Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Princess


by CyanideChild_ 1 review

georgia wakes up in Berts Castle BlackRose, and he gives he two rather big surprises...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-10-17 - Updated: 2009-10-17 - 974 words - Complete

Chapter Ten: Oh My Fuck...Uprising
I woke in a lavishly decorated room, in a four poster bed, with red curtains, and gold furnishings. It was the grandest thing i'd ever seen in my life. Bert was laying on his stomach next to me, gazing at me with adoration. I looked down at myself in wonder. I wasnt like before... I wasnt dirt covered, cut, and dirty. i was clean, and gleaming, and perfect. i was even wearing a black dress, trimmed with crimson.
'Fuckkkkk...' Were my first words, to the little shit who'd gotten me into so much trouble, I turned towards him, to hit him to kill him to hurt him - and was met by a pair of soft inviting lips. I unwillingly yeilded, and my anger turned out to be an unhealty make out session on the bed.
'Aww. Getting over the grief quite well then?' Connor replied from the corner of the room. I came to my sense rather aruptly.
'Gahhhh!' I cried leaping away from Bert, and smacking him in the jaw. I grabbed the closest thing i could, and wacked him with it. It just happened to be a pillow. God dammit.
'Baby!' Bert cried, ignoring my left hook. He gathered me in his arms, and kissined me again, little butterfly kisses, the softest kind, all over my face, and chest. I pushed him away, and he let me be. Glaring at the world in general, I went to he window, and gasped.
Outside, was beautiful. I could'nt believe my eyes. Gardens, of black roses, beautiful pale faced women, walking alone - or arm in arm with equally beautiful men. Dressed up to the nines, in gorgeous dresses, shoes, necklaces, rings...
I looked down at the ring Gerard had given me. Playing around with it in my fingers, i noticed something i hadnt seen before... To Gerard. Think Happy Thoughts. Who was Elena? Why had he given me a ring that had been given to him, by another girl?! My eyes stung with angry tears of betrayal. Men. I might as well become a lesbian. Remembering my audience, i turned around, determined to be aloof and cold. It was kinda' hard seeing as Bert was giving me the puppy dog eyes, and Connor, a sarcastic half smile.
'Baby!' Bert giggled again, danicng over to me, and sweeping me around the room in his arms. 'Im sooo glad your here! Whaddya wanna do first? i mean, i've got so, much to show you! I've already got you TWO whole presents!' He dumped me on the bed, where i drew my arms up to my chest, eyes still watering slightly. Bert stoppped dancing. He became the cool, smooth vampire again.
'Is there a problem?' He asked me, a hint of ice in his voice. Connor shrieked with laughter, and grinned at me.
'Well, yes there is. I happen, to be god knows where, wearing god knows what, in your fucking bedroom and i -' I was cut off. Bert had thrown me against the wall, and held me there by my throat. I gasped, and choked, kicking my legs in the air. Bert looked me deep in the eyes. Those hypnotic eyes. They were a brilliant blue today, but they could change at any moment.
'I asked you, baby, if there was a problem.' i glared at him, not being able to speak, as he was bloody suffocating me. He let go of my neck, and i slid, not-so-gracefully down to the floor. Bert looked as if his little out burst had settle him, and Connor was still in fits. I hate him. Like a lot. Gah.
'So baby.' Bert continued as if nothing had happened, 'Is there anything i can do for you? Any particluar thing?'
'Well, sweetheart,' i smiled, settling on the bed once more, 'I'd like it if you and William could jump the fuck off a cliff. And die, hopefully,' Bert laughed at me.
'I cant die, im a vampire king! And im almost at full power baby!' He flexed his biceps. And i rolled my eyes.
'Come the fuck off it Bert! How can you expect me to be nice to you? You tore me away from the only people i know, who genuinly care for me, the only people i care for, my family! You KILLED Frankie!!! How COULD YOU?!' I was yelling by the end. Gone was my cool composure, i was in pieces, and i couldnt do a thing about it. Bert wrapped his arms around me, and god fucking help me i let him. I was crying my eyes out, and i hurt all over. Not physical pain - just pain of my heart. Gerard....who was Elena? Frank...Why Frankie? And... Bob...And Ray...And...
'Where the FUCK is Mikey?!' I sat bolt upright, looking around the room franticly, as though he was standing therre, in a dress of his own.. Oh. Well, i didnt want that thought in my head....
Connor exploded into fits of laughter agian. Man, that guys pisses me off...
I threw the closest thing i could at him. A vase, full of black roses. Haaaa.
'Why is it, Bert gets a pillow and i get a fucking vase?' he asked with venom, after getting up from where i'd concussed him (hopefully) with a great shot to the head.
'Because... I, uhmm,' Actually that was a very good question, and Bert seemed bizzarely pleased mith my hesitation. Bert clapped twice and the door opened.
And in, laughing and poking each other.
A very vampiric looking,
Mikey....and Frank....

Arghhhhh! Whaddo I Do Now? I Got some ideas...But they suckk....
oeer help anyone?
oxox Gee
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