Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Princess

Out Of The Vampiric Frying Pan, And Into A Chemical Romance

by CyanideChild_ 0 reviews

Cont of before, you get to see Georgia and Gerard's chemistry

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-10-07 - Updated: 2009-10-07 - 1844 words - Complete

Chapter Two: Out Of The Vampiric Frying Pan, And Into A Chemical Romance

Gerard, and Frank, crept slowly out of the shopping mall, they used as base, to scout around for nearby Vampire troupes, or, if only survivors.
“See, it wouldn’t bother me so much if there were females,” Frank said quietly to Gerard, who’d waved his sword around, trying to keep his balance as Frank had walked in front of him.
“What are you talking about now?” Gerard said impatiently, it had been him, who had kept them all alive, since the all out attack. Gerard who had managed to get, Ray, Bob, Frank and Gerard’s own little brother Mikey to the shopping mall they now call home.
“Hey, man, look over there! I think we’ve found one!” Frank has gestured to an alley, where shadows seemed to be moving around, trying to make themselves as small as possible. Frank walked over with confidence.
“Hey are you – Ouch!!” The cause of his pain was that a small tanned leg had appeared out of the darkness, and kicked him squarely in the face. Laughing, and now bleeding, Frank wheeled away.
“We’ve found a female all right,” he giggled, spitting out the blood.
Slowly walking out of the shadows, a girl appeared, short, dirty, with long brown curly hair, a pretty face, who wore a very distrustful expression.
“Who are you?” She demanded walking up to Gerard, as it was clear he was in charge.
“The question is, who are you?” Gerard countered, back levelly his blade with her stomach.
“Oh, per lease! Im hungry, upset, pissed off, and being tormented by vampires!” She glared “So, mister. Are you gonna help me or not?” Gerard cocked his head to the side. “Well it all really depends on whether you’re a vampire or not really,”
The girl glared at him, pushed his blade out of the way with the flat of her hand, and walked straight up to him and bit him on the neck. Blushing, Gerard pushed her away.
“Okay problem solved. Um thanks for that, uh, whoever you are?”
“Im Georgia,” she said pushing her hair out of her eyes. “And im being followed,”

The two guys had taken her back to their base, a large shopping mall. On arrival, she’d practically run, into the closest bed shop, and promptly fell asleep.
The last few nights has between hard on her. Bert, true to his words had been behind her every single night, choosing not to take her, but to toy with her. The days she’d over slept and has awaked to find him lying next to her, holding her hand, or kissing her lightly. A couple of times she’d been angry, and had lashed out, and tried to hurt him in anyway possible. Other times she was resigned, and let him do as he pleased. He was toying with her, pretending to let her go, and at the last minute, he’d be there. Connor had been there on a few occasions, laughing and smiling, as genial as can be, belying the temper he has below the surface, the temper she’d faced when she’d become to sarcastic for her own good.
And just this morning, when Bert, had left, her body covered in hickey like marks, where he had fed on her, the threatening look in his eyes, when she’d told him to use sun cream, as he looks likely to burn. Before Gerard and Frank had found her, she’d been slightly delusional, still thinking it was night time, and still in the clutches of Bert. Bert. His face rose suddenly in her memory, his lovely eyes, the soft smile, the sweet kisses…
Georgia woke with a start. Rubbing her eyes angrily, she saw the smaller of her two rescuers – the one she had kicked in the face – sitting on the edge of the bed, rocking happily.

“Hey,” he smiled
“Hey, yourself,” I smiled back at him. I don’t know why, but he had this open happy face, that made me instantly want to cuddle him.
“Im Frankie and you have an awesome kick. Who are you, like Bruce Lee?” he laughed
“Im sorry about that. I thought you were Bert.”
“Why don’t I envy that guy?” He asked me with a twinkle in his eyes.
“Bert? As in Robert?” Gerard asked from the corner, of the room, swathed in shadows.
“What is this? Perv on me while I sleep day?” I asked, suddenly bristling. That guy got my back up. For no reason at all, if im honest. I just didn’t like good looking, and I mean amazingly good looking men.
“Who’s amazingly good looking?” Frank asked with interest. Realising I’d been speaking out loud; I blush a brilliant crimson, and glared at Gerard in the corner.
“Im serious this time, do you mean Robert McCracken?”
Frank and I both snorted with laughter. On the realisation that someone else was laughing with us we collapsed into fits of helpless laughter on the bed.
“Imagine if…if… his dad was called Paul…” Frank wheezed after we’d almost stopped.
“P...Paul McCracken!” I laughed, “Oh my gosh, Rob McCracken,”
“Okay kids” Gerard said looking fondly at Frank,
“Yes I do know him. He wants me to be his bloody queen or something. Says im a bloody princess.” I said sobering up almost instantly, as I saw a stretch of Gerard’s white stomach as he stretched. Gerard frowned, and with an absent mind pulled his top up even more.
Damn. Damn. And Damn.
“So you’re his Blood Princess?” Gerard asked
“Yes. No. Well, I don’t want to be. But these past few nights he’s convinced I am.”
Gerard walked over and lay on my bed. Well, the shops bed. Well, it was my bed.Hmm
“You know, he wants you to create more vampires, don’t you?”
I shook my head. “In the politest sense of the word, what the hell, does a Blood Princess do?”
“The King,” Frankie cackled
“Say what?” I looked at him blankly.
“The Blood Princess has to do the king,” He laughed even, more and I’ll admit, even Gerard and I had a little chuckle.
“Well I couldn’t get you to talk on the way here and I guessed you weren't going to say anything until you woke up,' Gerard mused. `So, here you are, awake. Care to explain?' `Explain what?' I asked, confusion taking over. `The reason why I wouldn't tell you very much? Oh, I don't know, maybe because you look like one of them.'
`Im guessing that this wasn't the first time that the vampires have attacked you.' Gerard continued, ignoring the comment. `To my friends and I, which tells us that they have some sort of interest in you, but I guess you won’t answer when we asked what it might be.'
`Maybe because i have no idea,' I admitted. `Do you think that i wanted this to happen? Ben and I flew half way across the country to go to my grandfather's funeral. We come back, and two days later while we're out with our friends the world ends up getting attacked by a group of pale, fang-faced freaks! What exactly was I supposed to think? All he cared about was getting away without getting killed. I managed to do that and something like three days minutes later it happened again!'
`But…why?' Gerard asked, slightly dropping the formal tone that he had earlier displayed. I was glad. The formality was irritating me at the present time. Agh…see? Now I'm speaking formally. Damn you, Gerard. I shake my fist in your general direction. Now, back to explaining.
`No idea,' I shrugged. `Did you ever consider that maybe there isn't a reason? Maybe they're just attacking me because they can. Or maybe I’m just always out in the wrong place at the wrong time. I’m known to be an unlucky girl.'
`They're not like that,' Gerard assured me` but since you've been singled out more than once, it's not an option at all. Alright, so maybe twice could be seen as just being in the wrong place at the wrong time, but three times? No way. And twice in one day, definitely not.' He gave me a thoughtful look before continuing on. ‘This is definitely something much more than that. He chose you over everyone else. Why you?'
`Then they have me confused for somebody else,' I concluded. `You know, you and him give my self esteem such boosts. I should marry a guy like you. How about you marry me Gerard?” I begged him sarcastically, and he blushed pink, showing up against his pale skin.
`You trust him.' The comment hit home.
`As you very well know, I wasn't always a Blood Princess,' I shot at him, narrowing my eyes. `In fact, as far as I'm concerned I'm not one of them at all.'
`I used to say the same thing about myself apart from the fact, I never had a famous vampire wanting to own me,' Gerard replied. `I'm like you. I was just a victim who escaped. But you see…vampires will never hurt you, unless you give them reason to. My reason was that I hunted them. The morons only made it worse by turning my best friend, because it made my reason stronger. But that's beside the point. The point now is what's your reason?'
`My reason?' I repeated. `Oh, I don't know, how about the fact that I'm going to shove a stake up the ass of the next vampire that I see. I guess you can be the exception Mr.Victim.'
Why did I trust him when my head was telling me to grab myself and get out of wherever the hell we were? Simple. My head was telling me one thing, but my instincts were telling me another. My instincts were telling me to trust Gerard because he might just very well be the only chance we had a figuring out why I was being targeted by the vampires. And i fancied him. Duh.
`Can you help me?' I asked him quietly, and even Frank was surprised to hear it come out of my mouth. Not as surprised as I was, though. I was Georgia - the slightly off centred leader of the world. I didn't ask for help. I always sorted things out for myself. But this time…maybe this time I couldn't.
That's why I was so relieved when Gerard nodded.
`First,' he started, `I need to know if you really do know anything about the Vampire King.' “Nope” I replied happily gazing at Gerard’s pink lips.
“Okay then babe,” He called the others up. “Sit back and enjoy the show”
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