Categories > Anime/Manga > Pokemon > Lucian, M.D.


by GalacticFTW 0 reviews

Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-10-02 - Updated: 2009-10-03 - 1604 words

Chapter 88

“Whoa… it’s so huge!” I blinked as it splashed its tail right smack-dab near us, causing both of us to now swim. We were both covered in water head-to-toe. I now had to paddle… I looked at Rowan – lucky bastard is taller than me! I looked at Cynthia, she was now laughing at me. I swam closer to her and started to splash her back! I laughed back… now everyone was laughing at both of us – even Rowan was! I looked at the paddle boat; sadly, it was broke into to pieces and sinking. Only problem was, this huge Wailord was stuck in this tiny pond.

“Where’d it go?” I looked around. “It couldn’t have gone far…” I wondered if I was still part Buizel, and if I was able to see underwater as well. “I’ll see if there’s anything down there…,” I spoke up.

“OK,” she said.

“Good deal,” Rowan said. With the flick of my hands, I was underwater… I could see! I could almost swim like a Buizel as well.

“Huh?” I mumbled. “What’s that?” I couldn’t tell what it was… I decided just to surface instead.

“So… did you see anything?” She said.

“I did see something, but I couldn’t tell what it was… I need to dive further,” I replied.

“Oh! Well, be careful, alright?” She smiled.

“She’s right,” he said. “Wailords can be extremely dangerous.”

“Yes, thanks you two,” I smiled and dove back under… even further than before… I gasped slightly… there was a cave! A cave that probably leads right to the ocean! I turned around to see the Wailord swimming fast... extremely fast towards me. I tried to swim away, but it hit me right smack-dab in the back... causing me to fly out of the water. I must have landed about twenty feet away from where Cynthia was. She blinked. I was clear under the water... I finally surfaced and shook my head to get the water off.

“You alright?!” She called.

“Yeah... but HELP!!! It’s coming after me!!!” I called.

“Go Gabby and Merick!” She let the two out.

“Yes?” They both asked.

“Go save Lucian and Rowan before they turns into whale chow!” She commanded. They nodded and dove into the water to get us. Gabby shot at me like a jet while Merick swam very fast to Rowan. They took both of us to the paddle boat Cynthia was in. I then noticed that all the kids had paddled back to the shore... good for them!

“Go Barry and Clarke!” I called and let them out.

“Go Empoleon!” Rowan said, smirking. We both smiled at it... it looked old; with a lot of scars and callouses around its claws on its wings.

“Nice one Rowan,” I smiled.

“Aww... what a cutie!” Cynthia smiled as well.

“Yes, thank you. Her name is Aurora,” he smiled.

“Yes... I am!” Aurora smiled.

“Aren’t you sexy?” Clarke said to her. She smiled. The Wailord came extremely faster towards them.

“Quickly, Merick use Focus Blast, and Gabby, use Brick Break on that Wailord!” Cynthia commanded.

“Barry, you use Focus Blast as well, and Clarke, use Agility with Dragon Pulse!” I commanded.

“Aurora, Shadow Claw!” He commanded. All five of them charged at the Wailord... it barely budged. It charged after them... until... “Quickly Aurora, use Protect!” He commanded. A greenish sphere surrounded them... this caused the nearly half-ton animal crashing into some rocks not too far away.

“Good one!” We both said in unison.

“Thank you!” He said. The five looked tired. The Wailord then used a Rollout, nearly knocking all of them out. I bared my teeth and growled slightly... this was getting slightly annoying.

“No problem,” we both said a few minutes later.

“What do we do now?” I looked down into the water at all of them.

“I-I-I d-d-on-n’t know...,” Cynthia stuttered. “Even being the former Champion... I can’t even defeat a single Wailord...”

I wasn’t sure what to say. “We... need to work together some how!”

“Hmm... he’s right...,” he said. I looked at the Pokemon... they were trying to fight off the Wailord.

“Say... doesn’t Terry know some sort of electric type attack?” I asked.

“Say... you may be right...,” she said. She let Terry out... he smiled.

“Hey guys, I suggest getting out of the water... if you want to get shocked that is!” I called. Everyone began swimming towards the shore...

“Terry, use Thunder Wave!” She commanded. Terry spun around and used it on the Wailord... it was paralyzed.

“Thank you!” We all said.

“My pleasure!” He said, smiling. Now I could finally take a look at it.

“I’ll take a look, just in case, to see if there might be anything wrong with it,” I looked at it from up above.

“Be careful,” she sighed. Rowan nodded. I dove back into the water and swam around it... I saw nothing. I then swam underneath it. I gasped... there was something stuck in one of its slits (either umbilicus or uro-genital slit). I was guessing it was its uro-genital slit. I swam back up to the surface.

“There appears to be something stuck in its uro-genital slit, I have no idea what it is. That could be what is irritating it,” or so I thought... I then had an idea. I mentally grinned evilly. “Could I possibly report on this for today?” I asked.

“Hmm... you maybe right... and yes, you may,” Rowan replied.

“We need to catch it somehow...,” Cynthia said.

“Yeah, but how? It is obviously in serious pain... there has to be a way to help it...,” I scratched my chin.

“I’ll help,” Rowan dived in like a he was twenty or thirty years younger. I blinked. He then snapped on a pair of goggles. “Ready?” He asked. He looked funny. We both laughed.

“Yes, I’m ready,” I snickered. He nodded and we both dove underwater. We swam under its belly. I pointed to whatever that was stuck in its uro-genital slit. I blinked and looked and him and shrugged. What was it? “What is it?!” I tried to say underwater.

“I have no idea...,” he tried to reply back... he started to swim back up; I decided to do the same. We both gasped.

“Well... what is it?” She asked.

“We have no idea...,” I shrugged.

“Want me to dive in and take a look?” She asked.

“Is her cast waterproof?” Rowan asked.

“Yes it is - it’s made out of fibreglass,” I replied. She nodded.

“Come on in then,” he said. She smiled and jumped right in.

“OK... let’s see what this is,” she nodded. She somehow got a pair of goggles and put them on.

“Where’d you get that?” I asked sarcastically. I hoped that I had not sounded rude...

“They were in the boat, silly,” she giggled. I laughed back.

“Alright, let’s dive!” He said. We both nodded and dove underwater... we swam under its belly. She blinked.

“What is it?” She tried to say. Rowan and I shrugged.

“We need to grab or something before it becomes un-paralyzed,” I tried to say. They nodded. We swam closer to its uro-genital slit and tugged on whatever was stuck in it. As we were grabbing it; I looked at it. It was a Pokemon! I gasped and accidentally swallowed some water. Rowan and Cynthia immediately saw this and surfaced (while the Pokemon was still in his hands). Next thing I know, I was on the paddle boat with the two of them staring at me. I coughed up some water. I sat up... I felt stiff as a board because that stupid Wailord had tossed me around, and from the lack of lovemaking.

“Ugh... I feel like shit...,” I groaned.

“Are you alright? You swallowed some water there,” she said.

I looked at my dripping-wet body. “Yeah... I guess I am.... Thanks for asking...”

“No problem,” she smiled.

“You don’t look so good,” Rowan scowled. He was observing this so called Pokemon... it appeared to be dead.

“I’m exhausted...,” I said, sighing forcibly. “Anyways... what is it?”

“I-I-I don’t know...,” he replied. “Ow!” He yipped. We both looked at him curiously. “It has extremely sharp pectoral fins.”

“Oh... wow...,” we both managed to say. I stood up despite being weak. I felt my stomach. I looked at his finger, it started to bleed...

“Wow... that’s a sharp fin!” I blinked. He started to muse...

“This Wailord definitely is not from here... and so is this Pokemon. It happens to be called Candirus,” he rubbed his chin.

“Candirus?!” We both said.

“Where have I heard that name before?” I rubbed my sore head.

“Possibly on TV?” Cynthia did the same.

“I do happened to have a book about Pokemon not found around here... it’s around here somewhere.”

“We would love to see it,” Cynthia said while running her fingers through her hair. I nodded.

“Can I get some rest first...?” I moaned from the pain.

“Yes. You may,” he said.

“Thanks...,” I smiled. Cynthia and Rowan began to paddle back to the shore. I had fallen asleep on the way back.... Gabby must have carried me to the bed in our cabin... it felt as if I was in a coma... ah it felt nice to actually sleep...

“He sure is sleeping away,” Rowan said while I was half-asleep.

“Yeah... leave him alone,” Cynthia replied. I mentally sighed and fell back into a deeper sleep.
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