is the embodiment of the goddess herself, with the endless knowledge of the goddess’ wisdom. Her purpose is to do as the divine deity requests; to ensure peace, creation and fertility into this world. A priestess is a being that is not attached to the flesh, and believes in a higher purpose than being betrothed with a male.” I sat there for a few minutes amazed at what I was hearing; I was the type of person who liked to be informed of interesting things.
He stared back at me before continuing with his original subject, the one that I had cut short as I blurted out nonsense. “I would be most indebted to you, young priestess, if you were to guide me through this unusual world. I fear that I will not be able to continue without your assistance.” I sighed in relief; at least he wasn’t a rapist or a serial killer. I thought for a moment, helping this stranger may not be such a good idea.
He wasn’t normal for one, he had wings on his back, and he had tried to kill me with a sword. But, on the other hand, there was something inside of me that was telling me he was worthy of being trusted. Like a sixth sense was saying he wasn’t dangerous, women’s intuition maybe. He didn’t seem hostile anymore, and he also looked like he was willing to be nice to me if I helped him. The problem was, how in the 7 hells was I going to keep him in my house?

Again, I pondered about the whole situation playing out. At first, I went with the more naïve thought. In some insane alternate world, maybe he could pass for a 20 year old lost cousin from my mother’s side. He was tan, but was too good looking. My mom had pretty female relatives on her side, not handsome men. And then I moved on to a similar idea on my father’s side, there were in fact more males that had the handsome gene. It could actually work out, just one thing… they knew everyone in and out of the family. There was no way I could fool them into believing he was a lost relative of ours.
I shook my head side to side in frustration; there was no way I could make him pass off as my boyfriend. I’d be hanged like in the olden days when girls weren’t allowed to date, only marry. But the idea was worth a try. I frowned. I was being irrational; his gorgeous looks were getting to me. If I could I would run away and get married to him….yes…that sounded like a pleasant idea. I smiled a bit, and quickly wiped it off. I didn’t want my facial features to show the obvious misused thoughts floating around in my head. Even if I did try, my parents wouldn’t approve because he had wings attached to his back, go figure. So that was that. I turned my gaze from the ground to him; I hadn’t noticed he was waiting on my response.
My vivid imagination had spaced me out in the real world for a bit. “I would be more than happy to help you, but it seems like there’s no way to keep you here. My family would never allow me to have a man in the house, especially not a stranger.” I frowned, it was just too inconvenient for me and my safety. He stood up, and I stood up with him, I didn’t exactly want to see a naked man from below. “Before we continue this conversation…” I reached out and grabbed a towel, handing it to him as quick as possible. “It’s not that I haven’t seen a naked man before but, I don’t feel comfortable if you’re in my room parading all natural in my face.” He smirked a bit; my cheeks were probably red from embarrassment. I couldn’t look him in the eyes when I spoke to him; it was too awkward for me.
He grabbed the towel and covered himself, and I decided to sit on my bed. My body ached too much; it felt like a truck had run me over. “Listen, if there’s anything else you need help with, just let me know. But I can’t be your guide; I don’t think I can fool my parents into believing you’re part of our family. It would take some serious black magic in order to make them believe that lie.” I sighed, as I looked at the ground.
For a moment, I thought that I had left my body. It was a feeling that was making me uneasy; was it okay for someone to have symptoms like this? I closed my eyes for a moment; it was relaxing to do so. “I’m sorry…” I whispered, as I lay down on my bed. “Priestess…?” The guy called out to me, but I couldn’t respond back. I suddenly became drowsy and tired, like my body couldn’t do anything to keep itself awake. “Priestess…?” I heard footsteps, and after that my mind went blank again.
I didn’t dream this time, it was just darkness floating around in my head. It was just one of those days where you can’t dream. But I did remember the feeling; it was like I was at peace with myself and the world. Like all my suffering was gone and there was no need to feel sad anymore. Then I woke up. I was disappointed that it hadn’t been real, I had been truly happy with the dark and carefree world. As I opened my eyes I noticed I was still in my soft comfortable bed, tucked underneath my sheets.
I sat up immediately and inspected my room; it was clean. I could see white dots from the sudden movement of my body, which made me feel light headed. I rubbed my eyes to make it go away, and when I opened them, they were gone. At first I hadn’t remembered about the night before, and then it hit me like a ton of bricks. How had my room become so clean and new in just a few hours? Did an army of constructions workers remodel my room to look exactly the same? What the hell was going on?
I decided after some serious brain storming that I, in fact, had imagined the whole thing. I had a vivid dream that seemed real but was not. I looked down to look at my clothes, I was wearing my hello kitty pajamas…with a scarf…and shoes…and a collared shirt. Yea, I had definitely been under something to have dressed like this for bed. I sighed in relief, my neck a little stiff from sleeping the wrong way. I tried to straighten it to make it feel better, but it only made it hurt. Oh well, it could’ve been worse. I could’ve been without a head; just like I almost had been in the dream.
I quickly stepped out of bed only to smell the pleasant scent of food, the temptation to follow the aroma was strong, but I knew the urge to take a shower was the victor.
After the shower my head seemed to be cleared from all insane thoughts of another world and half-bird half-man falling from the sky. I quickly dressed in some clean clothes, jeans and a plain t-shirt, and made my way to the kitchen. As I walked in I saw everyone sitting at the table, my mother, my father, my brother Chris, my cousin Danny, my big brother Julio and a stranger with long hair. “Good morning everyo-” I stopped in mid sentence, a stranger with long hair sitting at our table? What the hell? “What the hell is he doing here?!” I exclaimed, surprised that some guy was taking up my seat in the kitchen table. There were no chairs left. “Actually, who the hell is this guy? Why is he sitting in my spot?” I glared at the back of his head; who did he think he was… stealing my space…
My mother turned around to face me, giving me the evil eye only mothers knew how to do. “Why are you being rude? He’s our guest, and your cousin.” I continued to glare while he was turned around; I didn’t care who he was, he was in MY spot. “I don’t have any cousins but the one we adopted, and he’s an exception. He sits in HIS own chair.” My brothers just stared at me with a look in their eye, like I was being a brat. My little cousin just ate; he didn’t really bother to care. My father the same. “Pardon me, I did not mean to put myself before a lady.” My cousin stood up, picking up his plate full of food. The moment he turned around my eyes widened. It was the guy from the night before. “How did you-…where did you-…I….” I couldn’t find words to describe my enormous and horrifying revelation.
Everything I had dreamt was true. I turned on my heels ran to the front door without another spoken word, opened it, and sprinted as far as my legs could take me. Which wasn’t very far since something caught my arm half way down the street. “Priestess…” I heard someone say behind me, but I was too afraid to look behind since I knew who it was. I closed my eyes and counted to ten, if he wasn’t there when I opened them, then it was all an awful hallucination. I even chanted in my head that it was an illusion, none of it was real. When I opened them, there was no one in sight. I sighed with relief, and turned around to go back home. As I turned around, a huge dark image was before my eyes and I yelped in fright. Then I looked a foot higher and saw it had a face. It was the guy from my dream again.
“You’re not real, I’m just dreaming. This is just a nightmare, and when I go home, lay in bed you’ll be gone and ill be happy.” I reasoned, and started to walk away. But again, he caught my arm. “Priestess, I need your help. This is not an illusion, you are not dreaming. I am real, and I am in need of your aid.” He looked at me with a look in his eyes that showed his honesty, he probably never lied. I sighed once more, this time relieving my arm out of his hand. “Look, I’d like to help you and all, because you seem like you’re a nice person, but I can’t. My parents wouldn’t allow it with a stranger involved.”
He looked at me confused, like I was a little crazy. “Have you not seen your family? They are under a deep glamour I have placed on them.” Now it was my turn to look at him like he was crazy. “Glamour? As in magic? That doesn’t exist…” I frowned, in some part of my childhood fantasies I had always hoped it was real, and now that someone is telling me it is I say its not. How ironic. “There are many things you do not know, but my knowledge of your world is equal to your ignorance. We must speak in more private quarters.” I smiled, not knowing what to say. “Okay, I know of a place to go to.” I motioned him to follow me…had he just insulted me based on my intelligence…?

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