Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Multicoloured Notebook

All Time Low

by MyFamousLastWords 3 reviews

October 13th.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Mikey Way - Published: 2009-10-13 - Updated: 2009-10-13 - 456 words

Okayyyyy. So, hm, should I like right after this chapter take it off the MCR section and put it in original? I might. But it may seem more personal.
..I mean that's what it's about, right? But still. Probably will.

October 13th 2009.
This will surprise you.
I can't remember. I can't remember my weekend all that much. However, on Saturday my friends and I went down to see our friends and Bob and shit
, it was only about half 9 or quather to 10 at night and we were trying to get home. There was one bus that ah went past, but I was hugging Bob
and I then ran up to get the bus, I stuck my hand out and then proceeded to run after it as it decided to drive away.
Before that when I was hugging Bob I then decided to be all like "I love yoo" in my wee creepy voice I do when saying that.
The most epicly creepy moment was ruined. Fail number 1.
We then sat there and talked and shit about crap and another bus came, I stopped it and asked if it went up said road. It did not. Fail number 2.
My friend and I started to laugh immensly at the fucked up siutation because we needed to get home. It was rather hilarous. We saw some other friends
of ours coming up to get a bus also. We talked and shit and down the street alittle there was these girls and shit drunk, she came up (I thought she was rather hawt looking...
no one else did) and said to our friend "Yous are all hott lads" or something along those lines, he just sorta laughed and shit and so did we.
She said she'll give him a fag if he gives her his number, he proceeded to give out one of his friends number and got a fag. It doesn't sound funny, but my God it was.
ANOTHER bus came, they were getting on it and we decided to too, I asked if it went up said road. It did not. We were fucked again. Fail number 3.
So all four of us were still there and we then got a private taxi home, the taxi driver was so fucking creepy. To not get grounded again like I did the
day before my friend and I walked to her house and stayed, I slept in my clothes, woke up the next day with the same clothes on and went home.
I'm still alive!

And yes, Bob does hate me. Well he said to me "I used to hate you, but now I just dislike you" and then slung his arm around my shoulder.

I'm sorry.

Over and out.
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