Categories > Anime/Manga > Pokemon > Lucian, M.D.

Arceus appears!

by GalacticFTW 0 reviews

Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2009-09-27 - Updated: 2009-09-28 - 1011 words

Chapter 44

“Mmm... Cynthia... your boobs...,” I mumbled in my sleep. Apperantly, I also drooled. Which is unusual for me.

I was having nice dreams and then distrubing ones... the kind that make NO SENSE AT ALL.


“Who are you?” I looked a stange Pokemon. It had horse-like qualities, a golden wheel around its body, emerald green eyes with red pupils, its pointed feet had golden hooves, and there were emeralds connect to the golden wheel, it had a long, flowing mane. It was pretty much a monotone whitish-grey body with a greyish belly. It looked at me straight in the eyes. “What do you want?” I demanded. It said nothing and circled around me... as if it was checking me out. “What do you want?” I repeated.

It opened its mouth. “Fine. You tell me... who am I? Well... you cannot. I am Arceus.” She galloped around me. (A/N: I thought it would be cool if it was female! Botch me, I do not care.)

“Ho-ho-ly SH-SH-IT!!!” I babbled.

“Calm human, you will be fine. Be happy that you met me.”

“But why did you appear?” I shrugged.

“Because I bring you good news!” She neighed.

“But what is it?”

“You will have to discover that yourself! I must go now!” She galloped off.

“Bye...,” I sighed. I had no choice but to wake up.


I woke up huffing, which is normal for me.

“You all right?” Cynthia looked at me.

“I had the quaintest dream...”

“What was it about?”

“It had...,” I paused. She looked at me funny. “... ... Arceus...”

Her eyes widened and she nearly fainted. Babbling nonsense, too. I felt the same exact way... “I saw her, too...,” she said monotonously.

“Did she say anything to you?” I asked.

“Yes... she did...”


FLASHBACK ALERT - her POV (A/N: Not going to do this very many times... just to make the story more interesting!)

“What is this... where am I?” I looked around. I heard a clippity-clopping sound. What was it? I looked around. Then, a huge equine-like Pokémon appears before me. It was grey, had golden hooves, a golden wheel, green eyes with red pupils and a greyish belly. It also had a long mane. It then looked at me staight in the eyes. “What?” I shrugged.

“Cynthia, hello.” She said.

“Who or what are you?”

“You do not know? I am Arceus.”

I froze in my dream. It felt so real. “What do you want?”

“I come to bring you good news.”

I shrugged, cocked my head and furrowed my brow. “About what?”

“That, you must discover yourself. I must go now. Goodbye,” she clippity-clopped off.

“Umm... bye.”

That was when I woke up.


Back to reality and to Lucian’s pov...

“Sounds like what she said to me,” I looked at her mercury grey eyes. “I wonder what the good news is though...” A rapping knock came at the door. The person came in without us saying anything.

“Hey!” I growled. “I’m naked for God’s sake!”

Cynthia growled slightly. “Excuse me?”

It was Cyrus... and his very “high” self today. “There you are!” He snarled while drooling. I shuddered at that a little bit. I bet it is not even drool at all... judging the fact that he was drinking so damn much. He was a stupid, dumb, ugly drunkard. He called me a freak, so he is also an idiotic and manipulative bastard. Drunkards like him have no life. I myself, have a life, though I do get drunk ocassionally. But not as much as him - he gets drunk every waking hour of the day. Retard. Wish I could kick his ass. Maybe I could...

“I’m gonna whoop your ass,” I narrowed my eyes and clenched my fists. I put a pair of boxers on.

“Oh, I am SOOOO scared,” he said sarcastically while condescending me.

“No one condescends me without getting their ass whooped,” I barked. I rushed over as quickly as possible; Cyrus trying to get away but he stumbled. I clouted him as quickly as possible - right straight in the face - retard deserved it. I winded the stupid bastard in his chest; he started to cough up blood. I then felt bad... what have I done? I had an idea. I would brainwash him to let me be the leader of Galactic. Yes... that was what I was going to do! I was going to give “Galactic” a new face. No more evil. Evil was something I hated.


A week later...

Cynthia and I had infiltrated the company... but there was one problem! Erasing the past of Galactic. Ugh... this kicked me in the ass. Nix, being one of my best friends helped me with this. Cynthia, Nix, and I designed a new logo. I even got a Pokémons’ opions. They, too liked it. I haven’t seen from Beowulf lately and I never had another dream with Arceus... nor was I urinating as frequently. It felt nice... the Avodart worked. As for Cyrus, let’s just say I brainwashed him by hypnotizing him. And he agreed to hand over his position. Stupid bastard. Lord knows where Dag, Yvla, Charon and everyone else were.

“En garde!” I hollared. I was in the middle of a fencing match with Nix. He was teaching me to fence.

“En garde!” He hollared back.

“Touché!!” I had poked him with my sword.

“Daww... you got me!” He smiled and took his helmet off (A/N: Have no idea what it is called...).

“Very nice Lucian!” Cynthia started to clap.

“Thank you madam!” I said in a faux French accent and bowed.

“You are welcome!” She sain a faux English accent. I drank some of the mead that Cynthia makes so wonderfully well. I cannot word/describe how it tastes. I belched and collapsed... and I awoke to two people that I recognised... but I was still too drunk to know who they were. Oh yeah, I had taken some LSD; so I was high, too.
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