Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Told Me This Gets Harder


by Lauren-xo 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2009-10-20 - Updated: 2009-10-20 - 1963 words - Complete

It's the morning after we played at the club. It was a good night. The crowd was amazing. It's nice to have a small crowd once in a while.
I woke up next to Lyn-z, in our bed, in the basement of the house. It felt good. I then went upstairs to make me some coffee, but Frank was there, and by the look on his face, he wanted to talk to me.
"Gerard. We need to talk."
I nodded for him to continue.
"Right. Do you know what you're gonna do?"
"About what?"
"Lauren." Shit I forgot he knew.
", I don't know, yet. But I will think of something soon."
"Yeah, well you better. You can't stay with someone you don't love Gerard."
"What makes you think I don't love Lyn-z?"
"Gerard! You can't be in love with two people. can...but, Lauren, you love Lauren. You've loved her since the day you met her. At school, six years ago. Where as Lyn-z, she was a bit of fun to start with. You kissed her at a club by accident, you didn't mean for it to happen. Then you lost control, you wanted more. You felt bad but you couldn't stop it. Then once Lauren left you and New Jersey, you felt more guilty, then that's when you said you loved Lyn-z, but you know what? I don't think you really REALLY love her, like you do Lauren."
What Frank said made me think. He was right. Why was he always right? I do love Lyn-z, but not in the same way as I do Lauren. I don't know what it is, but, it is different.
"You're right Frank. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I do love Lyn-z, but I can't get Lauren out of my head. I will always love her. I don't know what to do Frank please help me." I was beginning to sound desperate.
"Of course I will Gerard, you're one of my best friends, I'll do anything for you. We won't decide anything now. But you have to decide this. Do you want to end your marriage for someone who may not love you in the -- oh hey Lauren, what you doing up?"
"Hey, I was awake, so there was no point me staying put."
"You shouldn't sneak up on us like that young lady. Did you hear anything, about our conversation?"
"No. I just got up. Why is there something you're not telling me Frank?"
I wasn't looking at him, but I knew he shook his head.
"Gerard?" I shook my head slowly.
I needed to sit down. But I couldn't move. My eyes were glued to Lauren. She was wearing a very thin black vest top and very short black shorts. Oh and her hair was very messy which was a big turn on for me.
"I should hope not." She laughed and went to make some coffee.
My eyes followed her, but then Frank somehow caught my attention.
"Dude, stop it." He whispered.
"I can't" I whispered back.
He shook his head and sighed.

Lauren P.O.V
"Hey do any you guys want some coffee?" Frank and Gerard both said yes. It was weird, Gerard was being weird. I don't know why, but I'm guessing Frank knows, so I'm gonna ask him.
"Frank, can I talk to you, please?"
"Yeah, sure."
We went into the living room and closed the door.
"Frank, do you think Gerard is acting...different?"
"Erm...not that I have noticed. Why have you?"
"Yeah. And I know you know Frank. But I can see you're not gonna tell me."
"Okay...why do you care if he's acting weird?" He asked with a smirk on his face.
"I don't."
Frank nodded "Yeah, you do. You still love him don't you?"
I gasped "No, I do not!"
Frank started to laugh "Yeah you do, don't worry I won't tell anyone."
"Please don't Frank, I'll never forgive you if you do!"
"You don't deny things for very long do ya?"
I glared at him. "Shut up. Oh and Alicia and Jamia know. Oh so does Lyn-z."
"How come Lyn-z knows?"
"Erm, me and the girls were talking in the bathroom last night, and we didn't know she was in there."
Frank nodded understanding.
"So what are you gonna do?"
"I don't know Frank. I really don't. I really wanna be with him. I do. I love him so so much. Even after everything he's done --"
"You mean, cheating on you, being mean to you for no reason, hitting you when arguing and the most important one, almost killing you?"
"How did you know about that?"
"Woh, Lauren, calm down, I'm not gonna tell anyone. Gerard didn't mean to tell me --"
"Why would Gerard say it anyway?"
He hesitated for a second before replying. "I think he was feeling stressed and now he's happy that you two are friends again...I guess he needed to talk to someone...about what's been going...on."
I knew he wasn't telling the truth, but I let it go, for now anyway.
"Okay, whatever." And we went back to sit with Gerard and had coffee.

Gerard P.O.V
Lauren and Frank went to go and talk. I don't know what about, but I'll ask Frank later.
When they came back, Lauren got some more coffee. I can't help but think that coffee is the only thing we drink. I laughed silently to myself.
A few moments later, Lyn-z woke up and came out from the basement. She had a smile on her face. I smiled back. But it was fake. After seeing Lauren, I knew that I no longer had feelings for my wife. I hugged her anyway. And kissed her.
"Hey sexy." She said.
"Morning beautiful." I was a pretty good actor, but only Frank could see through my act.
Lyn-z let go of me and turned to face Lauren. Her smile faded. She was glaring at her. I don't know why. She stood there with her arms folded across her chest. Lauren did the same excpet her hands were on her hips.
I was really confused. I had no idea what was going on at all.
Lyn-z then held onto me, never wanting to let go.
After a couple months, did Lyn-z feel that Lauren was a threat?
No of course not. Me and Lauren have never been more over.
Lauren rolled her eyes. "I'm going to wake Helena and James."
"Okay." I said. I now loved them two kids. It feels like I've been with them all their lives. If anything happened to them, I don't know what I would do.
There was an awkward silence - until Frank broke it.
"So...Gerard, are you going to do that thing, pretty soon, maybe today?" I glared at him. How dare he mention that when Lyn-z was here. He glared back.
"What thing, Gerard?" Asked Lyn-z, obviously curious.
"Yeah Gerard, what thing?" Frank asked.
"Well, erm...I gotta...sort out our next tour dates." I finally got out. It was sort of true. I did have to sort out tour dates, but it didn't need doing for at least a month.
"Oh, okay, cool." She said and walked off to the bathroom.
I sighed. "Dude, I will do it when I'm ready. Just let me do it in my own time."
Frank shook his head. "You can't keep putting off Gerard. She needs to know how you feel about her."
"Who, Lauren or Lyn-z?"
"Well, I was talking about Lyn-z, but now you mention it, both need to know."
Why was he always right? I hated it. He was the youngest out of our band, but it seems that he's been the most mature since he got married.
I went upstairs to see Lauren. No I wasn't going to tell her yet, I just wanted to see my kids.
I knocked on her bedroom door and walked in.
"Hey Lauren."
"Hey Gerard." She said very happily.
"You okay?"
"I am now. You?"
"Erm..yeah, I am." I was about to ask Lauren what she meant by that she is now, but James cut me off.
"DADDY!" He ran to me and I bent down to hug him.
"Hey little man, how you doing?" I laughed.
"Fine thank you. How are you doing?"
"Fine also, thanks."
I looked at Lauren, who had tears running down her faces.
"Hey, James, can you and Helena go outside for a minute while I talk to mommy?"
He nodded and grabbed Helena's hand. James also closed the door on the way out.
"Hey, Lauren, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I placed my hand ontop of hers.
"Oh it's just me being silly. I'm fine Gerard, really."
I moved in closer and held onto her tight.
"You know what? I don't believe you. And I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong."
She cried a little more but wiping away the tears. "Well, I guess I'm crying because, I never thought you would ever bond with Helena and James after what I did to you --"
"Hang on, you had every right to keep it away from me."
"Yeah, but I kept it from you after they were born. And you've missed five years of their life, and you seem to be really good at this father thing. I never thought that would happen...I am just so happy that it did." She was crying so hard into my t-shirt. I held onto her more tighter than I was already. I ran my fingers through her hair and was rocking her back and forth.
"Ssh. It's okay. I would be just the same. Don't cry, I hate seeing you cry. It breaks my heart." I was also now close to tears. It was breaking my heart seeing her cry all the time.
Lauren looked up at me. She had stopped crying, but she left the tears on her cheeks. "Why does it break your heart, seeing me cry?"
"I am cause of all of this. Hurting you is the last thing I would ever want to do Lauren."
Lauren just stared into my eyes as I stared back. I put my hand to her face and wiped the tears. After they were gone, I kept my hand on her cheek.
Still staring into each other's eyes, we leaned in closer. Our faces inches away. Our lips almost meeting. After six years, I was going to kiss Lauren again.
Just as we were about to lock lips, the door opened. Me and Lauren broke away from each other and saw Lyn-z standing there.
"Hey there you are sweetie, I've been looking for you." She sat down on the floor with me and Lauren, and held onto me, tight. What was wrong with her today?
Lauren looked at me before standing up and leaving the bedroom.
I was so close to her. And my wife had to ruin it.

Lauren P.O.V
I left the room. Leaving Gerard and Lyn-z to enjoy their moment together.
As I was walking downstairs, I thought about what just almost happened.
Me and Gerard nearly kissed. After six years, we had been close to each other.
I really wanted that kiss to happen, but she ruined the moment.
Just remembering his hand on my cheek, wiping my tears away, made me melt inside. I then leaned in for a kiss. But he did as well. He didn't back away did he? Gerard wanted the kiss as much as I did.
Then it got me thinking. If Gerard wanted the kiss to happen, does that mean he still has feelings for me?
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