Categories > Original > Fantasy > Darkness Rising

Sinister Encounter

by HazyDreams91 2 reviews

Add more drama to the plot, an antagonist comes into play.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-07-06 - Updated: 2010-07-06 - 2090 words


[The story, setting and characters have been made by the author HazyDreams91 and all rights are reserved.]

Chapter 4

It was a quarter till midnight; the moons light shone through my window, illuminating my bedroom as I lay under my soft sheets thinking. It’d been a while since I had a chance to just think, I was always busy with something. Lately my family was being more irritating than usual, bothering me with things like chores. I was an artist, a writer, and a college student; I volunteered at an animal shelter for crying out loud. I was far too busy to do such tedious work; didn’t they know I was too occupied with important things? I sighed, my impatience growing by the second. Even if I wasn’t, my jack ass of a Father would never get me to do anything. He was always busy as well, and when he commanded me to do something, it wasn’t in a nice way. I wish he was dead…maybe then he’d quit being such an asshole.
My mother…oh mother, she’s such a little bitch too. When I wanted to do something, she usually attempted to keep me from doing it. Every minute of my life is being interrupted by this weak, blond, petit woman and her little carry on bag. How pathetic is that? Sometimes when I look in the mirror I can see her there…her blond hair, her honey colored eyes, her figure. It makes me mad I hold any resemblance to that woman. The only thing we don’t share is the age and skin texture, years of work have given her wrinkles all over her face. Actually, my parents look way older than they should be… How I loathe them…
But the one who always manages to ruin my day is my older brother. He’s a selfish brat who doesn’t let me use any of his stuff. He writes, draws, and goes to college too. It seems like we have a lot in common. Our similar talents are not enough to keep us in harmony, he hates me and I hate him. I could do without an idiotic brother like him who happens to be a loser. I doubt he’s ever had a girlfriend in his life. He’s pretty much a geek who buys all the latest games, wears only army styled clothing, and writes fan fictions online about “Star Fox”. If you were a girl, you’d run away from him pretty much. He’s a very awkward guy to hang around if you’re the opposite sex. Ha. What a jackass. He’ll probably die a virgin.
The night air was cool as I climbed off my bed and opened my window. I couldn’t sleep; the daily stress was keeping me up. I needed to get out of this hell hole.
I wasn’t meant for any of this normal human living, I was meant for far greater things in life. The only time I had ever felt okay existing was in school. But the thing I had more often than not dreamed about was having a life like in the fairy tale books. Where the princess meets her handsome prince, they get married and they both rule their kingdom in happiness. Where dragons exist, those beautiful, graceful, fierce creatures roam the sky in all of their glory. Sometimes I even wish I was a dragon. They get the chance to be free of all form of responsibility and fly above everyone with their elegant wings. Even with all that beauty, they can be vicious and strike down all their enemies in one swift movement.
The people I knew in high school, if I was a dragon, would be the first to go.
I smiled at that thought, it would be epic.
As I stood there by the window looking down the empty dark streets, I heard a faint noise. It sounded like an airplane passing by in the sky, but distinctly different. But the strangest thing was the window began to vibrate, like a force was making the glass ripple. “What the-” I reached out to touch it, but the minute my flesh made contact with the object a brilliant light flashed into my room, blinding me momentarily. Before I could regain my vision, a force knocked me back into my bed. I bounced off into a nearby wall, sliding down painfully. I could feel the texture of the wall scrape against my bare back. A thin tank top wasn’t good protection at all.
I groaned in pain as I fell forward, my hands instinctively catching me before smashing my face into the ground.

I looked around my room, it was a mess. The walls had cracks in them, the floor covered in gray feathers. Surprisingly my parents hadn’t rushed in to see what was going on. The sound and force should’ve shaken the house enough to let them know something was wrong. But nothing came. Typical them, not giving a damn about me; not like I care anyway.
There was dust in the air, as it settled I saw a shape of a man on the floor. He was curled up, his grey wings covering him; it looked almost like he was protecting himself. It was still dark in my room, the shadows covered his face; I couldn’t see anything.
Without waiting to see if this person would wake up or not, I let my self drop one inch from the ground and rolled over to my side. I stood up, being careful not to injure my back anymore than it already was. I sighed, coughing a bit in the process. The small dust particles were still floating around carelessly in the air. I shook my head to rid myself of the tiny debris lying in my hair. I could feel it every time I moved.
I walked cautiously towards the man, kneeling down to take a closer look at his wings. They were grey, but a hint of black tinted a few of them at the ends. I should probably be extremely freaked out by all of this, instead, I found myself embracing the mysterious situation placed before me. My wish was granted, I finally get to have something special happen in my life. Maybe he was also a prince come to take me away to his kingdom and marry him so I could become queen someday. Then we’d rule together and I’d be happy forever. Perhaps they had dragons in his world too.
I reached out with a hand to touch his wings, they were so soft. My fingers traced the curves, being careful not to awaken the strange creature. He was real, I could tell by the strong aura he had. It was almost tangible in the air.
“So soft…” I whispered; I still couldn’t see his face from the angle I viewed him from. I then decided to gently move one of the wings out of the way; immediately I grabbed one from underneath and began to pull up.
Suddenly a hand reached out to clutch my wrist. “Ow…ow!” I cried in pain, the person was using so much force I thought my entire arm would break with it. A wing moved to the side, two crimson orbs stared at me from the shadows. They glowed before they settled into a completely different color, it looked like a dark blue with a mixture of purple and bits of what shone like silver; it was a very odd shade indeed. The man pulled me forward; he took his other hand and grabbed my chin, moving my head from side to side. He was examining my face for some reason, at least that’s what it felt like.
After a moment, he let go, looking away to take in his surroundings, my wrist was throbbing in pain, I could see a giant bruise begin to appear in the shape of a hand. He turned to face me once he was done and spoke in a language I had never heard before.
I stared at him, I was amazed that such a being existed.
“I’m Tiffany; I don’t understand what you’re saying. Do you speak English?” He stood up; he was insanely tall for a normal man. Then again, he wasn’t a normal man; his height was probably average where he came from.
Aside from his height, he had a nicely sculptured body too. I could see his muscles ripple underneath his skin as he moved. It was quite delicious. I looked up to see his face and I gasped. Not only was his hair an odd shade of white, but his facial features were godly. He didn’t have those thin lips that men sometimes had, he had those gorgeous full lips that made you want to go ahead and kiss him without his permission. I stared in awe at him for a few moments; my knees were weak from looking into his stunning eyes. If only he spoke English…he’d be perfect for me…
He said something again in his language, moving in closer to me. “Um..” I stood there, not understanding what was going on. He placed both of his hands on either side of my shoulders and leaned down to capture my lips in his. At first I was shocked, my god! This was just too good to be true!
My wish had perks in it too…
His lips were soft, but the kiss was not gentle in any way of form. He practically just mashed his mouth to mine, hurting me in the process. I flinched, but didn’t move away, he was the one to lean back only to wipe his blood off of his mouth. I reached up to touch my own, I recoiled in pain, it was my blood he had on his face I realized.
Maybe when I wished it, I should’ve specified what kind of kiss I wanted…
Up to this point, I hadn’t paid attention to his nakedness. It took me about another five seconds to look down and notice he wasn’t wearing any pants and that thing was not a snake…
Had it been any other girl, they probably would’ve looked away in embarrassment, but I wasn’t like that. I gazed up to look him in the eye and grinned seductively.
I was going to have fun with this one…
I decided to repeat my question again.
“Do you understand me? Do you speak English?”
He didn’t say anything for a while; instead he stared back at me for the longest time without a single expression showing on his face. He was practically a blank book. Great, I got stuck with a retard for a prince. I guess it was better than having three retarded family members who only interfered with your dreams and desires.
“Yes.” I smiled with excitement; he could speak English after all. And boy, his accent was sexy as hell.
“Are you a Prince?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
His facial expression didn’t change, but an emotion in his eyes gleamed, one that I couldn’t comprehend. Had I insulted him?
“No. I am king.” He replied, his pride well hidden on his face, but not his tone of voice. He also held a certain authority to what he said; he probably did rule a kingdom.
I half smiled; he was a king not a prince. Did that mean he already had his queen?
“Do you already have a queen?” I asked him, cutting to the chase. I had to know before I continued this conversation. He smirked, his eyes holding an ominous gleam in them. “No.” He replied.
I smiled at this, he was available after all. “Are you looking for one? Around here maybe? I could help…”
I smiled seductively at him; I was definitely available for the part. But, instead of falling for my flirtatious act, his expression turned serious. For a moment, it looked like he was thinking about something important, he was facing me, but his mind was somewhere else. Then the corner of his mouth lifted slightly to form another smirk, his eyes now seeing me. “Yes. I am…I’m looking for my queen.”

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