Categories > Anime/Manga > Pokemon > Lucian, M.D.

How I...

by GalacticFTW 0 reviews


Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2009-10-01 - Updated: 2009-10-02 - 1257 words

Chapter 57

“Well, we’re here,” I smiled. “What are we going to do?”

“I was thinking about... making out?” She smiled.

“Ah! Good choice...,” I smiled, too. We plonked down next to a tree. “Watch this,” I took the switchblade out of my pocket. I sprung the blade out and threw it straight at the tree. It hit right on target; causing a few leaves to fall. She smiled at me and knocked me down and we started to make out. We stopped and lied down with our arms crossed and underneath our heads (A/N: I have no idea what this is called, so...).

“Wow... I wonder how many leaves are on this tree,” she smiled.

“I would have no idea... too many to count!” I smiled and closed my eyes. I sniffed the air... something seemed wrong... but what? I couldn’t tell just yet. I mentally shrugged it off and fell asleep. She saw that I fell asleep and did the same. I woke up to an odd smell... my ears twitched. I was obvious to what it was though. Cynthia woke up and saw me sniff the air.

“What’s wrong?” She asked groggily. She sat up and I did the same.

“I-I-I don’t know... seems like something... large... no... a large group of something.” I growled slightly. The hair on my back stood up. She gulped.

“I wonder why there’s a human here?” A Pokémon voice said.

“I don’t know...,” said another voice.

“Heh! They should not be here!” Said another.

“I know!” said a fourth voice.

I sniffed the air again. “Weavile. And this is their territory.” She nodded at me and we snuck over to the tree to where I threw my switchblade. I grabbed it and thrusted it out.

“Aww, the human has a knife how cute!” I felt my switchblade get knocked out of my hand. I looked at my hand... it was bleeding.

“You stupid bastard...,” Cynthia growled. The Weavile was so fast that we could not see it clearly. One of them picked up my switchblade and broke it in half.

“OK, you have really pissed me off,” I growled. “I’ve had that switchblade since I was 13. Now how do you think I feel? Yeah... I’m pissed off. Come and get me.”

“All right then,” a huge Weavile said. He must be the leader. He tried to stab me but I grabbed his arm and tossed him aside. He wailed in pain and his pupils enlarged... that meant that it was really angry... more angry as in pissed off. It’s also a signal to let others know that it’s in trouble. The other three formed around it and tried to attack me, but I ducked and punched one in the stomach, another in the face and the other in the back. I felt... alive. I felt... young again. I felt... like an animal.

“Wohoo! Go Lucian, go!” She cheered. I smiled and kept on punching them; they were starting to back down. I then heard a swooping sound and turned around.

“Need any help, Lucian?” It was Byron! “I drank another beer and now I have wings!” He clutched one of the Weaviles in his talons and threw it against a tree; that one ran away. He also had the head of a Staraptor... he was the largest Staraptor I had ever seen!

“Father!” Lexi and Rex and Crina said unison. “Mother!” They were Byron’s back.

“Hey kids!” I grinned and punched another Weavile; it ran away. Only the leader and another one was left.

“No one messes with my best friend!” I heard a growling noise. Was it Lorelei? I turned around... indeed it was. I took a good look at her... she was a Mightyena with long, flowing black and grey hair... she was.. beautiful.

Humana, humana!” I thought. But she’s nearly twice my age... and I have a wife.

“Wow!” Cynthia and I said in unison.

“You look great and beautiful!” Cynthia smiled. I smiled along with her. Lorelei roared so loudly that the Weavile ran away. We all looked at her and shuddered.

“Thank you,” she bowed.

“No problem!” Cynthia replied. I agreed with her... she was beautiful. Lexi, Rex and Crina hugged Cynthia and I.

“Lucian, your kids,” Byron chuckled. “They are well-mannered. They were good to have around! They helped us with chores everyday.”

“Thank you Byron!” Cynthia and I said in unison.

“No problem you two!” He smiled. Lorelei looked at us and smiled, too.

“Father, Mother, we missed you!” Lexi and Rex and Crina said in unison and hugged us tight.

“Well, the human has kids and friends!” Said the Weavile leader. “I will destroy you all!” He lunged at me and sliced into my stomach. Blood was pouring out like a waterfall. There was nothing I could do... or was there? I ignored the pain and punched the Weavile clean in the eye. It almost looked as if its eye was going to fall out.

“Byron! Do you have that tranq gun with you?” I asked. He nodded.

“As a matter of fact, I do!” He was wearing pants and he reached into his pocket and tossed it to me using his bill.

“Thank you!” I grabbed it and aimed straight for the Weavile’s shoulder. He nodded a “you’re welcome.” “Move away everyone.” They nodded and moved out of the way. I looked at the vicious Weavile... and my stomach. I pulled the trigger; the Weavile’s only eye widened as it was humanely euthanized. I felt a sense of relief. But my stomach... it was bleeding like hell. I clutched my stomach.

“You did the right thing,” Lorelei noted. “It could have killed you.” I nodded at her.

“Yeah... let’s just take me to the hospital,” my eyes widened and I started to convulse... I was going in shock.

“He’s going in to shock!” Cynthia picked me up; how she did that I do not even want to know.

...The next thing I know, I woke up in the hospital where I worked. “Oh God... what happened?” I then realised I was in a hospital... I looked beside me... blood: O... Cynthia’s blood type. I smiled.

“Hey, look who’s awake,” Cynthia smiled.

“The doc says you can get out in a couple of days,” Aaron looked down at me.

“Good to see ya!” Flint chuckled. How did he get here so quickly? Oh yeah, his Charizard.

“Lucian! Are you okay?” Candice asked.

“Yeah... I guess. I missed you little bro...,” I directed it to Flint.

“I missed you too...,” he sighed.

“Hey! Lucian is all right?!” Byron laughed heartily.

“Hey! He is!” Lorelei smiled.

“Father!” Lexi and Rex said in unison.

“Hey kiddos,” I smiled. I tried to sit up but it hurt. “Yowch!” I stopped. I was NOT used to being in a hospital. I looked at myself... I had a shitty hospital gown. I hated them... it stole my self-esteem. Oh well. I sighed. “Oh well, I guess I will... go to sleep then...,” I fell asleep. Everyone sighed in relief. I mentally smiled at this. I woke up to a familiar smell... ramen. I wondered who gave it to me?

I was too sleepy and tired to move though...


A/N: Wohoo! Took me two days... sorry it's so short.

BTW: This is the chapter in which Lucian almost died... :'( He could have bled to death.
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