Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Princess

To Kill A Vampire...

by CyanideChild_ 0 reviews

Frankie has some sort of seizure wduring the night. The guys find out about Georgia's plan to leave, and Georgia and Gerard bond a litle more over learning to kill a vampire.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-10-16 - Updated: 2009-10-16 - 1885 words - Complete

My Frankie… I was surprised that I could make out what all of the images were. It was exactly like the time that I'd woken up after being rescued by Gerard - images flashing through my mind, only this time it had been slower and easier to make out what all of the images were. The image of my Frankie faded slowly, and I found myself lying on the floor.
Mikey was beside me, looking down at me with a sort of panic in his eyes. The room was no longer flooded with light as it had been before but had now gone back to normal. Well…perhaps not entirely normal.
`Gee, are you alright?!' Mikey asked quickly. I sat up, rubbing my head as I nodded. I looked over at Ray and Bob, both kneeling on the floor by Frank who was now on the floor and shaking quite violently.
`He's having some sort of a seizure,' Ray informed me as our eyes met. Bob was holding Frank down gently in the hopes that it would stop. Thinking quickly, I struggles to take control as I once would have been able to.
`Mikey, run and get Gerard,' I ordered him. `Hurry.' Mikey nodded and was out of the room before I even started my next sentence. `Ray, look through the cupboards and see what you can find that might be able to help us. Bob, we're going too try get Frankie back up on the bed, alright? Crap. He eats alot.'
Ray started frantically going through all of the cupboards in the room, pulling out bottles containing substances of all sorts, none of which seemed to be of any help to us. Together Bob and I managed to get Frank back onto the bed just as Mikey returned with Gerard. He was quick to take in the situation and ran straight over to one of the draws in the room.
`Ray, topmost cupboard,' he said quickly. `The little clear bottle.'
Ray obediently grabbed the bottle that Gerard wanted and handed it to him. Gerard nodded in thanks as he pulled out a syringe from the draw he was searching through. Gerard and I visibly winced and Bob gave us a concerned look.
`Don't look at it,' he said softly. `It's not meant for you, and it won't touch you.'
I nodded. Gerard nodded. We already knew that, but we nodded all the same.
`Bob, Georgia - hold him steady,' Gerard instructed us firmly. We did so, holding Frank down so that he shook as little as possible. I watched as Gerard expertly filled the syringe with the clear substance before coming over to us.
`What is that stuff?' I asked as Gerard cautiously pierced Frank's arm with the syringe and injected the fluid into him. The shaking instantly began to subside.
`Holy water,' Gerard replied. `So you might want to be careful around it, because it'll burn your little boyfriend.'
The thought if being burned by a vial of water was kind of unnerving. Even if it was holy water. I mean, seriously - who ever heard of being burned by water? At room temperature, that is. Oh, shut up.
`Is he going to be alright?' Mikey asked, staring at Frank.
`He should be,' Gerard replied. `Just let him rest.' By now Frank had completely stopped shaking. Mikey threw the blankets back over him and turned to the rest of us. `Alright. Any of you care to explain what just happened?'
Ray and Bob both looked at me. Following their example, Gerard did the same. And then it hit me…
`You found out, didn't you?' I asked him quietly. `You found out what I was going to do. You know i was going to leave.'
“Im guessing Frank did to,” Gerard sighed, “Did you touch him at all in your sleep? You might’ve shared dreams?”
I shrugged. “Im not actually sure, I saw alot of things in my dream, I saw Bert, Connor, William, Your ring, My locket, and then Frankie, like dead, and still…” I broke off, my eyes tearing up.
Gerard looked sad. “Okay. We need to do this. Now. Gee - no runnning off, im not done with you yet.”
`Mikey, get everything ready,' He continued quickly. `Potions, weapons, holy water, dead-man's blood - whatever you can get your hands on, because we're going to need it. Bob, Ray - take these three' - he gestured to the dead vampire bodies laying still, in the hall of the mall- `and destroy them. Run over everything in your heads, guys, don't leave anything out, no matter how much you believe that it's just common sense, because every little bit is going to help us right now. And you' - he turned to me - `you come with me. Looks like you're going to need to learn all about vampirism sooner than expected.
`We've got a war to fight.' And so it began. Although I'm sure that it was only a couple of hours at most, Gerard, Bob, Mikey and Ray trained me about everything that they knew as fast and accurately as they could. I assumed that the others were going through similar things to what I was. What exactly was I going through, you ask? Hell.
Gerard was going through everything that I needed to know about vampirism, one step at a time - what to stay away from, what I could use to my advantage, how not to react to cetain situations should they arise. There was so much that I wasn't sure how I was ever going to remember it all, Not to mention the fact that I was more focused at the time on finding William and demanding that he release Frank from whatever it was that had a hold on him.
'Georgia? Georgia!' I snapped back to reality as Gerard called out my name a few times. 'Will you focus already?! This is extremely important!'
'I know, I know,' I said, pushing the fact aside. Gerard sighed.
'Look,' he began sympathetically 'I know that you have other things on your mind right now, but you really do need to focus. Right now it might seem like we dont really care, and all that we do care about is getting rid of the Vampire King, its not true. We're as worried about Frankie as you are. Sure, you might not have known the kid all that long, but he kind of grows on you. We're going to do everything we can to save him, and he will be saved, but if you want to save him then this sort of thing is crucial. William is't going to do down without a fight, nor is he going to release Frankie just like he promised. The word of a vampire means absolutely nothing. The only way we might save him, is if your little boyfriend makes a show.'
I let this entire speech sink in for a while. I knew that he was right, and that I really needed to be paying attention to what he was trying to teach me, but I was finding it kind of hard in our current situation. I sighed.
'Alright,' I said. Let's go again.'
It wasn't ony theroretical stuff that he was teaching me. Soon we bean on more practical training. He taught me to incapitate vampires - sure i couldn't kill them, but they were sure as heck werent staying concious the way i threw my fists around. He showed me all the different sorts of weapons that the others would be using, and what parts of them I needed to be cautious of.
'Cross bow,' he informed me, picking it up so that I could se it properly. 'Not very effective against vampires at all on their own. That's why when we're shooting them at vampires, we make sure that the arrows coated in either one of two things - holy water or dead-man's blood. Holy water will only burn the vampire, or weake them, unless it's used in excessive amounts, so we generally use that one for if we want to bring one of them in for interrogation. Dead-man's blood acts as a poison to them, though. It'll kill them, but it'll do it slowly. A stake to the heart is the only way to do it instantly, so you've got to watch out for those flying around, too.
'You follow me so far?'
'I think so,' I replied slowly.
'It might take a while to get used to everything,' Gerard explained. 'So long as you know all the basics you should be alright.'
'What about the others?' I asked. 'I know that we can't be killed all that easily, but they can.'
'They'll be fine,' Gerard assured me. 'Mikey and Frankie have been doing this for years, and they were never killed. Hell, and they're still kids! If they can do it, then I have no doubts whatsoever that Ray, Bob and you can do the same. Just have a little faith in them, alright?'
'I do,' I told him. 'I just can't help but worry.'
'I know what you mean,' Gerard replied distantly. 'You're the youngest of the group, but you’ve always been a leader...and you feel responsible for us all.'
'I feel the same way about all of the guys, and you,' Gerard said. 'The first time they were coming out on a fight with me, I tried to talk them all into staying here. I was so scared that they were going to get hurt or killed that I wanted to keep them as far away from it all as possible. But in a life like this you soon relise that no matter where you are, or how many people you have protecting you, sometimes the only way to keep safe is to be in on the action.'
I nodded.
Gerard glanced out through one of the windows.
'It's almost nightfall,' he noted. I had no idea how he was able to tell, considering that the sky had been dark ever since Frankie had told William to go to hell. 'It's time.' He turned to face me fully. 'Are you ready for this?'
'Do I really have much choice?' I asked in response. Gerard gave me a small smile of encoragement.
'I think I'm as ready as I'm ever going to be. Time to show these morons exactly what they're dealing with. Nobody messes with my family and gets away with it.'
'That's the spirit. Your new family,' he grinned. 'To you. To me. To us.' He winked 'Now lets see those fangs!'
I showed my teeth. They were long, they were sharp, and they were as ready as I was to get some action. This was it - our big chance. Perhaps our only chance at saving Frank.
'For Frank?' Gerard suggested, as if he'd read my mind once again. I nodded vigourously.
'For Frankie...'
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