Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Princess


by CyanideChild_ 1 review

Sorry Folks. I cried a little myself, but for the sake of the story - he has to go...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-10-16 - Updated: 2009-10-16 - 1940 words - Complete

Chapter Nine: Numb
Gerard and I were taken by surprise, thrown to the ground by a pair of vampires who proceeded to pin us down. From a doorway to our left William and Connor entered the room that we were in. I saw William and Gerard's eyes lock for a moment, each showing as much intense hatred as the other.
'You shouldn't have followed,' William said quietly, ignoring Gerard and turning instead to me. 'But I suppose we can deal with this. You can watch your friend die.' He snapped his fingers. 'Come!'
There was a shuffling sound from the doorway which William had just come from, so Gerard and I turned our heads to stare at it again. What we saw made me freeze on the spot, my blood running cold.
I don't know how he managed to get here, or even what he was doing here in the first place, but there he was. As if in a trance he shuffled his way over to where William was and came to stand beside him.
'Frankie,' I cried, 'what are you doing here?! Run!'
But there came no response. Instead, Frank stood there like a zombie. I couldn't make sense of it, but it was scaring me. William put a firm hand on Frank's shoulder, and the other on the side of his head, pulling him by his hair gently until Frank's neck was exposed.
'No...' Gerard attempted to get up, but his captor held fast. 'Do it, Beckett,and I swear you won't live to see another day.'
'No big deal, then,' William replied. 'I'm doomed to never see the light of day again, anyway.'
These were his famous last words before extending his fangs to their full and plunging them straight down into Frank's neck.
 Frank's eyes snapped shut as he screamed in agony, desperately struggling against William's hold. I made a vain attempt at getting up but was held down by William's follower. Ignoring the fact that I was quite possibly about to get myself killed, I use my teeth and bit down into my captors arm. He hissed and used his free hand to grab my hair and pull my head back, dragging my teeth out and away from his arm.He didn’t seem to enjoy it as much as Bert did. But that didn't really matter. The only part that the bit played in my plan was as a distraction. While he was busy pulling me away from himself, I kicked him off. He was thrown back into the wall before he'd even realised what was going on.

The whole scene gave Gerard a chance to escape as well, as it had attracted the attention of his captor and created a two-in-one distraction. Gerard went along with what I did, throwing his captor back and into the wall before lunging at both of them and proceeding to knock them out cold before they'd even realised exactly what was going on.

William withdrew his fangs from Frank's neck and threw him into the corner of the room. There was a sharp snap. Wincing, I realised that the throw must have broken one of Frank's bones.

'You think you have what it takes to defeat me?' William asked, raising an eyebrow. 'Come on, then. Give it your best shot.'

He didn't have to tell me twice. With these words said, I lunged straight at him, letting my rage take over. Under any other circumstances I wouldn't have allowed my emotions to show, but William had passed the level of my patience and provided me with a reason to. I pinned him to the wall, bringing my face right up to his own. Well, nearly. Considering im about 5'2 and he's six feet. He smirked, only succeeding in making me angrier.

Blood Princess, Georgia Ellouise' he said, rolling my name around on his tongue.'Yes, you're a lot like your lover, you know? He is a stubborn fool, too. Not that it ever caused him any problems. You don’t need that pathetic little boy. Join us now. Make it easier'

'Shut up,' I spat venemously, narrowing my eyes at him dangerously. 'Rule number one - don't mess with my friends. Rule number two - don't talk about my new family like that, especially the members that I care about.'

'Rule number three,' William concluded my little speech, 'don't mess with me.'

He pushed me off, pinning me to the floor. He opened his mouth and extended his fangs once again, and I saw Gerard make to lunge at him. But he didn't seem to need to. A moment later both he and William froze. I looked between the two of them, not entirely sure what was going on. I shivered against the sudden the cold that had come over the room. Then, as I watched them, a smirk crossed over William's face while a horrified look came upon Gerard's. In the disance I heard a clock strike twelve, signalling the arrival of midnight. I'd had no idea that it was getting so late already. The sky being dark all the time now had really thrown off my sense of time a lot.

'It's time,' William said in barely more than a whisper, letting for of me and vanishing on the spot. Gerard stared at the place where he had been standing, his eyes shot with terror.

'Gerard, what is it?' I asked, proping myself back up on my elbows.

'We're in some serious trouble,' he replied seriously, glancing around the room. 'We've got to hurry up and get back to the house. It's the one place that we have where the vampires can't get in. The Vampire King is almost ready...and when he is, he's going to come after you.'

'O...K...' I raised an eyebrow. 'I'm just going to pretend that I know exactly how you knew all of that and just move on.' I turned and went over to where Frank was, taking his arm and rolling him over gently. He hissed in pain, groaning lightly. 'Sorry...'

'Georgie...' he moaned. 'Owwie...'

He coughed, and I was horrified to find that there was a fair amount of blood in his mouth. Gerard knelt down beside him and gently pressed down around his ribs. Frank cried out in agony once again, coughing and spluttering against the blood that was in his mouth.

'This isn't good,' Gerard told me. 'He has a few broken ribs, and by the looks of it probably a punctured lung, too.'

'So let's get him back to your place so that we can fix him up,' I said quickly. It seemed obvious to me, though Gerard seemed rather hesitant. There was something that he wasn't saying. 'Gerard, what is it?! This is hardly the time for secrets and withheld information!'

'It's t-too late, Georgie,' Frank mumbled softly, wincing as he spoke. 'Y-You've g-g-gotta go...'

'I'm not leaving you, Frankie,' I stated firmly, taking his hand. 'You're going to be alright. You'll see...'

'Gee...' Frank looked up at me. 'I'm not OK. I promise...'

I stared at him, and he looked back at me. There was a faint look in his eyes that I'd never seen before. It scared me. I wished that it would just leave. But the only thing that was leaving was the bright spark in Frank's eyes. The spark that had always been able to cheer me up, even during the darkest of times. Frank was the bright side of everything that I knew. But now reality was hitting home, and I realised exactly what was really going on.

Frank was dying...right there in front of me...and there wasn't a single damn thing that I was able to do about it.

'Frankie, please,' I whispered. I could feel the tears welling in my eyes and begged them not to fall. 'Please don't leave like this...'

'I'm s-sorry, Georgia,' he said softly, his eyes slipping shut once again. 'Tell t-t-he others that I-I said goodbye, OK?'

I couldn't hold them back any longer. Before I even realised that I was crying, I could feel the tears silently sliding down my face. They say that a parents' worst nightmare is losing their child. Well, I'd say that this was pretty close to being that. I hated myself for just sitting there, watching him die. Why wasn't I moving? Why wasn't I doing something to help him? Why was I being such a fool, sitting there, not even saying anything?!

Dammit, Georgia do something!

I hugged him gently, avoiding his ribs as much as I possibly could. It was the least that I could do. Gerard bowed his head and stood, leaving his tears to take over.We both couldn’t speak. Indeed, the last moments that Frank would ever have on the face of the earth. I couldn't believe that this was happening. I just couldn't grasp it.

'I promised you, Frankie...' I sniffled, wiping the tears away quickly. 'I promised you that we weren't going to let you die...'

'You t-t-tried, Georgia...' Frank breathed. 'There wasn't a-anything else you could d-d-do...'

He hugged me back as tightly as he could, wincing with the effort but not letting go. His hands gripped the back of my shirt, not wanting to let go at all. It reminded me of a time seeming years ago when he’d promised that he wouldn’t let the vampire get me. All that the memory did was bring more tears to my eyes.

'Don't you worry, Frankie,' I growled through the tears. 'We're going to get the monster that did this to you. We're going to get William Beckett even if it's the last thing that we ever do. He'll know never again to mess with us...'

Frank smiled slightly at these words, his eyes still shut.

'You t-ell him...' His voice was growing softer by the second, fading with every word. There wasn't long now, and I knew it. But I just couldn't bring myself to say that one word that would make it final, absolute. So, of course, Frank beat me to it.

'Goodbye, Georgia...and Gerard' His lips were barely moving by now. 'Thanks for the m-memories...I'll n-n-never forget y-you guys...'

'Goodbye, Frankie,' I whispered, barely able to see through the tears now. 'We'll never forget you either, no matter what happens. We'll always be thinking of you...'

His grip on my shirt loosened considerable and I felt his arms slip. I lowered him gently back to the ground from his position, trying to disturb him as little as possible. The tears were falling freely now. I looked at Frank with my new dead eyes. He was laying there, innocently, and beautifuly, his eyes closed as if sleeping. I wiped dirt and blood of one side of his face, and he looked perfect. We could hear William's echoing laughter through the tunnels. I felt nothing but numb, and i wished for anything to know i was alive. Picking up a gagged rick i slashed across my arm. Feeling the pain, and seeing the blood, i grimly smiled. Locking eyes with Gerard, we kissed over the body of our fallen friend. Of Frankie...[//]

'You're dead, William Beckett,' Gerard and I hissed into the night. 'Dead!'
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