Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Princess

The Countdown

by CyanideChild_ 0 reviews

Its a race against time to save Frankies life, and what do the mysterious visons Georgia keeps having mean?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-10-16 - Updated: 2009-10-16 - 877 words - Complete

Chapter Seven: The Coundown
Back at the mall, I was pacing in Frankie’s room, hoping to god, what William had said was all lies….
“Buggering bugger, bugger, bugger, bugger…”
`Talking to yourself is the first sign of madness…'
I looked up and turned to see that Frank has awoken and had his usual grin on his face. It was amazing that he managed to smile despite the fact that he looked like death. If only he'd had the mischievous little glint in his eyes that was hardly ever absent he might just start looking a little healthier.
`How're you feeling?' I asked him, smiling back slightly.
`Like crap,' Frank replied, shutting his eyes tightly for a second as though he was in immense pain. `My head is pounding like crazy, and I feel like a rock.'
`Really?' I asked, slightly amused. `You don't look like one.'
He laughed a little, and I was glad to hear it.
`Oh, and by the way, I wasn't talking to myself.' I held up Berts locket to show Frank. `I was asking for help.'
`Asking for help about what?' Frank asked.
`You, obviously,' I replied. `There's no way that we're going to lose you, Frankie.'
`And you won't,' Frank told me. `I'm gonna be fine, Gee. Honestly. There's nothing wrong with me. It's just a bit of venom. It'll be gone in a few hours.'
`Yes, eighteen to be exact,' I said without thinking. A look of confusion crossed Frank's face, and it hit me. `How much did you hear when we were talking to that vampire? William?'
`Er…not much,' Frank admitted. `I heard the part about the venom, then kind of blacked out…then came back, then blacked out…that happened a few times…and then I just woke up here. Why?'
I couldn't bring myself to say it. I couldn't hurt him like that. He was a fun loving kid, and I didn't want that to change, even if it would only be for a short while. Frank, however had other plans. As soon as he realised that I was holding something back from him I had no chance.
`Gee, what is it?' he asked, giving me his puppy dog eyes - the eyes that nobody, not even myself, was able to resist. `Please tell me…I don't want to be like those people in the movies that never get told anything when they're in a hospital bed.'
I had to laugh a little at the childishness of what he'd said.
`Alright,' I began, `but this might come as a shock to you. But I want you to know that what I'm about to tell you means absolutely nothing at all, because we're going to fix it, alright?' Frank nodded, his eyes questioning. I gave a small sigh before going on. `Frankie, right now that venom flowing through your veins gives you less than eighteen hours left to live. The only way that we can get William to let you live is to find the Vampire King and give myself up, and we're working on it. And even if we don't find it, we're going to save you. I promise.'
Frank didn't say anything. Honestly, I didn't expect him to. It was like a slap in the face being told that you had less than a day left the live. But I was going to stay true to my word, my promise. We were going to save him, no matter what.
`It's OK, Georgie,' Frank said quietly. I stared at him. `Even if you don't make it in time, it's OK…'
`Frankie.' i nudged him a little - his eyes had slipped closed. `Don't talk like that, OK? We're going to save you, even if it's the last thing that we ever do. You'll see.'
`OK, Gee…'
`Just sleep…'
He didn't need telling twice. He was asleep in just a few seconds. I sat down on the end of his bed and sobbed. I cried for my heartless boyfriend, I cried for Bert, Connor, William, Gerard, Mikey, Bob, Ray, and most of all I cried for lil Frankie. My best, closest, new friend Frankie. Poor sweet, crazy Frankie, who’d be gone in a few hours… I looked up to find Gerard watching me. My eyes hardened, and I knew what I was going to do. First I would fight. Then, I would give myself in, if the fighting was futile. It had to be done. I looked at Gerard, who half smiled, and leaned over to kiss me.
“War,” He said, and I lay backwards with Frank, and just slept.
Screaming…people crying out…
That's all I heard before my vision blurred to the point where it went black and I was seeing things that weren't even there. I covered my ears, trying to block out the new sounds that reached it. It seemed inevitable. Things started flashing through my mind…
Battle scenes…screaming as a darkness is pulled away…somebody rolling around on the floor clutching their chest…the ring Gerard gave me…Berts locket….
My Frankie…
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